* My Seven Beauties *

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* the woman was deemed exotic by everyone she met. even a quick glance at the h/c haired woman with two large horns a top their head, anyone could tell they were a little outlandish.

her sense of fashion {or lack thereof} made her attract all kinds of attention. their overzealous strive to express herself was one that did not go unnoticed. gold, jadeite, ruby, and diamonds were always displayed on her body in some way. whether they were wearing all four or just one, she made sure to make a statement nonetheless.

as they stood on a stage with hundreds of people starring at her, she smiled. half lidded eyes surfed over the crowd, a glass of dark red wine in their hand as they spoke, "thank you for coming each and every one of you." she said, her steady tone of voice would lead anyone to think they hadn't just finished doing a certain something with a certain someone.

"before i reveal the collection, i would like to praise each model who worked with me to finish it. so please, a round of applause for the seven beauties of 'golden lust.'" her strong voice ended as a loud applause began.

hanging across the stage were seven covered framed photos, all taken and designed by y/n herself. their favorite was the one in the middle, the one that was hung higher up than the others and the one that happened to be directly above her. as the applause died down, formally dressed nobody's came on stage and grabbed the large cloths covering the seven large pictures.

on the count of three the photos were revealed and the crowd gasped.

the first photo was the most tame. a man with black slicked back hair in a white room that looked to be an office. he was sitting casually in a chair, a charming and sadistic smirk on his face as one hand loosely held a gold wine glass. he was dressed in a tight fitted suit that made him look all kinds of seductive. the picture was overall, black, white, and gold.

the next was simply a close up of a woman's face, her eyes were covered by a gold colored silk bandana. her pale skin and blonde hair popping out from the black backdrop. white or silver jewelry decorated her seemingly naked upper body.

the next was a guy with light brown skin and dark brown hair, a light and golden colored button up short sleeved shirt dressing his upper body. black tight boxers clung to his waist and upper thigh as he layed out on a white floor. a submissive but charismatic smile on his lips, his dark eyes held a mischievous glint.

the next was y/n's favorite. a naked woman's body in a white room. one of her feet were in a black heel as the other was flat on the ground. her arms were above her head, both her hands locked in gold chains.

the next picture was of a naked man tied to a white chair in a dark room. the gold ribbon that wrapped around his cloth less body was tied into a nice bow on the chair.

then, a close up of a guy with wet and wild dirty blonde hair. he had blue eyes that looked as playful as someone could be. his tongue hanging out of his mouth displaying a gold piercing. his ears were also littered with golden jewelry, that could thankfully be seen against the white background. along with his tongue, was drool and some other bodily fluid.

the last picture was of a half naked woman crawling towards the camera, she was dressed in white and gold clothes and the scene around her was black.

all the pictures were taken with such skill and attention to detail that absolutely nobody could say they weren't beautiful. the crowd was speechless as they viewed the photographs. but eventually, someone started clapping and soon the whole room was filled with happy chatter and applause for y/n.

when she had gotten off the stage to socialize, a couple people came over and asked for the starting prices. y/n smiled wickedly and told them to wait for the auction.

soon enough, they had waved off the crowd and promptly told them, "go get drunk or something, i have someone to talk to privately." they all scattered and y/n happily bounced over to her one and only.

the object of her affection {as some say} or better known as her lover, was sitting calmly away from the masses. she was scrolling on her phone until she was bombarded with a kiss on the cheek.

"hello lovely! you come around here often?" y/n cheerfully asked her fiancé, jirou kyouka.

jirou smiled fondly at the other who was now carelessly sitting on the table. "this is a pretty sweet event." the purple haired woman commented, completely ignoring her lover's question.

y/n groaned loudly causing jirou to chuckle. "i wanted a place closer to home but sunny said this place would complement my pieces better." y/n sadly informed jirou.

"and why exactly did you want it closer to our house?" jirou asked, though she was pretty sure why her excitable {to say the least} lover wanted closer access to their home.

"so if i get really in the mood we can leave and get started quicker." y/n said, confusing a woman who was passing by.

jirou just chuckled and told her soon to be spouse that she would be a little less loud when talking about that kind of thing. "i'm sure you know better than anyone that i don't really care what people think." y/n said, scooting closer to jirou.

placing a quick kiss on her lips, y/n slid off the table and walked away, ready to start auctioning off their pieces, "are you gonna keep your favorite this time?" jirou called out to her lover.

y/n twirled on her heels despite her shoe choice, the small gold heels digging into her feet. "do you mind if i do?" they asked back, pointing two fingers over to the large picture that was still hanging at the highest point in the large ornate room.

jirou looked at the picture and nodded, she didn't mind that there would be a photo of a naked and beautiful woman hung up somewhere in their penthouse.

y/n cheered, her happy expression making jirou feel all flustered and happy inside.

as y/n walked away to watch the auction and get the picture named, "golden chains" delivered to their shared home, jirou looked up and admired the ceiling of the large room.

there were large round columns covered in gold leaf spread out on the walls that reached all the way up near the ceiling. the columns were connected by arches that spread across the room width wise. the actual ceiling was breathtaking, it amazed jirou that y/n would have passed up this place just so they could get home and have sex quicker. *

a/n: hi yes, it's me. this story was started when i got a rush of inspiration so it might be a little choppy due to my rush to finish it.

i plan for this to be a 20 {twenty} chapter book that will have some explicit, or close to it, content throughout. there will also be some strong language like the metion of sex and cursing. this will also be set in the future {class 1-A has graduated and it's been a few years}.

also the no capital letters is for the aesthetic~~

*i love you*

exotic lust * jirou k. ✔Where stories live. Discover now