* ouch *

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*"do you know what it feels like to have a heart attack?" the question made jirou pause. she turned around and looked at her lover with... an expression full of all kinds of emotion.

"did you.. have one?" she asked and y/n shook her head. jirou sighed and walked over to y/n, pecking the other on their forehead, "stay alive till i get home, okay?" jirou said, ruffling her soon to be spouse's hair then leaving.

"what does a heart attack feel like?" y/n asked herself. no, she did not have one but her mother recently did. y/n wanted to know the pain her mother had to go through mostly because when their mother explained it y/n felt quite inspired.

she sighed and snatched her phone out to call her mother, "mother?" she asked when the phone quit vibrating.

"why hello sweets, are you finally calling to give me information about the wedding? or did you decide to call it off? you better not have because i have two million riding on your commitment." her mother had a bit of a gambling habit and it showed throughout her lifetime.

actually the only reason y/n's mother got pregnant with her in the first place was because she lost a bet.

"i wanted to hear you explain how you felt during your heart attack, actually." y/n said, getting a quite scoff from someone with their mother and a chuckle from the woman herself.

"you know i'm not good with words, sweets." the woman said, getting a sigh from her child.

"but you're better at writing than verbally explaining, so please text me about it soon, yeah? it gave me some inspiration and i can't remember what i was thinking." y/n said, their mother hummed and bid her goodbye, the sound of another woman in the back calling out a goodbye also coming through.

next y/n sat for a minute, newly bored she quickly started to think of something to do.

it felt like forever since she'd done something special for jirou, so, seeing an opportunity, they took it.

the wedding is only a week and a few days away. everything has been planned, the clothes are ready and the guests are all invited. anything that could possibly be added has already been considered by the soon-to-be's.

so, as a little party before their lives get anymore fast paced and stressful, y/n decided to invite over some of jirou's closest friends for dinner.

"she's gonna love this." y/n sighed out, a pleased smile on her face as sunny answered her call. "hey!"

"what is it?" sunny asked, already exhausted with her bosses tone.

"i wanna plan a little get together for jirou tonight. it's been a while since she's had tell with her friends outside of work so i want them to come over for dinner." y/n said, she knew for sure that their assistant was taking notes as she spoke.

"what do you want the food to be focused around?" sunny asked, her ear and shoulder holding her phone as she was jotting notes.

"that's the thing! i wanna invite over her parents and see if they could teach me how to make unagi." this was what made sunny stop, she sighed and glared at nothing.

"i don't remember the last time you were in a kitchen without something bad happening." sunny said, absolutely deadpan.

"kyotoku and mika will be there! i'm sure nothing bad will happen with them helping." y/n tried to sway sunny, though the girl was already reaching out and contacting the friends of the couple.

"kirishima, bakugo, kaminari, mina, and momo are all available as of now. i'll contact the others as soon as possible-"

"and i'll invite over ky's parents! thank you so much sunny, I promise i won't bother you tomorrow at all! consider it a paid day off, yeah?" y/n happily rushed, talking over the other who was trying to get a word in about her having some meeting tomorrow that she would need to be there for. "love you, sunny! thank you so much."

and just like that the call was over, y/n scrolling through her contacts and calling up mika, her lovers mother.

"hello, y/n?" mika said, a smile spreading on her lips as she heard the younger girls voice.

"hello, ma'am! i'm trying to throw together a dinner party for jirou and i know she'd love you have you and kyotoku there." the sound of mika giggling softly before calling over here husband was all y/n needed to know the parents were in.

"of course, thank you for this. i'm sure ky will love this." the rest of the time they were on call, y/n was explaining who would be there, and what kind of food she was hoping to serve. "we'd be happy to come by early, we'll head down to the store to get some fresh eal before we come over, alright?"

"that sounds perfect, ma'am! ky is gonna love this, thank you." and as of that moment everything was ready, sixteen of the nineteen other students have agreed to come over, happy to get time together with their old classmates.

mika and kyotoku were the first to show up, sunny followed in after them saying she wanted to clean before more guests showed up.

the parents were more than happy to show y/n how they cooked one of their daughters favorite meal. they also found y/n entertaining to watch in the kitchen, her eyes focused and posture slightly hunched.

they kept sharing looks, amused by their future in-law.

sunny welcomed people as they arrived, a short list of names that were crossed off as everyone arrived. "we should surprise her when she gets here!" kaminari suggested, both jirou parents shared a worried look knowing their daughter absolutely despises surprises.

"kami, ky doesn't like surprises." y/n said, entering the living room where everyone was sitting and chatting awaiting their friend.

"remember when you surprised her with a new guitar case and she almost cut you with a box cutter?" kirishima asked, getting a couple laughs from the group.

"i texted her saying we're having some friends over for dinner but that's about it. as long as she knows something is going on we should all get out of this in one piece." y/n said, smirking as the sound of the front door opened, "hopefully at least."*

a/n:i feel like this has no purpose but honestly

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