* don't judge *

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*"going outside with y/n is always a trip. it'll sometimes end with pockets full of random little things while other times it's a bag or two from an unplanned stop at some corner store.

long story short, jirou loves going out with her partner.

"love, i'm ready when you are!" jirou called, the sound of y/n jogging and almost slipping made her smile. her lover rounded the corner, a big grin on her face as she rushed over to her girlfriends side.

"baby, can we please stop by that flower shop before we head to kiri's? we could get him some yellow roses, they mean happiness and friendship! oh, and he likes daffodils and i know they mean chivalry, if they have gladiolus flowers that match the color scheme we can get some of those too. they're supposed to represent the strength of someone's character which suits him pretty well. i think that whole bouquet will match him actually." they rambled on and on about the flowers, jirou listening as she went on about the different meanings.

she eventually shuts y/n up with a kiss to their forehead, making them look their girlfriend in the eyes. "was that too much?" she asked, knowing sometimes her ramblings were too much for jirou on a stressful day.

the dark haired girl just smiled and shook her head, "you're perfect, dear." the words made y/n swoon, knees going weak as her cheek was kissed by jirou.

"let's get going now, yeah? the flower shop is within walking distance if you don't wanna call a driver." jirou offered up, getting a pleased smile from her partner.

"whatever you think is best." she said, hand moving to interlace with jirou's, "you're better at making these calls."

"you're right, i am the best aren't i?" she joked, y/n rolling their eyes.

"next to me you're not." they joked back, getting an offended gasp from their partner.

"rude." she said, hand squeezing y/n's.

"sorry, love. it just slipped past my huge ego." y/n said, jirou laughing and shaking her head.

it was moments like this that y/n couldn't wait for. moments like this that would happen to them daily after their marriage was official.

of course they didn't need to get married to know they love each other, but just the knowledge of being legally tied to someone you would do anything for is what makes it special. knowing that it's legally correct calling jirou their wife is something y/n can't wait to do.

"kiri said he had the food covered so we don't need to bring anything other than smiles." jirou said, reading the text the male sent.

"he's a sweetheart." y/n said, swinging their connected hands back and forth as they walked.

"more like a meathead." jirou said, showing y/n her phone that had a picture of said boy flexing next to a gallon of protein powder.

"a himbo." y/n said, "he's the king of himbo's." they continued, getting some chuckles out of their lover.

the two were in their own world as they went about their little side quest for flowers. passing by people on the street that gawked and waved, of course they both smiled and waved back, but only to the nice people that did so before taking a picture.

"i never understood why people think it's ok to just take pictures of celebrities without them knowing. like, at least get their attention before snapping a picture of them getting flip-flops at a dollar store." y/n mumbled, scoffing when someone cat called the two.

"fucking dunce!" someone else shouted, flipping of the guy who had cat called them.

"the cool people out weigh them though, i rather have a mix of good and bad rather than nobody." jirou said, getting a shrug of agreement from y/n.

their conversations continued as they went through the flower shop, thanking the cashier as they left with a bouquet.

"he's gonna love these." jirou said, peering over at the flowers y/n was holding. "i bet you he'll use the vase you got him for his birthday last year."

"he did really like it, everytime we go over he has it set out with flowers in it." y/n said, getting jirou to hum.

"fake right?"

"yeah, he said before that real flowers are given as gifts because they show the true beauty of friendship by dying." y/n answered, jirou huffed and muttered something along the lines of, 'that's ruff.'

"he's been working with tokoyami a lot, brought out his middle school emo kid." they said, getting jirou to laugh just as they arrived to the house.

walking in, they moved quietly, y/n snuck up behind bakugo and scared him almost getting punched in the process. kirishima laughed, welcoming the couple as bakugo did so as well after pushing y/n around like a fucking ball.

"you've gotten easier to push." he said, shoving y/n's shoulder.

"i have been trying to channel my inner plastic." she said, looking at bakugo directly, "i was hoping you could give me some pointers since you're so good with plastic." they gestured up to their face and smirked, "you know, because of the surgeries."

"i'm kicking you out." bakugo said, grabbing her by the collar of her shirt and dragging her away and to the door.

kiri and jirou watched, kirishima was setting the flowers in his vase while jirou stood by holding his protein shake. "their gonna kill each other some day." kirishima chuckled, getting jirou to agree.

"and we'll be watching." she added in.

"and laughing." he said, sipping his drink before jumping at the sound of kaminari screaming. "that fucking siren sounding pain in the ass." he cursed under his breath, jirou not being able to hold back her laughter at the nickname.



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