* the big day *

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*time was flying by. it was nearly the day the two soon-to-be jirou's have been dreaming of for years now. ever since they started dating, back around a week before jirou graduated from high school and a week before y/n dropped out of high school.

but anyways, everything was set. the colors, clothes, venue, even golden boy had been taught to walk down the aisle and let the two small baskets sit on either side of him as petals fell from them. mika was more than happy with the playlist she and jirou had made, and kyotoku and his band had learned and practiced what they would be playing live at the wedding and reception.

currently though, both lovers sat together on their bed with their boy laying across them. they sat in silence, both writing every now and then before erasing what they'd written.

"are you almost done?" jirou asked, getting a distressed groan from y/n.

"no," she dragged out, frowning as she pet golden boy.

the two had been trying to write their vows for an hour now. in all honesty, it didn't sound too hard, just write what you're feeling and for two artist you'd think it be even easier.

"i don't know what to write." y/n complained.

jirou shrugged, frowning and turning to y/n, "maybe we should just do it in the moment. i think i'm just over thinking mine." she said, watching as y/n turned to her.

"if we do that i'm gonna embarrass you so bad." they said, getting jirou to chuckle.

"i mean, our honeymoon is right after the reception. i'll just refuse to sleep with you." she said, smirking as y/n's eyes went wide as she whined.

"you can't, my sex appeal is too much for you to ignore and you know that!" she said, pulling their lover in by her arm, "you can't resist me."

jirou immediately regretted what she stared, face pink as she giggled shyly, "yeah yeah, whatever. i'll stop you if i think you're gonna say anything stupid."

"nah, i'm sure you'd probably freeze up." y/n shrugged with a lazy smirk, "that's what you do in front of crowds when you're nervous."

"don't remind me." jirou said, shoving y/n's shoulder before scooting down further into the bed.

"it's almost time." y/n whispered, watching her lovers face relax as she lulled off.

"i can't wait to marry you, love." jirou said, turning and snuggling into y/n's side.

"and i can't wait to call you my wife." they said, eyes closing as they wrapped their self around jirou.

so just like that the night ended, and before either of them knew it the day had come.

starting with getting ready, everyone around the wedding seemed to be swimming in excitement. the building was buzzing, everyone everywhere as the couple got ready to walk.

it all happened like flashes of a camera, it was like an outer body experience. y/n remembers standing holding jirou's hands, holding them self back from pecking her lips. they tuned out what everyone was saying, the music and the person officiating the wedding, only looking at each other.

but once that ture first kiss, that kiss where they both finally belong to each other, their first kiss as legal partners, they both recall watching from the crowd as they kiss. they both remember the flash of the camera around them as everyone stood and applaud, cheering and whistling coming from around them as they stood in the middle of it all holding each other.

looking back though the pictures, they still can't believe it actually happened. cuddling up to each other and looking through the pictures is how they spent their first night alone for their honeymoon.

it was great, and kyouka wouldn't change her lover for the world.


i know this is super short but i didn't want to over do it and not like it, this is honestly what i wanted for the last chapter, short, sweet, and very cute.

i hope you all enjoyed, writing this was a struggle at some points but i'm happy i pulled through.

have a great night, don't change for anyone.


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