* diamond lingerie *

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* "i wish to wear nothing but diamonds and pearls." was all y/n said as she entered the penthouse, leaving nothing but questions running in jirou's mind.

y/n was currently rocking an outfit that screamed vintage. old worn out converse that matched her baggy football jersey jacket. "i know, i know. diamonds take forever to ship in but it'll be worth it!" jirou saw the phone in y/n's hand and only guessed sunny was on the other line.

"sometimes i forget how unique y/n is." momo, one of jirou's closes friends, commented, a small smile on her lips.

"if she was a hero, she'd be able to confuse the villain before even needing to attack." uraraka said with a bubbly giggle and jirou sighed.

"please, if she were a hero villains would give up as a whole. i swear, sunny is the strongest person to live, she handles y/n like a tired mother." jirou said in a bored voice, shaking her head in the direction of her soon to be spouse.

"i doubt that! you wouldn't be marrying her if you couldn't handle her." an invisible woman by the name of hagakure said, she was munching on some popcorn along with mina.

"don't eat all the food." tsuyu said, slapping away hagakure's hand when she went in for more.

a small "hey!?" came from the invisible lady but nothing more as the conversation moved on.

"seriously though, when's the wedding? i feel like it's been years since you proposed!" mina said, wanting to dive right into girl talk.

"y/n has two important art gallery events she can't or moreso shouldn't, miss. i've just been really busy with hero work recently." jirou said, she looked over and saw y/n enter her studio. "was she in the kitchen this whole time?".

"what a queen." hagakure and mina said at the same time, getting the rest of the girls to giggle and laugh.

"is kirishima still gonna be the flower girl- or man?" uraraka asked, she was currently cuddled up with some extremely cozy blankets and pillows.

"please tell me kaminari isn't gonna actually be the priest?" mina asked, her face fell as she looked over to jirou with a pleading expression. "as funny as it would be he would probably mess up somehow and ended up sighing you both to a cult.".

"yeah, that's probably not the smartest thing to do." tsu agreed, cuddling a large white and lime green pillow.

"you could ask ibara. i'm sure she would be happy to wed y/n and yourself." momo offered, pouring a glass of tea as she spoke.

"that sounds like a good idea. also kirishima texted me a while back and said if he wasn't gonna be the flower man he could object to our marriage." jirou said, recalling the text she got from her friend a couple months back. she also remembered him saying something about wearing a hot ass dress or something, it just has to be manly.

just as the conversation started to roll away from the topic of the wedding, a loud crash came from the studio. "babe?!" jirou called out, knowing 100% y/n was the cause of the noise.

"i'm fine!" y/n called back before she exited her studio, she had on a cardigan that was two sizes to big and said cardigan was covered in different colors of paint.

rainbow, she looked like a hippie wearing the remains of what a rainbow left in the toilet after a night of drinking.

"what?" was all jirou said as her and her friends looked at y/n who was just standing there like she hadn't just made a sound that was equivalent to bakugo's explosions. on a sound level of course.

"what happened?" momo asked and y/n twirled around, making the cardigan flap out like it was a dress.

"i purposely spilt paint all over my large and luxurious cover coat." was what y/n said in return, mina said it looked amazing and hagakure said it looked really cute.

"it makes you look really cuddly." uraraka said, her bubbly voice speaking up.

"i agree, it does make you look cute and all but was the noise really needed?" jirou asked, as a home owner, she was concerned with the mess that sunny will probably have to clean up.

"oh don't worry, baby! i made sure to get all the paint on the coat." y/n said, before continuing to speak. "oh and by the way, sunny worked her magic and we should be getting some diamonds and pearls in today. anyway, bye bye!" y/n called out as she left and ran back into her studio.

uraraka looked like she was about to faint. "please tell me you guys don't just get diamonds like you do wine." she said, referring to the time when jirou, y/n, and herself had a long talk about wine. uraraka left the penthouse with the knowledge y/n spends more on wine then uraraka's parents ever spent on groceries.

"no, but if y/n could she would." jirou said and momo chuckled.

they go back to talking about life and how each of them were doing. the topic of marriage came back up, each of the girls avoided the question and instead pointed it directly at jirou.

"sometimes i replay the moment you proposed and i cry each time." mina said from her spot on the ground, hugging onto hagakure who agreed.

"you're being dramatic." jirou sighed as the two girls started crying, saying how beautiful it was as the others watched and laughed.

eventually though, the door did ring and three men were let in by jirou. "babe! your packages are here!" jirou called and out y/n came, this time she had the jacket folded nicely in her hands.

"great! now now now, just go ahead and put them right in here." y/n told the men before sending them off on their marry ol' way.

"haha! now i can make my pretty diamond and pearl lingerie!" y/n cheered as she danced around.

sunny walked in after talking to the delivery men for a quick minute. "are  you making it for a show or for yourself?" she asked, looking up to y/n, one eyebrow raised as she snatched her phone from her pocket.

y/n hummed and jirou walked back over to her friends who were chatting with momo about her latest discovery.

"the science life must be doing you well, huh?" mina asked.

"i would say so. you've done a lot to help citizens medically and it really shows, momo." tsu said, praising her friend as momo blushed.

"i'm only trying to do my best with what i have!"she said, her blush only growing.

"yeah! i was so proud to call you my friend when-"

let's just say the rest of the day went by with all kinds of gossip and complements.

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