* hot look *

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a/n: fire warning, no one gets hurt but y/n is a bit of an idiot here

* "i'm not gonna let you set clothes on fire and wear them!" the sound of y/n groaning loudly seemingly stopped the other girl's heart. "y/n, we both know whenever you groan like that you do something stupid." sunny said from the other line, "so please, think through whatever you're about to do."

the call ended and y/n sighed before groaning once again. she had been struck with inspiration for a clothing line while sleeping and up until noon they'd been sketching out ideas.

she practically had the whole line planned out, ready to just get the clothes moving. they sighed and nodded to themselves before their stomach growled.

so, she sat on the large wooden island counter in her studio, kicked open the closest cabinet door and grabbed out a box of cereal.

"kinda want some peaches but kyoka is out on patrol." y/n didn't want peaches, she wanted sex but the nickname was used as a code for telling each other that they wanted some.

"they" being jirou and y/n but one seemed to use the codeword much more than the other.

y/n sighed and rotated their head around, receiving a couple pops from her joints or whatever. "sunny was right, i'm about to do something stupid." y/n whispered to herself as they got a moving.

she pranced around her large work space, collecting different fabrics and materials for their work.

after two good hours or so they had a matching pair of black leather boots. she smirked to herself and decided to celebrate the first piece with wine.

fire and wine, what a combo.

y/n's eyes seemed to sparkle as a sudden thought passed through her sprinting mind, "isn't wine flammable?"

y/n glanced to the shoes then to her glass of wine, she looked around the room before raising one eyebrow as she 'spilled' some wine on the boots.

'oops ig.'

they smiled, slipping on some yellow rubber gloves for some form of protection before picking up a lighter kept by one of the many windows. once the small fire of the lighter came in contact with the boots they lit up. y/n watched as she backed away, the heat reminding them that fire isn't exactly good nor is smoke.

so once they had mentally taken a screenshot, the fire was extinguished using a, what cha' mc call it, fire extinguisher.

she thought over what the image looked like, opening her sketchbook to draw something that faintly resembled the boots while they were on fire. they remembered the texture, the wonderful way the leather dipped naturally in a pattern.

going back to the boots, they took a close look. finding out the boots had almost no evidence of a fire breaking out on them. sure they smell like wine but not fire!

the opening of her workspace door made her jump, turning to see jirou who had one eyebrow raised.

"what's with the boot, dear?" she asked, walking over to give her future spouse a hug.

"does the leather look weird?" was what she got back, pulling out from the hug she glanced at the boots and shrugged.

"they look cool, how big is the heel?" she asked the new question, one she was genuinely curious of because her spouse only ever wore heels that were 4inchs or higher.

"they're 3inch, the models i work with prefer 3inch and with what i'm going to ask of them i wanted to give them this." y/n said, leaning into jirou as she rubbed her back.

"what are you making them do?" jirou asked, one eyebrow rising as she looked over her future spouse with sceptical eyes.

y/n giggled softly, eyes looking away knowing their wife wouldn't encourage her to practically play with fire. "uh, do.. do you think the leather looks weird?" they asked, holding one boot up to look closer and distract from the question at hand.

"darling," jirou cooed, earning a whine from y/n, "why do i smell smoke?"

"here, just, look at my sketches! sunny said it's a bad idea but i've never seen someone do this before! it'll gain so much traction i know it." y/n nearly promised, they'd never admit it but they were starting to feel like jirou was pulling all the weight when it came to making money.

thank sketches were looked over, jirou looked much more pleased than what y/n would've assumed sunny would have expected. "it's cool, definitely a new way to promote a line." jirou said, getting a big smile from her fiancé.

"i know right! it'll be something new that will catch attention easily! there's a reason fire quirk heroes are so popular, it's because the fire catches people's curiosity! people don't know whether to be afraid or amazed." jirou chuckled at her soon-to-be's words, eyeing her with love and affection.

"get a date planned out for the photoshoot, i can ask todoroki to come by and keep the fire under control so there's less of a risk of someone getting hurt." jirou said, earning kisses from y/n as thanks.

y/n is genuinely so thankful for a partner that'll support them unconditional, offering support and new ideas to help her all the more.

"i love you, darling." she whispered, going in for a kiss on her lovers lips.

jirou giggled, leaning in before breaking away, "i love you too, dear."


a/n: lowkey head cannon the y/n goes by she/they pronouns so from here on out i'll be using both she/they/her/their pronouns bc i can.. sorry if this bugs you at all and i will be going back to edit the pronouns once this book is completely finished!

love you, have a nice day big gay


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