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beomgyu's pov

i wiped the mirror clear from the condensed water. i saw my reflection staring back at me his eye blank and tired. "바보 (you fool)" i sighed. i let the water run as i continued staring at the idiot in front of me. why did i do such a thing. how could i? i closed my eyes tightly bearing the pain in my chest as the memories of what i did to the girl that i love. i took in a deep breathe and washed my face with cold water. i need to wake up and man up. i told myself. i walked out of the bathroom rubbing my towel on my hair to dry it. i anxiously took my phone to see whether hyunjin already answered my text message that i sent earlier.

"you apologised to the wrong person" was what hyunjin replied with. i took a deep breathe for the i don't know how manyth time since i went out of the shower.  "i'll apologise to her but i'd like to apologise to you first." "plus, i think that it's better if i apologise to her face to face." i sent the message and dropped on my bed. my phone vibrated again "it's fine. i started it after all. if anything i'm that's supposed to apologise." i read the message and it felt like a heavy weight have been lifted. i was glad that someone was beside taehee when i was being a huge jerk. i closed my eyes and my day ended.

taehee's pov

when i lost sight of the school and especially beomgyu and took off hyunjin's hand and slapped him as hard as i could across the arm. an "ouch" came from hyunjin. i might be sick but i was too pissed. yeah i was touched by what hyunjin did for me but what the actual heck! "what the hell were you thinking?!" I slapped him a few times more until i was too tired to do so. "are you done slapping me?" he asked me with an amused smile stretching across his face. his anger was obviously subsiding. i gave him an annoyed look. "i was just trying to get some senses into him" he said. i looked down on my feet.

i was suffocating from my overwhelming feelings. it was the first time i saw beomgyu that close after a while. i didn't like the view of him getting hurt, angry or frustrated. i missed the soft beomgyu that I knew. without realising, a single droplet of tear slid down my cheek and fell unto my white canvas shoes. a dark spot appeared as the tear soaked in, then another droplet, then another.

hyunjin realised and immediately pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry, okay?" he whispered. "i was not thinking straight. i was just so angry. i can't see you getting hurt by a jerk like him"

"i- .. i-.. i know.." i struggled to speak from the hiccups that I got.

"i won't ever do that again, okay? now stop crying. if you don't i'll start crying too." he was not joking. his full lips were forming a pout and his eyes were starting to water. i struggled to calm myself but i eventually did.

the next day, i was already feeling better so i went to school. i decided to continue my routine of hiding away from beomgyu as i was not yet ready to face him. i was afraid to get hurt every time i laid my eyes on him. during recess, i went to the rooftop to get some fresh air. jungah and jieun were trying to finish their homework that they forgot to finish so i went to the rooftop by myself.

i was enjoying the pleasant outlook of the school when i heard the squeaky metal door swung open. i directed my sight towards it thinking it were my best friends finally done with their homework and joining me. However, surprise, surprise! it's yuna and her haters' club. i rolled my eyes and continued to stare at the beautiful scene of the school not minding them. Then, to my horror, I heard the rattling of chains. wait, are they trying to lock the damned door? i snapped my eyes towards them and to my horror, there were about five of them in total, all holding weapons of some sort.

i leaned to the wall, chills running down my spine. i was trying to make sense of things, what the hell are they trying to do? do they think that this is some kind of drama or something?! i urged my brain to think of something to do, to think of a strategy to no avail. yuna was smilling from ear to ear, amused, but her eyes are as cold as ice. she was holding a dagger. my mouth dropped, how did she manage to sneak that into the school premises? my eyes frantically searched for something to protect myself with.

nothing. i'm hopeless. "i'll let you choose kim taerin, leave beomgyu and you will be spared or-" "you're a psycho" I blurted out before yuna's face turned stoic. the next thing i knew, those girls were charging.

a/n: hi guyss!! i'm back! hohoho 😂
hope you're all doing fine and are healthy. i know the situation is not good out there but i hope my story can help you stay at home ☺️.

i hope that you like this chapter!!
pls vote& comment!! 💫

and stay healthy everyone! excercise regularly, eat well and rest well! 🌸

i love y'all 😍😘❤️

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