the trial

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a/n: this takes place after the incident and taehee and yuna were already out of the hospital.

the court was silent. shin hojoon's lawyer went back to his seat after questioning shin hojoon's wife, yuna's step mother who looked terrified. her fingers fidgeting on her lap her chapped lower lip in between her teeth as she bit it nervously. it was now kim taehee's lawyer's turn. he stood up and faced the woman.

he asked her a few questions that she ignored. all of those questions did nog yield any reaction from her. however, when he asked her whether he had ever abbused her she trembled so fiercly in her seat. she cleared her throat, her eyes shifting from the lawyer to her husband behind him. "h-he.. h-he" she said still looking at her husband who was clearly giving her a gaze that told her to not give anything away. "mrs shin, please answer truthfully as you had taken the oath" she trembled again in response.

"how is this question relevant?" shin hoojon was standing up his face strained. his lawyer pulled him down. "can i have silence in my court?" the judge said pointedly. more a demand than a question.

"h-he.. h-he abbused his daughter and me everytime he got annoyed." she breathed. "you bitch!" hojoon yelled. "if you could not control your temper we would proceed this trial without your presence mr shin"

the lawyer nodded at the woman to continue. she looked not at the lawyer in front of her but at her husband. now with bravery and with anger that had been long been burried in her that had now dug its way out from its hole deep in her heart. "i heard him. when he abbused his daughter with his words. threatened her in order to do what he wanted. manipulated her into believing that she was not loved and taehee was the one taking her only source of love from her. he's a monster." the room was silent. yuna was staring listlessly at the whole ordeal unfolding in front of her. she took out something from her pocket. a thumbdrive. she handed it to taehee's lawyer. it contained voice recordings of when hojoon had abbused her and her step daughter and some voice recording's of his plans of destroying kim taehee.

taehee's father was sitting among the crowd with his son and wife. watching the hearing with his daughter as the victim. his face was livid but he stayed there. not saying anything. he eyed hojoon was trembling with anger. he saw hojoon jumped from his seat and running for his wife ready to attack from anger before the authorities dragged him out of the room with his hands handcuffed.

with the concrete evidence laid out, the jury had found that shin hojoon, ceo of shinE corp is guilty and due to all the violations he had commited against the country's law will live the rest of his life in prison.

after her father's sentence, yuna was sent to a psychiatric hospital where she was treated and her condition had continued to improve. her stepmother often visited her, bringing her favourite things and giving her the love that she did not dare give with her father's presence. he real mother had eventually found out what happened and flew back to korea from wherever country she was in. yuna's real mother had became rich and was afraid to come back. she was scared that her daughter would hate her if she showed her face ever again. with what happened, she regretted leaving her beloved daughter with the monster her dad had become. yuna's real mother had befriended her stepmother as they shared a passion for hating shin hojoon so much.

kim taehee and her family continued to live harmoniously. great sympathy was expressed for both taehee and yuna who were dragged into the unfortunate situation. taehee had now been in good terms in yuna as she is the childhood friend of her boyfriend. beomgyu had been by taehee's side all this time. they had visited yuna a few times and yuna was happy for the both of them. taehee and beomgyu's love had grown stronger with everyday they had spent together.

a year after

taehee squinted her eyes from the sun hitting her face. it was morning and she looked at the clock. oh.. she's so so late, hyunjin's gonna kill her. she jumped out of her bed and ran like hell into the bathroom, took a shower and changed into her favourite outfit. tshirts and shorts. she combed her short hair and put on some make up when her phone rang. "hey, babe? where are you?" his familiar voice filled her ear as she put the phone close to her ear.

"gimme a minute." she said finishing up and running all over her room stuffing all her things in her bag. she rushed downstairs. no one. literally no one was there. she's doomed. "oh great, no one's home. how the heck am i going to get to the beach?" she said more to herself than to the boy on the other side of the call.

"i knew this would happen, so i brought my car. i'll pick you up, okay?" he mused. before she could answer she could here her best friend scream from behind him "where the hell is she?!"

"i'm gonna pick her up" beomgyu answered him. "babe, u still there?" he asked taehee. "yeah" she said. "i'll see you in a bit, hyunjin's very pissed. i love you, princess" he said. "love you too" she answered before the line cuts. she was smilling by herself. her face burning, is it just her or is the place getting hot. she changed into a tank top and waited when her phone vibrated violently.

hyunjin was texting her with caps. he had been spamming her.


sorry i woke up vvv late
but at least now u got alone time with your girlfriend 😉

wtv be here fast

okay chillax

not long after, she heard beomgyu's car as she ran into the car. it was hot out and the car was gleaming under the sun.

beomgyu was in his white tshirt and shorts as he walked to open the door for her.

"m'lady" he said while opening the door and bowing teasingly.

she slapped him on the arm as she strolled in and beomgyu walked into the otherside to the driver's seat.

"you're no fun" he pouted teasingly.

"that's why you love me" taehee pinched his cheek playfully while leaning forward to kiss his cheek. before taehee did he turned his head so their lips met. taehee's eyes widen and her face burned. she pulled back startled.

"well someone's shy," he said. with that taehee smirked and pulled him closer when he wqs off guard and kissed him deeper. her fingers tangled in his hair and his hands trailing her jaw. he guided her to climb over while he adjusted his seat to created more space for the both of them. she sat on his laps as she continued to kiss him deeper and with more passion. his hands traced every part of her as he continued to leave butterfly kisses from her lips to her jaw to her neck as she tilted her head up to give him more access to her skin. he then went back to her soft lips and they only parted when they needed oxygen. their pants filled the car as they looked at each other intimately their eyes dark with desire but taehee shook her head.

"we shouldn't keep them waiting." she said trying to climb back to her seat when beomgyu pulled her back onto his lap. "they can wait a bit more." he smirked.

and they resumed.

a/n: this is the official end of this story. i hope you enjoyed reading this book. i'm sorry for taking so long to update this book :))

for those of you who have followed my journey for the past 1 years +++ (almost two years 🥲 time flies) i would like to share my gratitude and love for you. you have been very patient with my moody self.

thankyou for every single one of y'all who have been reading and loving my book, and i would maybe make a new one next time.

once again, thank you for ur love and support!

please vote and comment 💫

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