I Have To Let You Go!

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                                 Chapter 2
(May 3, 2020)


I took one last look inside the mirror as I looked towards our bed one last time, today is the day of Kendra Funeral I'm still hurting from her lost even if is was, just two years ago and that crazy bîtçh Nikki is finally behind bars.

Every time I close my eyes the event from that day continues to play inside my head over and over again.

"Hey Camille are you ready!" I heard one of my best friend shouted from my window as she honked the car repeatedly.

"I'll be right out!" I shouted out the window as I grabbed everything I needed and ran out the door.

When I got into Ash car I looked at her and broke down crying, she quickly hold me in her arms as I held onto her so tight.

"I don't think I can go ash!" I said crying

"But it's time for you to say goodbye Camille!"

"How can I say goodbye to the woman I was going to marry!" I asked her

"Camille I know it's hard but it's time to move on!" She told me tapping my back.

"You're right it's been three years since her dead and I have to move on now, going to her funeral would be closure for me!" I explained to her

" exactly!" She cheered, the rest of the ride over there I looked out the window and became one with my thoughts.

(At the funeral)

When me and Ash made it at the funeral I saw all of Kendra's family and friends standing there.

I turned towards ash and said

"I don't think I can do this!" I told her once again

"No!" "You are not running away from this it's time for you to say goodbye you need to let her go!" she said deep into my eyes.

I took a deep breath and shake my head as I turned back around and walked over towards them, I greeted them and told them how much I was sorry and it was all my fault.

"No!" "Camille it's not don't beat yourself up for that crazy bitch Nikki!" Her mother told me squeezing my arms for convert.

I smiled at her as they became to lower Kendra's coffin down to the ground as tears rolled down my face as I said those last words again knowing she'll never hear them,

"I love you Kendra and you'll always be my wife even though the wedding never got to happen!".

Kendra's Funeral (lesbian Story Continued 2019)Where stories live. Discover now