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                             Chapter 7

"It's time to kill Nikki!"  Camille said taking my car keys and walking out the door.

I took my bag and put on my shoes by the door,  when I was all set I told her "let's go!"  And walked out the front door and towards the cars.

"Wait so why are we taking my car?" I asked her

"I feel like she'll now my car and say something to the guards!" She said 

"I don't think so, but if you really want to be sure then fine we'll take my car!" I told her

"I just want to be safe!" She said

"I understand!" "So first the gun shop then the prison right?" I asked her one last time,

"Yes!" She told me.


(The Gun Shop)


As me and Zuri sat in the car I looked towards her and said

"Stay here I'll go inside and get the gun okay!"

"Okay!" "Just be careful alright I'll be here waiting call me if you have any problems!" She said

I kissed her cheek and said "thank you so much for always staying by me even with my craziness!"

She laughed and said

"Girl you know I'll always have your back!"

I took my bag and opened the door and walked over towards the shooting rink as I walked in, I was met with a man.

"Hello ma'am how can help you this morning?" He asked

"I'll like to buy a gun and shown how it works!" I told him,

"Of course, if you would come this way and I'll show you all the guns we have!" He said

When I walked over towards the displays he told me the prices and how they work and which ones coursing the most damage.

When I set on my eyes on one I pointed towards it and told him "how much damage those this handgun do and I'll take it.

I pointed towards the matte black 9mm pistol, he smiled and said

"Great choice that would be $899.95!"

"I'll take it!" I told him and handed him the money, he took the money and told him to follow him towards the shooting rank.

When I got inside he showed me how it worked and how to shot the target the more I shotted the more I got the hand of it and after I was a pro so he gave me the licence for the gun and told me to have a nice day.

I thanked him and made my way out the store and towards Zuri car when as I opened the door she said

"So how was it did you get it?"

I took out the license and showed her she smiled and said "let me see the gun!"

"When we get towards the prison!" I told her

"Alight so where's the prison!" She asked

I took out my GPS on my phone, and placed it on-top of the dock and told Zuri to start the engine.

(At the Prison)


"Alright we're here!" Zuri told me a little nervous

"Thank you!" I told her

"Quick question, how are you going to get inside the jail cell?" She asked

"I know the security guard so he'll let me in and then I'll do what I have to do!" I told her

"Just please be safe alright!" She told me

I kissed her cheek and said "don't worry I will and took the gun and placed it inside my pants and walked over towards the back of the prison.


As I still stayed in my cell waiting for my Sentence i heard the back door of the prison open, so I stick my head in between the bars to see my guard.

"Finally is it time for my sentence now and did you bring me any food I'm kinda starving?" I asked him

He just smiled at me and replied

"No actually I brought you something better!"

I looked at him confused as I saw a Woman walking behind him with something that looked like a gun in her hand, so I squint my eyes and lean in closer to get a better look.

When I finally saw who it was my eyes grow big and I started to back away in my cell as I Camille came more in my view.

"Hi babe!" "Long time no see did you miss me?" She asked

"Yes!" I answered walking back towards the bars

She smiled towards the guard and said

"Can you let her out for me please!"

"Why?" I asked her

But they Pretended like they didn't hear me and still continued on opening the jail cell, "step out inmate!"  he said in annoyed tone.

So I slowly stepped out and he then turned back towards Camille and said

"You have five minutes!" And then left the room.

I saw her reaching in her jeans and saw her pulling out a gun, my eyes went big as I backed up a little as I see the gun begin pointed towards me as the look on her face was mixed with anger and sadness together.

"Please Camille let's talk about this!" I begged

"There's nothing to talk about you killed the woman I loved all because you just couldn't get the hint that I was using you and that I never loved you!" She said

"You don't mean that!" I told her

"You see what I'm saying you still don't get the hint I do not love you I was using you to make Kendra jealous for cheating on me!" She screamed.

Kendra's Funeral (lesbian Story Continued 2019)Where stories live. Discover now