Camille Keeps Me On My Toes.

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Chapter 21



It's now once again the middle of the night, me and Ebony just finished having sex. I'm on my way outside to smoke a jointed I pre-rolled; as I made it outside I walked over towards the tree stump by the river.

I took out the joint that was in my robe and light it up; as I quietly got high I heard footsteps along the grass, as the noise sounded like it was heading towards me.

I placed my joint lower beside me; as I waiting to see who would show up.

"So you smoke?"

"Ethan you screamed me!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too!"

"Can I have a puff?"

"Sure; here you go!"

Camille passed the joint over towards Ethan as she looked towards the water.

"Why are you out here all alone?"

"I'm not alone you're sister is a sleep and you are here!"

"You're right!"

He passed me back the joint and I took another hit;I sat there getting high with Ethan the rest of the night.


I passed her back her joint, and sat next to her as she focused on the lake as the moon shined upon the water.

"I want to kiss you so bad!"

"You know your alright mine no need to ask for one!"

Camille leaned in towards me and pulled me towards lips as she kissed me and pushed me on the grass.

"I want to have sex with you!"

"Okay; then let's go!"

"No, not inside the house on the grass by the lake!"

"Oh!" "You mean right here right now!"


"How about we smoke the rest of this joint together and then we can have some high sex!"

Camille walked towards me took the joint from my hand and bite and sucked on my lips as she said


"You're lips taste so good!"

"Did you just did that to steal the joint from me?"

She smiled towards me and replied

"I did!"

"You'll get it watch!"

"That's what I want!"

I looked at Camille shocked from the words that just came out of her mouth.

"I want you to come inside my second room!"

"Wait you have a second room?"

I laughed and took her hand and replied

"I call it the smoke room I'll show you it!"

Camille place the leftover joint in her robe and followed Ethan back inside the house and into the living room; where there was a little room.

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