Our Children Was Born

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                                  Chapter 43

(Still in the hospital)


"I think my water just broke!" She explained threw pains

"We need a doctor our, wife is having a baby!" I screamed and so did my brother.

About three doctors came running towards us, as they grabbed Camille form our arms. Ethan ran inside; but the nurses started holding him back.

"I need to see my wife!" He shouted I ran over to him and took him form the nurse

"Sorry!" I apologized as I grabbed Ethan and said

"Ethan, stop it!"

"I need to see her!"

"I want to see her too!" I shouted in his face.

The moment I shouted that in his face; I let go of him and walked out the hospital.

I stood outside, to clear my head. When I heard Ethan's voice calling me telling me the doctor wants to see us.

Just the thought of something bad happing to Camille, was enough for me to run back over there. When I reached over to them I quickly asked

"What happened to my wife?"

"Her water did break!"  The doctor explained to us and how; she's really dehydrated and that they'll have to keep her over night.

"When can we see her?" I asked him

"You guys can see her, tomorrow morning because it's time for her to start pushing!"

"I'm not leaving her!" I shouted looking towards Ethan

Ethan face looked so exhausted so I told him to go home and I'll keep him posted.

"Brother I think you should go home, and finish up everything before I bring Camille home!" I explained

"Let me guess you'll stay here tonight, with her?"

"Yes!" "And I'll tell you everything about the baby!"

"Or how about!"  "You tell me when she wakes up!" He said

I gave Ethan a hug and replied "I'll call you the minute she opens her eyes!"

"Okay!" "Then I'll see you guys later!"

"When?" I asked him

"When I pick you guys up, and take everyone home!" 

He gave me a kiss on the cheeks, as he walked out the entrance and towards his car.

I'm now in Camille's room; watching my son in his hospital crib as mommy sleeps peacefully in the bed.

When I carefully picked him up Camille opened her eyes, and said "where's Ethan?"

"I told him to go to the new place, and get some sleep!"

She smiled and replied  "we have to name them!"

"Who?" "I'm only seeing one baby boy!"

"Actually that's a her!"

"Wait so you really did have twins?" I asked her

"Yes!" "I did!"

I kissed her lips as I looked into her eyes and replied "Amelia!"

"I love it!" Camille respond as I watched amelia in my arms I then walked over towards the couch and sat down with her in my arms.

(The Next Morning)


It was time for me to be released form the hospital, as I got a text message from Ethan saying

"I'm on my way to pick you guys up!"

I told Ebony and she took the twins, and put them in their car seats as we walked out the hospital.

When we made it in the lobby of the hospital, I signed my release papers.  As I took my time out the hospital and out the door; I saw Ethan walking over towards us as he took the twins from Ebony's arms.

He then walked over towards me kissed my lips and said "they're so beautiful baby!"

"Thank you!" I replied extremely tired as Ebony walked over towards me, grabbed the wheelchair from the nurses hands and pushed all the way towards the car.

When we made it Ethan put Amelia in the back seat right next to her brother; Ebony tapped onto Ethan's shoulders she said

"I already named your daughter!" "So now you have to pick a name for your son!"  She told him

"I'll give him a name in our new house!" He said buckling in the twins inside their car seats.

When we were all set he got in the driver's seat and pulled out the hospital parking lot and straight home.

Kendra's Funeral (lesbian Story Continued 2019)Where stories live. Discover now