Chapter 2: the Gang's all here

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As I saw all three of my friends coming out the airport, and got their luggage in the back, Ivy was the hardest to get settled, I was not letting her sit up front. I then heard a female voice yelling "MASTER!!!!" All of us looked to where the voice came from, and saw a beautiful girl...? She had on a maid outfit, which showed that she had some 'assets' and had fox ears and a fox tail as well as paws.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You have Tamamo cat as your power? You have a power as well?" I asked out loud to him. Not even noticing the six foot man who was of average build had a long shrouded item on his back.

"Yea I do, I call it Master of Fate, and what do you mean by 'as well?'"

"Shit, cat's out of the bag" I said.

"Is he talking about me?" Tamamo cat asked.

"Figure of speech Tamamo" I said to her

"What's going on guys, I'm so confused"
Ivy said.

"Nobody cares ivy!" We all said in unison. We then proceeded to high five each other. On the ride back to my place in Dartmouth, I talked a bit with them and asked if there is any other surprises I should know about.

"I have a sword" blade said,

"You what now?" I asked. "How did you get a sword across the border in the first place, one, and two, why?" I asked,

"I just told them that I had one on me and they let me through with it" he said.

Flame and ivy were being quiet, I noticed flame was tall as well, lean, wearing lots of red and black. Kinda reminding me a bit of someone, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Ivy was thinner than I last remembered, but even so in my opinion I wouldn't exactly say she was to my taste. Blade looked to be wearing a red jacket, black shirt, black sweatpants and orange shoes, ivy wore a bunch of black. Though I'm sure she was regretting that now, since it was the middle of summer, and it does tend to get hot in summer.

"So" flame opened up "you have powers too blade? And you Rook?"

"Yea" me and blade said in unison. Creepy how often that happened.

"Neat, mine is speed, I am the fastflame after all" he said.

I scoffed and just said "way to toot your own horn there bud, also Tamamo, why weren't you behind Blade when they were coming out?"

"I saw lobster in a tank and got distracted, and then I ran looking for master" she said.

I chuckled at that, and whispered to blade, "take good care of her, especially in bed" as we pulled up to the place I owned. It was a modest house, similar in dimensions and appearance to the one that I grew up in. I helped everyone get in. And settled. "The basement bedroom is mine, blade and Tamamo get the upstairs room across the bathroom up there, Ivy you get the room next to the bathroom, and flame, you get the other basement bedroom."

I was up helping Blade and Tamamo cat get situated when Tamamo said "is this our new home?"
To which blade responded "yea I guess"
And she asked "is it private?" He said "I guess so yea" and she changed her outfit to a naked apron outfit. Luckily it was covering the basics, and at that time Ivy came in "Rook I don't know wh-" she stopped mid sentence, and blade said "I didn't tell her to do this, neither did Rook"

I was flushed and said "what do you need ivy?" And walked out the room. Turns out she wanted to know where the toilet paper was, and the laundry room. And the bathroom. And her room.

"Good lord ivy is so scatterbrained" I say to flame later that day

"It's Ivy, what did you expect?" He asked

"True, true, you can never trust common sense to that girl" I say and we both share a laugh at that.

"You have a power as well, don't you Rook?" He asked.

"I do." I say.

"Let me guess, ZA WORUDO!!!!" He said

I laughed at that and said "I fucking wish. Nah, it's more like-" and like that Ivy said to check the news. There was a story on the Angel of Vengeance. And the images were of a man in a leather jacket, looking like a fucking death metal album cover, flaming head and all.

"Really man?" He asked, "Ghost rider?"

"The fuck you mean my dude?" I respond

"I guess I should've seen this coming. Just thought you would have Kiyohime, since blade has Tamamo Cat is all" he said

"True, I kinda wish I had her too. But what's done is done, also I don't think the budget would allow for two servant waifus, else this would have hit R rating faster than deadpool in a virgin festival" I say joking. The rest of the day was chill. But at night I could hear the noises of passionate 'love' coming from the room blade and Tamamo Cat were occupying

Suffice to say, I slept on the couch that night.


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