Chapter 3: sparring match

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The next morning, Flame came up to me, as I was eating one of those, if you know what they are, Joe Louis, like, chocolate covered, cream filled, red fluffiness, pastry like things? If not look them up, they're good. anyway, Flame came up to me and said;

"Hey man, how did you sleep?"

"huh, oh morning Flame" I responded, "well enough I guess. Couldn't really get any sleep in my room because Blade was 'taking care' of Tamamo" I say.

"Yea, kinda noticed, since, you know, your blanket and Kiyohime body pillow are on the couch" he said smiling, as if he was holding back a laugh

"Sharp senses there Flame, anyway wha-" I was interrupted by ivy yelling "OW OW OW HOT HOT HOT!"

I go over to the Bathroom, where her voice was coming from, "Ivy you ok? you're not browsing those naughty sites are you?" I joke. I notice flame smile at that as well.

"EWWW no, the water is too hot, even when i put on the cold water, but then it's too cold" she said.

"have you tried turning it off and on again?" teased Flame. I nearly laughed at that one.

"yea I have, I don't know what's wrong with the water, But I can't get a shower if it is like this" she said.

"Ivy, just turn the cold water on enough that it dilutes the hot water and it doesn't feel so hot anymore." I say "God we cannot trust you for more than a minute by yourself." Flame and I then went away to let her shower. Blade and Tamamo were doing God's know what in their room.

"So, Where were we before we were so RUDELY INTERRUPTED!" I yelled that last one so that Ivy could hear it. and we heard a soft "sorry" afterwards.

"Fight me" Flame said. And I gave him a good look over. As my mistakes in the past were fighting someone who I could not beat. And while it looked like I had the mass over Flame, I knew he had a height advantage over me.

"Give me one reason to" I say, and before I could finish my sentence, He had gone to get my Kiyohime Body pillow, and had a lighter to it. "DON"T YOU DARE!" I yelled seeing that.

"fight me and I won't burn her" he said, "Ironic that the man who uses hellfire doesn't want his Waifu to be burned, you would think he would have fireproofed this" he said.

"fine" I respond, "Just leave Kiyohii~chan out of this" to which he put her back and the lighter. Blade was finally up after the noise woke him up.

"what's all the noise about?" Blade asked through a yawn.

"look who's finally awake, How was your little Rendezvous with Tamamo cat last night?" I asked

"It's a Mana transfer!" he said defensively. I could see his face getting red.

"are you sure that is what it was?" I ask teasingly, "You sure you really need to do that? or you just using that as an excuse to have sex with your perfect wife?" I say

"damn man, chill with the teasing," Flame said, "I mean, I don't mind seeing people getting teased, but, even I wouldn't say that." he said.

"Besides," Blade said, "If you had Kiyohime you would be doing the same"

"I-" I had started to say but stopped because, "you're right, I would, Just keep it down, ok? I had to sleep on the couch because of how loud it was going through the floor. this house isn't exactly soundproof you know" I said.

"Yea yea," he said.

After A few Hours of everyone getting up and laying down house rules, Me and Flame left Ivy, Blade and Tamamo Cat home while we went to a nearby forest to spar.

Flame Had worn a costume that resembled a bit of the Flash's outfit, but the difference was the logo was different, more like a flame, and it was red and orange, the colors of fire. I wore my Leather Jacket, Jeans and combat boots, as well as a pair of specialty made Riding gloves. all but the jeans were black. the jeans were more of a navy color.

"Alright who's taking the first move?" he asked.

"I responded, I dunno" to which he started to run around me, seeming to try and create a vortex of wind around me. to which I had transformed, and, luckily, I brought a chain I had found, with me, and waited for flame to finish talking.

"How are you gonna get out of this one Rook?" he asked, to which i responded by just throwing my chain down to where I had thought he was going to be, and wrapped it around his legs.

I walked up to him, and said "Game over" As I picked him up by the collar of his outfit

"Ok man, you win, I won't mess with you again"

I turned back, and put him down, "Look, save the fight for actual enemies ok?" I ask him.

"you got it" he said after we finished up our sparring, I got a call, and I said jokingly "Ivy had better not have burned down the house" to which Flame Laughed at that. I pick it up.

"Hello?" I asked, and I heard a familiar voice

"Hey, Rook, How ya doing man?" the person said,

"Good god, ya Weasel, How are you doing? Last I heard from you, you were working on an indie game, how did it go?" I asked,

"It went good, listen, did you hear the news about the Angel of Vengeance?"

"I have, Why?"

"I know it's you dude. seriously, ghost rider? that is so like you" he said and laughed which i laughed too,

"Damn I guess I'm that predictable then, eh?"

"yea" he said

"Yea, Why you calling now of all times though? I've been on the news for at least a month" i asked him

"Because I found out that I have an ability as well, It's literal Mimicry" he said,

"Shit man, that's fucking awesome" I said, "Look, I'm going to have to go for now, I need to make sure an incompetent guest I have doesn't burn down my house, But I will make sure to visit you someday" I say

And we ceased the call after that, as me and Flame went back to my house.

As I got back inside, I couldn't help but say "God I'm surprised Ivy didn't burn this place down yet" but as soon as I heard the news talk about a recent string of murders where the victims all winded up drained of blood and butchered like Jack the ripper I had Immediately became concerned.




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