Chapter 9: Setting up the Final Fight

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          In the days leading up to the all out assault on the compound, everyone had been all merry and waiting for any attacks that would not come. It had been a few long days in which there was much discussing and planning to be had. we had all agreed that the best strategy would be to send in the speedster to scout out the area before anyone noticed and then, when we had an idea of the numbers, send, depending on how many there were, either Blade, or myself. seeing as how I cannot be harmed while using my power, that would probably be the best. 

However, should I need it, Blade can support me, as he told me he also has access to the eight-fold blessing of Amaterasu. which would be helpful in a situation at which multiple people are shooting at me. Kiyohii would make sure Ivy doesn't try and get herself killed. And Tamamo cat, I guess she will be with blade.

I had waited for the perfect time to conduct the operation, as I had Ivy study the movements of the group, and we found out that the main branch for their operations into legal grey areas was actually a small warehouse in the middle of next to nowhere, which is owned by the parent company. We also found out that the enforcer likes to make trips there to ensure 'proper work ethic' which is gang speak for 'kill those who speak against us in the most brutal ways'. Ivy was also able to find where they dump the bodies. I had done some deep digging and found out that the police knew all this was going on, but they had chosen to ignore it, as they literally could not beat the amount of money that the group responsible for it had access to. Considering the prosecution, as well as the fact that they could just buy out the whole court. So, we found out that there was nothing the cops could do to get the group prosecuted. And that there were innocent people who were being killed for voicing their opinion. 

"Isn't that just America on a daily?" I had asked jokingly.

"It is not all like that Rook" Blade had said. 

"I know, I was joking." I then looked over everything we know. 

"Would the enforcer have any clue as to who would have sent the hit on me?" 

"It is likely" Flame said, "Chances are, he was hired by the same man who sent the hit on you. If the head honcho did not trust him with information, then most likely they had been in constant contact, so if anything that is a good start"

"Right. I'll make sure everyone else dies" I then smiled, as I knew the Rider would bring down vengeance upon the wicked.

When It was time for the raid, I made sure to call my motorcycle in the form of the rider. Unsurprisingly it came. As Blade rode with me, and Flame ran beside me, we would make it to the compound, Under cover of darkness. flame would be scouting out the area, and when he had gotten a hold on how many were there, he gave us the numbers. I then noticed that there were sniper towers, but no snipers. 

Show off  I thought to myself.

We then waited for the power to go off. When it did, that is when we knew it was showtime. I transformed, and had blade stay away from me while I rode in solo. I had looked around, and saw many people who were wicked and deserved to go to hell. many of them had guns, small sidearms, all the way to high caliber rifles. One guy was stupid enough to shoot at the flaming metal album cover art. which had me turn to him, and with speed faster than the human eye could clearly perceive, I made it up to him. As such everyone else was pretending to not be scared, when I picked him up and looked him dead in the eyes. Sending him into torment and destroying his soul with the pain and suffering he inflicted upon others.

I then started swaying a little, and waited for someone to strike me. Which did happen. Suffice to say, he did not last long. I heard some of the others were being taking out. I assumed that was flame taking care of that.

Another guy tried spraying bullets into my mouth, which I had open. And when he finished, I spit them all back out at him, as molten projectiles. another idiot tried to stab me. I grabbed the knife, and pulled it out while looking at him, the blade melting from contact with the fire. I then decided I would just burn his soul with hellfire. I then noticed the malice coming from the enforcer. He had a fucking RPG. He shot me with it, and while I got blown up inside the wall of the compound, he said,

"Sorry, did that hurt? Looks like it-" I noticed him wet himself when I had gotten back up, brushing off my shoulder. 

I then walk up to him and bind him with my chains.

"You will tell us what you know about this letter" I said. And as we had him captured, I could hear that flame had just finished up with the last of the hostiles in the area. 

"Why should I?" He looked like a frightened rat. 

"Because" Flame had gotten here and started the interrogation.

"If not, my friend here will send your soul screaming to hell." He smirked when he said that. 

"Look, who you are looking for, they're not to be fucked with. They had us kill anyone who opposed them, or was christian. Or had an opinion"

"Was it Monica Rial?" asked Blade as a joke. 

"What? No. I am telling you right now, that this person is a tyrant. I won't lie, I done a lot of bad things, and I am not too proud of it. I promise that if you let me go, I'll turn a new leaf, start a real job, and take care of my kids." he looked genuine while saying all that. I also sensed truth to what he was saying. So I loosened the chains.

"They call them-self God, and even legally changed their name to God. They can be found at this location" Flame had gotten him to write it down and once flame had gotten it, I had decided to let him go. When I did, I transformed back. 

"I am giving you a second chance." I started, "Turn yourself into the cops for the crimes you committed, and when you get out, find some legal work. If you cannot, come north to Canada." I then toss him a card with an address on it. I run a small time shop, but I am a firm believer of second chances." I saw him smile at that.

"Thank you kind sir. I promise that I will try to be an upholding citizen when I get out"

When we went back, we had a ton of planning ahead of us, but at least for now, the worst of it was now out of the way. Kiyohii hugged me the moment we got back. Which I was grateful for. Tamamo Cat was sleeping curled up in a ball on the floor, to which Blade went and slept beside her. Flame and I had filled Ivy and Kiyohii what had just transpired. To which Ivy had said,

"we had better start planning"

But I stopped her train of thought and said, "Not right now Ivy. All we need right now is some rest"

"Agreed" Flame had said. and he lay on the couch, and slept. 

Me and Kiyohii took the guest bedroom and slept together, cuddled closely.




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