Chapter 2

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Louis' pov

''Nialler can we have a quick chat?'' I ask Niall when we get back, I don't look over at Harry even though I can feel his small glances over to me. ''Sure, whatcha wanna talk about Tommo?'' I pull him quickly away into another room, out of Harry and Liam's ear shot even though Liam knows exactly what I want to talk about. ''What's going on, why did you pull me away so hastily?'' Niall asked all confused looking ''I need to know what Harry said after the kiss'' Niall was just about to start talking and I interrupted before he could ''and don't you dare pull any bull crap about you not knowing, you too tell each other everything.'' When I was finished I gave him a sign that he could talk ''I'm not supposed to say anything, I promised'' Niall says looking at the ground. ''Ok so if you can't say anything that means he either liked it or absolutely hated it, now Nialler I just need you to nod once if he liked it, and nod twice if he didn't like it.'' I say with a smirk on my face knowing that this way Niall wouldn't be technically telling me anything, just nodding. Niall looks up from the ground, he was thinking through his options or he was thinking about nando's you never really know about this kid. Slowly Niall nods his head, still looking unsure if he should be doing it. I was waiting for another nod, but only got one which means he liked it too. I sigh in relief Niall looks at me confused ''Did you like the kiss Tommo?'' I look at the ground for a second, but then I nod. Niall grabs and gives me a massive hug that crushed all my bones. ''But Niall now I don't know what I'm supposed to do, do I break up with Ava and do something about the Harry situation, but Harry also has Sofia'' Niall stopped me there and started talking ''Harry is about to break things off with Sofia, and before you think it it ain't because of you, well not 100% because of you. Harry says he doesn't feel a spark with Sofia, plus he has had a crush on you since the band was formed. He didn't just like your too's kiss he loved it, and he was crushed when you just left, he felt like he had done something wrong, he even cried about it.'' He cried, because of me. ''Fuck, why did I have to leave so quickly, also this whole thing wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't sugessted that game.'' ''Excuse me Tommo if I hadn't had suggested that game you wouldn't have had what seems to be a great kiss, at least that's what Harold told me, he said something like being two puzzle pieces meant for each other, or some kind of sappy shit.'' I gave a little smile when Harry's nickname was said. I started hearing footsteps approach us, and when I turned around looked up at these beautiful green eyes that belonged to an even more beautiful boy. ''What's going on here?'' Harry asked looking past me at Niall ''Nothing much but.. I think you too have to have little talk, so gotta Zayn.'' Niall said as he walked away. While Harry was looking at Niall I flipped him off, ''so what do we need to chat about?'' Harry asked kinda looking down at me since I'm small. ''We need to talk about the game.''

Harry's pov

Do we, 'cause I know that it didn't mean anything to you and you were all freaked out about me kissing you, is what I would have wanted to say, instead I went with ''what about it?''. ''We need to talk about the kiss'' he said, I was about to say something but he continued ''and I need to know what it meant to you'', I was taken aback after what he asked, what does he mean by what it meant to me. ''What do you mean?'' I ask looking at his beautiful blue eyes, I mean they look like the bloody ocean. ''I mean did the kiss mean anything to you?'' I mean ofcourse the kiss meant something to me, did it mean something to him. ''I mean maybe, did it mean anything to you?'' I ask worryingly looking at my feet. ''I had this strange feeling in my stomach, like butterflies, a feeling I've never had with Ava or anyone for that matter, but you didn't answer my question properly you dodged my question.'' I looked up at him in shock by his answer, I was not expecting that. ''I had the same feeling of butterflies in my stomach, and I liked the feeling it's nothing like what I have with Sofia'' a small smile appeared on his face. ''Really, so you had the same feeling'', he asked with a smile on his face, which made me smile and nodded. Before I could say anything he pulled me into a tight embrace, first I was caught off guard, but after a couple of seconds I sunk into the hug. I could see out of the corner of my eye Niall watching us and giving a thumbs up. When we finally let go of eachother, we just looked at each other for what felt like hours. Louis took a step closer to me, and he went on his tiptoes and then he just kissed me. It felt like no one was in the room even though I know for a fact that Niall is watching, but I didn't care I was kissing Louis, and that's the only thing that mattered. We kissed what again felt like for hours, but after a while we both needed to breathe. After the kiss I took him back into a hug, he nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck, and I could hear what I assumed was Niall applauding. ''What's going on?'' I hear Liam in the distance, ''look'' Niall said to him ''oh I see.'' he said. Louis and I just laughed for a bit. ''Hey Lou before this turns into anything I need to break up with Sofia, and you should probably break up with Ava.'' I said to him while we were still hugging not wanting the hug to end. ''I was thinking the same thing'' Louis answers into my neck. 66. The rest of the night we spent cuddling on the couch whilst we watched a movie, Louis fell asleep in my arms and I didn't feel like waking him up so we just slept on the couch cuddling.

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