Chapter 27

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Harry's pov
A/N: Sometime has passed, mostly consuming of recording the album and Hailee being heavily pregnant is about to burst.
"Lou we really need to concentrate on wedding planning" I say from the dining table where I'm sitting next to Niall, our "wedding planner" and his piles of binders next to him. "I'm coming, let me finish this game I'm almost done" he says from the couch "fine but hurry we don't have a lot of time" I shout back "we have a month babe don't worry" he says from the couch. "Tommo i'm on a time crunch my could give birth to my son any day now and I'm sure as hell not missing the birth of my first born" Niall says sounding very stressed about the whole situation, he is usually very happy and positive but Hailee being pregnant and planning our wedding seems to be stressing him out. "Niall if you want to leave it's fine" I say to him he should be with his wife "no we finish this and then if Hailee calls I'm leaving but other then that I'm staying until this is ready Horan's don't give up" he says looking me straight into my eyes "ok then. Lou, baby hurry up" I yell one more time hoping this will be the time he listens "fine I'm coming" he says letting out a sigh. "Now that you're both here, you have picked the date as the twenty eight of the September and you are having it here in London" Niall runs through the stuff we have been discussing for the past couple of months "yes we've been through this a million times" Louis sasses to him, "I know I'm just making sure as Harry's best man and you're wedding planner that I have everything correct that you two have minimum stress on that 'special day'" Niall bites back, "Lou he is doing ya a favor, now appreciate it" I tell Louis, he is being a real bitch about the whole situation, "fine" he says and we get back to planning.

We are in the middle of planning and all of the sudden Niall's phone rings. "Shit it's Hailee" he panics before picking up the phone. "Hey baby is it time" he calms himself down before speaking, "oh ok I'll be right there meet you at the hospital" he says before hanging up the phone. "IT'S TIME I'M GONNA BE A DAD" he yells out "yes finally" Louis says getting up to give him a hug, "congratulations, we'll drive, I'm not missing the birth of my godson" I say getting up also to give him a hug, "fine but we need to leave now" he says walking over to the door. "I'm driving" I called out before Louis could, we don't want to get into any car accidents today. "Fine, but I'm driving us home" he says as he gets into the back seat letting Niall sit in the front.

Niall's pov
We get to the hospital after about ten minutes, I see Hailee's mum who has been staying with us to help Hailee. I see that her car was already here, which means Hailee is here. "Boys we need go now" I say as I run inside the hospital "hello I'm here for Hailee Horan she is having my baby where is she" I ask the receptionist "she is in room 237 down the hall to the left" she points to the direction of the hallway "thank you, there is two more boys coming so just point them to the direction thank you" I say before rushing to Hailee's room.

I open the door to see my beautiful wife lying in the hospital bed in a hospital gown with her mother, my mother in-law next to her. "Hi baby I'm here, hi Cheri thank you for driving her I'm sorry I couldn't I was helping out the soon to be husbands out" I say as I go and give Cheri a hug, "it's no problem Niall, she has had five small contractions each lasting for about fifteen seconds each ten minutes apart. Her water has not broken so we are waiting for her to dialight to ten centimeters she is currently at five she is half way there." She catches me up with everything "thank you for catching me up, now baby do you need anything" I turn my focus to Hailee "some ice chips would be great" she tells me I nod and head out the door "I'll be back as soon as possible with your ice chips darling" I call out.

When I get back to the room I see Harry and Louis there sitting on the couch next to the bed "I got you orange flavored" I say as I hand her the cup full of ice chips. "Nialler you missed one of her contractions it was a big one" Louis tells me as I sit next to Hailee's bed on the chair there. "Oh" I say sadly, I keep missing them, I hate that I'm not next to her when she is in pain. "We called Liam and Zayn to inform them of what is happening, we told them they don't need to come that there are enough people here to help" Harry says, "ok good" I say, taking Hailee's hand in mine and rubbing circles into her palm. "Don't worry Ni about missing the contractions you are here now, and you'll be here for the birth which is the most important thing" she calms me down by saying that "I know I just want to be there for every step of the way" I say to her while looking down at our hands. She places her index finger under my chin, lifts it up and gives me a kiss. "Like I said you haven't and won't miss the birth it's fine contractions are nothing" she says "I guess" I say "you guess what" she says back "I guess you are right" I say back to her "I always am"

"It's time to have a baby" the doctor says after coming in to check on Hailee "we need in the room just the father and the grandmother" the nurse says and Louis and Harry leave the room "good luck Hails" Harry says before leaving and closing the door behind him. "I need you to push for ten seconds Hailee as hard as you can" the doctor tells Hailee and she does as asked, squeezing my hand. It felt like she was breaking my bones, but it's nothing like the pain of pushing a human out of you so I don't say anything.

After a bit more pushing "we are almost there one two more pushes and we will be done" the doctor says "I can't take this" Hailee pants out drenched in sweat "baby you can do this are son is almost here just two more pushes and you are done. Five minutes of pain for a lifetime of happiness" I reassure her, she looks over at me looking absolutely wrecked but still manages to give me a smile, then goes and pushes. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" the doctor counts down, " I can see a head, one more push and he will be out" the doctor tells us. "One two three and push" he says and Hailee pushes. Ten seconds later it goes silent before the doctor lifts out my son who is now crying, "he is here, Niall would you like to cut the umbilical cord" the doctor asks me as he gives my son to the nurse to clean him off "I would love to" I say with a big smile as I walk over to my son. I cut the cord, and they give him to me to hold "Niall support the head" Hailee says from the bed "of course" I say as I walk over to the bed, and hand him over to Hailee. "Oh I love him" she says as soon as she takes him into her arms "me too" I say sitting next to her on the bed.

We hear a knock on the door "can we come in" I hear Harry say from the other side of the door "sure can" I say. The door opens and I see Harry just staring at the baby from the door with a huge grin on his face. That boy sure loves baby's. "You can come in fully, you don't need to stay at the door" Hailee says and Harry comes walking over to her side of the bed. "Hi little human" he says to him. "What is the little human's name?" Louis asks us, we look at each other and say at the same time "Noah Peter Horan." We chose Peter as the middle name, because it's her dad's name. "Well hello Noah. Can I hold him" Harry asks looking at Hailee "sure but be careful" she says as she gives him Noah, "I will" he says as he takes him. I look at Noah and can't be anything else but grateful for my lovely wife and now my beautiful son.

A/N: yes Niall gets the son he always wanted. Thank you for all the support on the story I'm so so so grateful for all the support I have gotten on it. Thank you.

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