Chapter 22

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Harry's pov
I've been living with Louis for four days now. It's been a nice feeling to wake up with his arms around me. I've woken up every morning before him to go on my morning run, I even tried to get him to do it once, but instead I got a pillow to the head and flipped off. I've been making breakfast in bed for him also every morning, which he seems to appreciate by sitting already on the bed before I even bring him the food, he sits there just waiting for me to come in.
We haven't really talked about what we are now, I don't know if we are exclusive like before, I need to talk about it with him today. I'm assuming we are exclusive but I'm not sure.
I woke up at my usual time of seven, to go on my run, but to my surprise I didn't feel Louis' arms around me like usual and when I looked over my shoulder he wasn't there. "Lou" I call out from the bed " I'm in the kitchen Haz" he says. Why is he up this early and the better question is what is he doing in the kitchen without supervision, he'll burn the house down. "What are you doing in the kitchen this early" I ask as I'm getting out of the room and walking over to the stairs " I'm making you breakfast, I was hoping in bed but I guess at the table will do" he says standing over the stove in only his pants, making his arse look better then usual. I walk into the kitchen and go over to him and wrap my arms around his perfect waist, like he literally has an hourglass figure. "Morning" I say as I place my head on his shoulder looking down at the burnt food in the pan. "You know that's burning, right" I shoot a questioning look after I go over and jump onto the counter. "I know, I'm trying my hardest" he says sounding upset at my comment "I'm sorry babe, I know you are. Do you want help" I ask him "but I wanted to bring this in bed to you, because you've been doing it to me the past three days, I wanted to do this for you, but I failed" he says with a pout appearing on his face. I grab his face and try to kiss his pout away but fail to, "let's make a deal, I help you and once I'm done helping I'll go back to bed and you can bring it there" I say to him, a small smile appears on his face "deal" he says. I let go of his face and jump off the counter "first step throw away this burnt food and grab some eggs out of the fridge, you're gonna make me an omelette" I say, giving him a smile to comfort him, he does as I ask and we start cooking.
After Louis had gotten to a good stage of cooking and didn't need my help anymore, I went back to bed. "Harry, are you ready" Louis says as he walks in with a tray that has the omelette, a cup of oj and some tea. "I'm ready" I say as he comes and places the tray in front of me, then places a kiss on my forehead before sitting next to me on the bed. He stares at me as I taste the food, "do you like it" he asks now looking down at his fingers playing with his thumbs, I put my fork down and place my index finger under his chin and lift it up so that I can look at his beautiful blue eyes, "it's amazing love" I say putting a smile on his face, which puts a smile on my face also.
After finishing my food Louis took them downstairs and cleaned up the mess as I started to get ready for the day. We had a recording session today to record a song for the new album. I'm not sure what song we are going to record we have so many, but I'd like to record one of my songs, preferably "if I could fly" just because I want to get the recording over with, before Louis asks the same question as Niall did when they all first heard it. I still need to ask Louis the question of what exactly we are. I'm gonna ask him before we leave which is in like an hour.
"Lou I need to ask you something" I say as I walk into the kitchen where he is still cleaning up. "If the question is what are we, and if your gonna ask me to be yours again in a sap way, then I know for a fact that I am yours and only yours, and I'd hope the same goes for you" he says as he puts down the dishes he was holding and comes to give me a hug. "I'm yours and only yours. It always is you" I say, giving him a kiss on the top of his head, putting my arms around his neck and holding on to him as thighs as I can without squeezing him to death of course. "I love you" he says into my chest, it makes butterflies flutter in my stomach, it always does. I'll never get used to the fact that I can call Louis Tomlinson mine and that he loves me like I love him. "I love you too" I say into his soft hair.
We stand there for a few minutes until I hear a phone ring from the bedroom. "Who's phone is it" Louis ask lifting up his head from my chest, "one of ours" I say jokingly to him "obviously it's one of ours but is it mine or yours" he asks trying to sound annoyed, but fails. The phone stops ringing only to start again a few minutes later. I let go of Louis and he let go of me and we walked upstairs to see that it's my phone that's ringing. I see a familiar face in the contact "it's Niall" I say as pick up the phone and answer immediately. "Finally took you long enough to pick up," he says in the other line. "Sorry mate we were downstairs and the phone was upstairs. Why are you calling" I ask him while Louis is sitting in front of me looking to see if it's something important that involves him. "Yeah that, mine and Hailee's wedding has been moved up by a couple of weeks" he says "how many weeks" I ask him "actually to next week, and I was asking you if ya wanted to be my best man" he says into the phone and I start jumping up and down from excitement, Louis is looking at me with a mixture of fondness and confusion. "I'd love to" I say into the phone as calmly as possible "great, that's all see you at the studio in thirty minutes" he says before hanging up.
I let out a squeal of excitement. Louis got up from the bed he was sitting on to see what had happened. "What did Niall ask you for to get this excited?" he asks, placing each of his hands on either one of my biceps to try and calm me down. "Well Niall's wedding was supposed to be in eight weeks, but the wedding was moved forward for next week and he asked me to be his best man" I say jumping in his grip "well congratulations babe" he says to me before letting me go. "Thank you."

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