Chapter 3

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The next morning

Harry's pov

I woke up before Louis, and I tried to get up as quietly as possible so that I wouldn't wake him up, 'cause he is not a morning person. Once I get up I take my phone and send Sofia a message. ''We need to talk.'' I send, and she replies almost immediately ''ok, do you have time to go get coffee?''

''Yes I do, meet you in 15 minutes at the costa next to dunnes'' ''ok, see ya there:)''. Now I don't have to worry about eating breakfast, killing two birds with one stone. I go and get dressed, I put on a pair of black skinnies, a white tee, a pair of black converses and a beanie 'cause I don't feel like doing my hair. I go and give Louis a kiss on the forehead before I leave ''where are you going?'' Louis asks half sleep rubbing his eyes, ''I'm going to go have a chat with Sofia''. ''Ok, see you later Haz'' ''I'll come back as fast as possible'' I say whilst a see a small smile on his face, god he is pretty. When I got to Costa I saw Sofia sitting at a table near the entrance, she had two coffees. I guess she already got mine. ''Hey Sof'' I say to her and she lifts her head up from looking at her phone and gives me a smile. ''Hi H, what did you wanna talk about?'' she asks while standing up and giving me a hug. I wait for her to sit back down before I start talking ''I don't think this is working'' she looks first a bit taken aback, but then nodded in agreement, ''Neither do I, I don't feel the spark we had when we first started'' she said whilst I nodded along, luckily we were really good friends before we started dating. ''Ok good we are on the same page, hopefully we can still stay friends?'' I ask her and she smiles ''of course''. ''H quick question?'' she asks me looking a bit nervous ''ask away'' I say with a smirk. ''Is there someone else?'' it took me a second to register what she had asked ''what do you mean?''

''I mean why the sudden this ain't working line, I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't just break up with me out of nowhere'' she makes a fair point. ''Well actually there is someone else'' ''omg who is she?'' she asks all excitedly, ''well actually it's a he'' she looks confused for a second but then smiles ''well who is he then?'' ''it's Louis.'' she looks at me like asking with her eyes that am I serious. ''When did this happen?'' oh shit how do I tell her nicely that a sort of kinda cheated on her. ''Well actually it's kind of a long story'' ''I've got time'' she replies quickly. ''Ok then last night me and the guys meaning Louis, Niall and Liam got bored and Niall suggested that we play spin the bottle, we were so bored we agreed.

So Niall spun first it landed on Liam and they did a quick peck on the cheek, then Liam spun the bottle and it landed on me, and we did the same thing. When it got to my turn to spin the bottle it landed on Louis, and instead of kissing him on the cheek, I kissed him on the lips. After that he ran to the bathroom, and stayed talking with Niall while Liam went to go check on him. After a couple of minutes they returned and Louis grabbed Niall to go chat with him, and after they had been gone for a bit I went over to check what was going on. It ended up so that Louis and I talked through what had happened and it ended up so that we both had some kind of feeling towards each other.'' she looked like she was processing all the information, and when she was done she gave me a kind smile. ''Good on you lad, to be honest I'm not that surprised 'cause everytime we all hangout together I see you constantly looking over to him and vise versa.'' she said to me while I looked a bit shocked from the information I was getting, ''you've seen Louis looking at me?'' ''yes, he does it everytime you ain't looking at him.'' ''oh ok.''. We talked for about 30 minutes then said our goodbyes.

Louis' pov

When I finally decided to get out of bed, I sent Ava a text. ''Good morning Ava, we need to talk as soon as possible''. I go and brush my teeth and get ready for the day while I wait for her to reply. Once I went to go check on my phone I saw that she had replied ''Sure what time do you wanna meet and where?'' ''Can you come over to the bungalow in about 15 minutes, we'll talk here'' ''ok see you in 15''. I decide to send Harry a message to see how it's going and to tell him that Ava is coming over. ''Hey Haz how's it going over there and just so you know Ava is coming over in about 15 minutes to talk'' ''it's going good she took it well, and I also told her when she asked was there someone else I said yes and that it was you, and I'll be home in about 5 minutes'' ''ok see you then''.

I hear the door open, and when I look at the door from the couch I see it's Harry, and I immediately get up and go give him a kiss, which he reciprocates and he gives me a hug whilst we are kissing, wrapping his arms around me and picking me up a bit. ''Hi Lou'' he said while putting me down ''have you eaten breakfast yet, 'cause I'm absolutely starving, do you want me to make you something?''when he mentioned food my stomach made a noise ''I'll take that as a no for eating anything and a yes for making you something.'' he said whilst giving a smirk and walking to the kitchen. ''Thank you, and Ava will be here in about ten minutes'' ''ok, I'll be in the kitchen.''. Ten minutes later I hear a knock on the door and when I open it I see Ava, I open the door and give her a hug and when she tries to go in for a kiss a dodge it. ''What's up, what did we need to talk about that was this urgent?'' ''Take a seat you need to sit down for this.'' I say while showing her to the couch, I could see Harry in the kitchen cooking something it was taking him forever. ''Ok so it's something serious, should I be worried, has someone died?'' she asks, looking a bit worried. ''No no one has died'' ''ok good, then what did you want to talk about''. ''How do I say this, well here I go I don't think this is working out, sorry.'' she looked shocked, I'm not surprised since it came kind of out of nowhere. ''Parden, you want to break up, before you say anything else is there someone else, 'cause this came out of nowhere.'' she says and at those words I see Harry stick his head through the doorway to the kitchen. ''Yes there is someone else I'm sorry.'' ''Well who is this mystery girl I have never heard of?'' she says whilst sassing me ''well actually it's a he, not a she'' her jaw drops on to the ground in shock, I see Harry giving me a thumbs up and then walking back into the kitchen. ''Your leaving me for a man, you gotta be kidding, well who are you leaving me for?'' ''Harry.'' I say looking straight into her eyes. ''Really Harry, Harry Styles, no offence I don't think you could get someone like him, and he ain't gay he is happy with that Sofia girl.'' Once again Harry appears into the doorway and lets out a loud fake cough to get her attention. ''Hey Ava, just so you know Louis could easily get someone like me, have you seen him, and also me and Sofia broke up so that Lou and I can be together, and just btw she took it much better than you.'' he said while walking over to give me a kiss on the top of my head ''thank you Haz'' I whisper to him, ''no problem, now if you don't mind I'm going to continue mine and Lou's breakfast''. ''I told you.'' I say sassily at her, ''Well I guess it's true then, bye Louis'' she said, she looked a bit sad at the news. ''Bye Ava.'' I say while standing up to show her to the door. 

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