Chapter 26

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Louis' pov
It's been a week since Harry asked me to marry him, and things couldn't be going better. Niall has volunteered to be the wedding planner, and for some reason we let him be. This morning I woke up before Harry for once. I don't wake him up straight away, instead pull him closer to me and nuzzle my face into his hair, his soft long hair.

We lay there for another fifteen minutes before I feel Harry turn in my grip so that we are facing each other. "Morning baby" I say in a low voice to him, his eyes are still closed but a smile appears on his lips. "Morning Lou. What are our plans for today?" He asks, finally opening his eyes fully to look at mine. "Don't know about you, but I'm going to go get a tattoo" I say, I'm planning on getting two at once, one to match Harry's ship tattoo and the other to match Harry's anchor tattoo. "What are you getting and am I allowed to come with" he asks, "it's a surprise and no you can't come with" I don't want him to come with I want it to be a proper surprise. "Ok" he says with a pout coming on his face, "hey baby don't worry I'll be back as quickly as possible and if you want you can even drop me and pick me up" I say giving him a little peck on his lips, "ok I'll drop you and stay watching outside" he says with a smirk, he thinks his being smart but I know what he is trying to do, "no you'll drop me go home then come back to pick me up" I say to him. "Fine" he sighs.

I decide that it's finally time for me to get out of bed and get ready for the day. "Lou where are you going I want to cuddle" Harry says and as I turn around I see him rubbing his eye with a pout on his lips. I run back and jump onto the bed on top of him "auch" I hear Harry say from under me "you wanted to cuddle so here I am" I say with a grin on my face looking down at him. He spins me around so that we are both on our sides "much better" he says as he places his head on my chest and curls himself into my hands. I smile with fondness looking at him.

"Are you ready to go Harold" I say from the front door, "yeah coming" he says coming out of the kitchen. "Good let's go I don't want to be late" I say as we walk out of the house, "yeah" he says as he opens the car door for me, "thank you" I say as I sit in, "you're welcome" he says as he goes around the front and then gets in.

"We are here, now good luck and see you in a couple of hours keep me updated," Harry says giving me a kiss goodbye. "Will do. Bye love you" I say opening the door "love you too" he says as I get out of the car.

I walked into the tattoo parlor to see the receptionist "hello what are we getting today?" She greets me with a smile. "I'm getting two tattoos today. One rope around my wrist and the rope forms an infinity symbol and brakes at the back and the other one is a compass that points home" I say, giving her a smile as I think of Harry's face when he sees them. "Sounds good, i'll get you an artist and they will start sketching the designs and then start inking" she says as she shows me to the couches to wait "sounds good" I say as I sit down "I'll need your name so that they can call you when they want you to come in" she asks "oh Louis Tomlinson" I say to her, she nods and walks over to the front desk and writes something onto the computer and then gets an tattoo artist and they look over to me with smiles and then look back at the computer. The artist takes a notepad and comes over to where I am sitting. "Hello mr Tomlinson, I hear you want to get two tattoos, one an infinity rope and the other a compass that points home is that correct" he asks "yes it's correct" I reply with a nod "ok so I'll sketch a couple designs for each and then you can choose which one you like" he asks and stands back up to go onto a desk and grabs a pen and starts drawing.

A few minutes later he comes back with the notepad in his hands. "Now I came up with two designs for the rope, now the design depends on where you want it" he show me the designs "I want it on my wrist on my right wrist so that when I hold my fiancé's left hand he has a anchor there so I'm his rope to his anchor" I explain to him "that's sweet. I think that this would be the perfect one" he points out the one where there comes an infinity symbol in the front and then at the back it breaks up, "that's exactly what I wanted it's perfect" I say with a smile. "Well good. Then the compass pointing  home, where do you want it?" He asks "I want it on my inner right arm" I point to the spot I wanted it. "Now I made designs of where the home is, I made one where it replaces west, one for south, one for east and one that replaces north which one do you want to go with" he asks, showing me the designs "the one that replaces west" I say pointing at the one. "Ok, let's get started" he says and we both get up off the couch. He walks me over to the chair and I sit down. "I need you to roll up your right sleeve and I'll put the designs in and you say is it the right placement" he says and I do as instructed. "Is this good?" he asks as he puts the design for the compass on my arm, "perfect" I say. "Is this good" he asks again now about the rope "perfect" I say and he nods and starts inking the rope first.

"All done" he says after he finishes the compass, "they look sick thank you" I say as I get up and look in the mirror, "well I'm glad you like them they are kinda stuck there forever" he jokes "yep" I say with a little chuckle. I walk over to the reception desk to pay and while I wait I decide to call Harry to say that I'm ready. The phone rings a couple of times before he picks up. "Hi baby I'm ready so you can come now" I say into the phone "I'll be there in five minutes" he says "that's weird because it's a fifteen minute drive. Harold where you waiting near by for so long I told you to go home" I say into the phone "I didn't want to go home so I waited it wasn't even that long" he says back to me on the other line, "ok see you soon" I say before hanging up. "Now how would you like to pay for this cash or card" the receptionist asks as I put my phone away and grab my wallet out of my back pocket "card please" I say as I hand her my card.

After I had paid I thanked them and said goodbyes before stepping out to see Harry waiting outside the car. "Let me see" he says as he notices me walking towards him. He walks towards me also and gives me a hug and a kiss. I show him my tattoos "they look sick, are they supposed to match mine" he asks as he looks at my hand, "yep the rope is so that when we hold hands I'm the rope to your anchor and the compass is for your ship tattoo cause a ship always needs a compass to guide them home" I tell him and he smiles when looking at the tattoos. He takes my right hand and holds our hands up "perfect" he says simply before opening the door for me. He goes around the front of the car and gets in on the other side, "now home I'm starving." He says before driving off.

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