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The ground began to shake just as the 2 were about to lean "This way!" They heard Zed yell. Wyatt grabbed Coras hand and followed Zed into the hallway "The energy from the moonstone must've created the fault line!"

Cora exclaims "Come on! Before its destroyed!" Willa yells. All the wolves ran into the fault line "I see it!" Wynter yells and they quickly arrive "We found it!"

It was amazing... The wolves put their necklaces agaisnt the moonstone and their eyes turned yellow. Wyatt grabbed the alpha necklace and laid it agaisnt the moonstone.

"Legend says, together we can carry it out" Wyatt explains. The wolves attempt to lift it "It's too heavy!"

"Then maybe you need to expand your pack"

The wolves looked up at the entrance "Cora?" "We came to help" Addison smiles "Lift!" Everyone lifted up the moonstone but the slab crashed down, trapping them in there.

"We're trapped!" Wyatt gasps "Zed! Your Z-Band! It's still broken! Take it off and lift the slab!" Eliza explains "What if I can't control it?" "Zed. You have to"

Zed sighs and slowly threw off his Z-Band. He ran to the slab attempting to push it up but he couldn't do it alone "Wyatt! Go help!" Cora demands "But Cora-" She glares at him.

Wyatt ran to Zed and helped him lift it up. The werewolves and zombies and humans carried the moonstone out of the cave.

"It's so heavy-" The slab collapsed, leaving Wyatt and Zed trapped "Wyatt!" Cora yells "Zed!" Addison gasps.

Wyatt stares at the slab. Zed moved a lot of rocks out of the way "Come on" They escaped the cave "Wyatt!" Cora hugs him "Hey... Look, Cora. You still could be a wolf"

Wyatt puts the moonstone around Coras neck and she glowed blue "She is the great alpha!" Wynter squeaked.

Cora gasps "Wow" She whispers "Why didn't it-" "The energy from Zeds Z-Band shorted out the power" Wyatt explains.

They were interrupted by Eliza "Say brains!" "Brains~" Zeddison smiled "We're getting our first zombie on the prawn wall of fame"

All the wolves howled in sync "Awooooooooooooooo" "Aw-Aw-Awoooo" Bonzo howled. Wyatt grins "You said that perfectly"

"Bonzos got an ear for languages" Bree giggles.

[Cora says everyones invited in this]

Wyatt stared into Coras eyes and slowly leaned in, locking their lips together. All the wolves howled happily.

Prawn was a success. Wyatt recently joined the football team and now him and Zed are best friends. Life has been so... so good.


Wyatt woke up to a bright light. He tiptoed to the outside of the den and saw some kind of light falling from the sky "Huh?" He quickly ran towards it.

"What is that?" He whispers. He eyes glew a bright yellow and he flinched back in pain and quickly ran away.

[A/N] Woo! The book is done. I never expected to get so many views so fast. What is it that Wyatt saw? And why does it affect him so much? Anyway we will find that out soon.

Who wants a sequel?

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