Chapter 22

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Elenas words flooded my mind all night. I mean how many people do I have to save for her for her to trust me?! I mean seriously, I've saved Matt, Stefan, Damon, blondie, and Elena multiple times. Hell, I even helped Bonnie. I even killed my own brother. How does that not scream "I'm on your side!" I don't understand her sometimes. I put on my hoodie, walking downstairs, where a meeting with Damon, Stefan, and Elena was held. Wait... no that's Katherine.
"Isobel showed up to Elenas house last night." Damon said to the two. I hopped over the railing, landing right in front of Katherine.
"Well good morning to you too." Katherine said.
"What was isobel doing at elenas?" Stefan asked.
"I don't know. That's what I'm gonna go find out." Damon said.
"I don't think that you should tell her that I'm here." Katherine said.
"Always wanting to be discreet." I said to Katherine. She rolled her eyes, sticking up her middle finger at me. I blew her a kiss.
"What? Why?" Stefan asked.
"It's better if she and John not know that I stayed in town after I got out of the tomb." She said.
"You're literally the one who made a deal with John that almost got me killed." Damon said, glaring at Katherine.
"I did what I had to get out of the tomb. Now I'm reconsidering my alliance." She said sly like, trying to walk away without giving us all the information. I speed in front of her.
"What do you know?" I asked.
"I know that I want Klaus dead, which puts me squarely on team you. Besides, if you three ever need me to swap places with Elena, the less people know that I'm here, the better. Think about it. Come on. Be smart." She said, turning around to Stefan. I rolled my eyes. I'm so over her snarky attitude.
"Tell you what. Why don't you, uh...Call Alaric and let him know that his wife just showed up on his girlfriend's doorstep." Stefan said to me.
"Alaric doesn't like me." I said blatantly. "Have Damon do it."
I was forced by Damon to go with him, Bonnie, and Lil Gilbert to go to the dead witches house. Ya know.. the witch I killed that made Elena flip her shits. Damon barges into the house, passing the threshold with no problem.
"Yep. Everybody's dead." Damon said, looking back at me.
"You killed Luka." I said to him.
"And you killed his dad." Damon said. I walked into the house, looking at Lukas burnt corps in the living room.
"We should pack up the grimoires. They spent years collecting them. I wanna make sure they're safe." Bonnie said. Damon's gaze shifts to Luka.
"You know, we could just get another match and cremate him." Damon said, I hit him in the chest.
"Don't be disrespectful. Not to him." Bonnie pleaded to Damon. I give Damon a stern look.
"Fine. I'll bury him.." he said, finally giving in. I looked at him, mouthing thank you. He gives me his normal Damon smile.
"What exactly are we looking for?" Jeremy asked.
"According to Luka's dad, one of these contains a spell that'll let me harness the energy that's left behind when a witch dies violently." Bonnie said. I looked to her.
"You need to let me take around half of the magic." I said to her. She stared at me like I was insane.
"No! Are you insane?! You have so much." Bonnie said.
"Bon. You don't understand a power surge. It could potentially kill you." I said. She rolled her eyes. "What is with your friends trying to get themselves killed?!" I asked Damon.
"I didn't know you and father witch were so close." Damon said to her, completely ignoring all that I've said.
"We weren't but when he gave me my powers back, he gave me a message. If I can find the spot in town, where the old Salem witches were burned, I can harness their energy to use when I need it." Bonnie says.
"Great. We'll have to put that on our list of things to do today. Harness ancient dead-witch power." Damon said.
"Ouch. Ancient witch in the room." I said mumbling. The only one who laughed at my joke was Jeremy. At least someone enjoys my comedy.
"You know where the witches were burned?" Bonnie asked me.
"I was in England during the witch trial days. Didn't wanna be caught for my brother to find." I said to Bonnie, answering her question.
"Are we gonna have to read through every one of these books till we find the right spell?" Jeremy asks. Bonnie nods her head.
"Nope!" I said, looking at Bonnie.
"What do you mean?" She asked. I stood up from the Grimoire, closing my eyes, allowing the magic to flow in my veins. It's like a rush. It's so hard to explain. I started to mumble as all the books flew up into the air, all of them falling, but one opening right in front of me.
"This one." I said to Bonnie, who looked in awe.
"How come your eyes don't glow purple?" Jeremy asked Bonnie.
"I'm not a hybrid." She said.
"It's kinda hot... I mean cool..." Jeremy stutters.
"See Bonnie? I'm cool! And hot." I said winking at her.
"Just grab your stupid witchy books and lets go." Damon said. I rolled my eyes, helping Bonnie grab the Grimoires.
I was sitting rather close to Stefan when Elena came barging into the library, with Damon following her like a lost puppy.
"Do you really think that Isobel's telling the truth that word's gotten out about the doppelgänger?" She asks Stefan.
"Well there goes my relaxing evening." I mumble. Stefan puts a hand on my thigh, hearing what I said.
"Look, I don't trust a word that she says, but I think we'd be stupid to ignore the warning." Stefan said.
"You know, you should just stay here. It's better for us to keep an eye on you." Damon said, putting an arm around Elena.
"What, in the house that any vampire can enter? No. Her house is safer." Stefan said.
"You mean to tell me that a house with and Original Hybrid and two vampires cannot protect Elena? Really?" I asked, getting looks from Stefan and Damon. "I'm just sayin."
"Well, then we'll stay there." Damon said.
"So is that the plan? None of you will let me out of your sight again?" Elena asked, crossing her arms.
"Never said that I wanted to keep you safe." I said to Elena. Damon and Stefan glared at me. "I mean.. yeah.. no.. definitely.. that's the plan."
"Let me know when you come up with a better one." Damon said.
"OH I GOT IT!" I said, raising my hand. "Sacrifice her to my brother."
"Iris!" Stefan and Damon said together.
"Sorry!" I said laughing. "Too soon."
"Then one of you 3 bodyguards is gonna have to come with me to the Lockwood luncheon." Elena said. Damon and I looked at one another.
"As much as I'd love to, I have to deal with Bonnie." Damon said.
"And as much as I don't want to, I have to help them. Bonnie is still a young witch who has a lot to learn. And Damon just needs a baby sitter." I said.
"And that leaves me." Stefan said.
"Have fun at the luncheon." I said, giving Stefan a kiss on the cheek.
Damon, Bonnie, Lil Gilbert, and I were walking through the woods. We are the witch gang. Yes. Very original. Anyway..
"Is this the spot where Emily Bennett was killed." Jeremy asked Damon and I.
        "Founders thought it was poetic burning her where the other witches burned." Damon said.
         "It was a tragic day. I really like Emily." I said. "The worst part was feeling her magic rushing through my veins when she died. I had lost a friend."
        "How do you know where the witches were burned?" Bonnie asked Damon and I.
          "Cause I tried to save her. Emily was just my key to getting Katherine back before I knew what a nasty little bitch Katherine was." He said.
          "You could have just asked me back in 1864." I said to Damon, mocking him a tiny bit. Jeremy laughs as I pick on Damon. He was walking oddly close to me. We all stop in front of the old abandoned witch house.
            "You sure it's the right place?" Jeremy asked. I went and touched the old wood of the house, feeling power surge through my veins. I was something a little different than any witch I've ever met. I'm also a siphon a witch, and a vampire. I'm the impossible. I dont normally siphon, cause I have enough magic, but it helps sometimes.
          "It's definitely the right place." I said, letting go of the wood. We all walk inside of the house, when Damon is suddenly unable to move.
         "Whatever witchy prank you're playing, don't. It's not funny." Damon said to bonnie and I.
         "I'm not doing anything." I said. Bonnie nodded  saying the same thing.
         "Ow!" He said. "My rings not working." He said. I sped over to him, mumbling a few things in Latin, allowing him to walk again. And not burn.
          "The witches don't like you being here." I said to Damon. He decided to go wait outside.
         "Can you hand me the grimoire?" Bonnie asked Jeremy.
          "Are you sure about their Bonnie? This is a big spell. I can do it you know?" I asked.
           "How would I get stronger if I let you do it?" Bonnie asked me.
          "You're right, little witch." I said to her. Bonnie set up candles, chanting the magic word, causing the flames to rise. It's my favorite part of the spell, watching the flames dance.
           "I'm ready." She said. I nodded.
           "Jeremy you need to stand back." I said, just in case she power surges. Bonnie starts to do the spell, and everything was going well. I'm proud of her. And then things went south. The spirits in the room started to scream.
        "What is that?!" Jeremy asked.
        "The spirits." I said, trying to get him to calm down. Bonnie starts to scream, blood gushing down her nose.
         "Iris you gotta do something!" Jeremy said. If I don't help Bonnie now, she will die. How would I live with myself? How would I look Damon and Stefan in the eyes, knowing that Little Witch died on my watch? I wouldn't. I quickly run up to Bonnie, taking her hand, letting her channel from me. My knees start to go wobbly as the magic leave my body. Bonnie finishes the spell, making me fall to the floor.
        "Thank you for helping me Iris." She said.
         I was drinking bourbon while Elena and Stefan were talking. Damon and I were listening intently, as the people we love were next to us.
           " Is that Isobel's?" Stefan asked her, looking at the necklace in elenas hands.
          "I never thought I would feel bad about her being dead, and yet..." Elena says, getting quieter by the end of her statement.
          "Elena she was your mother." Stefan said.
          "It's justified Elena. I think about my mother's death every day." I said, looking to the floor.
          "How did your mother die?" She asked me.
          "Niklaus." I said sadly. "He killed her. It's the death that triggered the curse. The death that triggered mine." Silence sat in the room. Well until Damon came to, giving Elena the deeds to the Salvatore boarding house.

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