
"So let's sing this one more time

It goes," Michael sang at full blast, pointing to Luke to finish the lyric. "Destination, permanent vacation!" 

The boys were now on their way to the airport. It was around 3 in the morning and half of the boys were up and adam, while the other half were dead asleep.

"Would you guys just shut up? Some people are trying to sleep!" Ashton grumbled, hugging his little neck pillow and blanket. Michael and Luke rolled their eyes at him, but they did quiet down.

They knew Ashton was just upset over Meg, his 2 year girlfriend. They had an argument last night over the trip. Meg wanted to tag along, but they all agreed on the trip being for just the boys.

After 30 minutes of snores from Calum and Ashton, they all arrive at the airport. "All right, boys." their bodyguard, Ray, says as he opens the van's door. 

As much as they didn't want to have a bodyguard around them, they still needed one as they went through the airport before checking into their VIP lounge. 

"You know, I was sort of expecting more people at the airport at this time. Isn't it weird?" Luke said, looking around. He noticed that most of the people in the airport were workers. It felt lonely, to be honest.

"Luke, we are up way too early and you are way too full of energy and thoughts," Calum complains, "Please, shh."

Luke still chose to ignore him. He still had a big smile plastered on his face from excitement. "Why are you so giddy?" Michael chuckled at Luke, who couldn't stop prancing around like a kid.

"'Dunno. I'm just excited." 

Hours later, the boys have finally embarked on the plane. They are now sat in their business class seats. Ashton sighed loudly, "Meg is making this trip horrible and the trip hasn't even started." 

Luke felt bad for Ashton. They always argue like this. The boys always say that the relationship lacks trust, but Ashton still decides against it. "Maybe this trip is what you need. Take some time to yourself, you know?" Luke said, in attempts to lift his spirits.


It's now May 3 and after an entire day's worth of traveling, they landed in Florence. The boys were all excited that they were in Italy, but they were more excited about the fact that they got to shower soon.

"So, Ray said that there's a guy holding up my name on a sign," Ashton said, looking around for the man with his name written on a board. 

"There he is!" Calum squealed, pointing to a man who was waving his hand in the air. The boys near the man holding the sign. "Benvenuto! I'm Gio and I'll be taking you all to your hotel." 

Luke was the most excited of them all. He walked right beside Gio and asked many questions about Florence and Italy in general. The three others were still very much jetlagged, and so was Luke.

But the difference was Luke had a happier mindset, walking around the arrival area of the airport.



i know it isn't the best chapter but like here u guys go

- v.d.

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