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"Good morning." Malaya greeted Luke as he took a sausage from the platter.

They were at the breakfast buffet and today was the 10th day of their trip. The agenda for today was to travel to Milan. 

Luke invited Malaya to stay and eat with the rest of the boys. "Dude! I wanna play football in that arena again." Calum whined to Ashton, earning an eye roll from him. 

"Well, too bad." Ash retorted, Calum pouting at the response.

The boys were so excited to go back to Milan after quite some time. They'd never really explored the place either, so this could be the chance. 

"How long have you guys been a band?" Malaya asked the boys at the table, stuffing her face with some cold cuts. 

"2011, ma'am." Michael answered. Malaya nodded her head, finally understanding why the boys are so clingy with each other. They were inseparable. 

"You know, after knowing you lot, I convinced myself to listen to your music." Malaya playfully said. "I've got all of them on my phone. I'm prepared for the trip."

The boys laugh at her, shooting some song suggestions, in hopes of convincing her that their band is actually fucking amazing.


"Hello again, everyone!" Flavio cheered as they started their travels to Milan, "I'm so happy to see all your faces once again. So, this ride will be over 3 hours. Please feel free to nap or work or whatever while we are on the way." 

The elderly couple decided to nap, Malaya tuned in to the very first album of 5SOS, Calum and Michael played some iMessage games, and Luke and Ashton got to talking.

"So, how'd the date go?" Ashton asked Luke.

"Ugh, it was amazing," he sighed, "She absolutely took my breath away. Her life is just full of so many stories, I felt like I was living through them."

Ashton gave a concerned look. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Listen, Luke. I know you really like this girl but, we only have 4 days left of this trip. Who know when you'll see her again?" he admitted.

Luke knew that Ashton would bring this up. He was always very practical about his decisions and Luke's decision of going after Malaya was not practical at all. 

"I know that, but one can only hope right?" Luke said, making it sound like more of a question. 

He knew that deep inside, this wasn't a good idea anyway. But he pushed his thoughts aside and listened to his heart instead. Though his best friend couldn't approve of it, who said anyone could stop him?

Three hours passed. The elderly couple were still asleep, Malaya was now on Sounds Good Feels Good, Michael and Calum were going at each other in 8 Ball because Calum kept winning, and Luke and Ashton were still talking about how complicated their love lives are.

"Meg won't stop bugging me. I honestly am having the biggest urge to block her." Ashton groaned, rubbing his face with his hands.

Meg and Ashton were still on some bad terms. Ashton kept trying to explain that this trip was for work and for bonding with the boys, but she still couldn't seem to accept that. She kept pressing for an apology from Ashton and he was having none of it. 

"I know I'm not the only one who thinks of this, but why are you still with her?" Luke finally admitted. The other two would agree. They've been secretly talking about it whenever Ashton would be on the phone with her.

"I don't know, man. I guess it's the feeling of like, throwing away years I spent with her? It's like all my efforts would be such a waste." 

"So, you'd rather be annoyed by your own girlfriend than happy with space from her?"

Ashton didn't answer after that, and Luke didn't press on it either.

Looks like they both have some stuff to think about.


The group finally arrives at their hotel in the city of Milan. "I want to go shopping here, Flavio. Will we be going?" Janice, the elderly lady, asked the tour guide.

"Of course, Jan." he smiled at her as he carried her luggages inside. "Alright! Here are your room keys, folks. I'll give you about 15 minutes to settle in and then we go straight to our tour." 

Everybody heads up to their rooms. "What floor are you on?" Luke asked Malaya as they stepped into the elevator. 


"Oh, cool. Me too." he smiled. They were in some awkward silence as they stood there, waiting for the doors to open. "I had a really good time last night." she said to him.

Her words made Luke form a big smile, "I did as well."

And with that, the elevator doors opened. Luke went left and Malaya went right.

Luke opened his room to find Ashton already lying down on one of the beds. "How did you get here so quick?"

"I wasn't in a trance staring at Malaya, that's why." he deadpanned, making Luke's face blush red. 


"Here we are, folks. Sforzesco Castle." Flavio said as they got off the bus at their first destination stop in Milan. "Sforza Castle is in Milan, northern Italy. It was built in the 15th century by Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, on the remnants of a 14th-century fortification. Later renovated and enlarged, in the 16th and 17th centuries it was one of the largest citadels in Europe. Extensively rebuilt by Luca Beltrami in 1891–1905, it now houses several of the city's museums and art collections."

Malaya instantly whipped out her camera to take photos of this beautiful place. "Hey, why don't I take your photo?" Luke offered Malaya.

She quickly turned her head to him, "Um, no thanks. I'd rather be behind the camera." she said nicely. 

Luke always wondered why she never liked being the one in the photo. She has a beautiful face and body. She's basically Miss Universe material. 

"Hey, Malaya! Take our photo!" Michael shouted, standing by this magnificent door the fronted the castle. Malaya laughed and ran over to take the picture of Calum and Michael. 

"I gotta say, Luke, I've never seen you so- what's a good word? Infatuated with a girl before." Ashton teased as Luke stared at the beautiful girl who was taking pictures of his goofy best friends.

"There's just something to her, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. That's how I felt when I first met Meg, remember? You guys would tease me about how smitten I was." he sighed. Luke did remember. Ashton used to go to great lengths just to see her or remind her that he's there. 

But all of that's turned to shit now, huh?



yes another bad chap ik

but like and i oop

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- v.d.

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