
"It's my turn!"

"Fuck off, mate. It's mine!"


Calum and Michael were fighting over who would play Ashton next in Guitar Hero. Apparently, Ashton is "unbeatable", but Calum and Michael would beg to differ.

Luke sat there, on the couch watching the two fight over the play guitar like two kids fighting over an ice cream cone.

"Such kids." Luke thought to himself.

He was currently on his phone, scrolling on Instagram and seeing almost everyone spend their summers traveling every part of world. He was jealous. The four boys were currently at home trying to write songs for their next album.

"Stop fighting you two!" dad figure, Ashton, stepped in, "Michael you play me first."

Michael stuck his tongue out at Calum to brag that Ashton picked him. Looking defeated and grumpy, Calum took a seat next Luke on the couch. "Why do you look so mad at your phone?" Calum asked Luke.

He relaxed his formerly scrunched up eyebrows, now conscious of how he looked. "Oh. I was just scrolling through Instagram." he answered. Luke leans closer to Calum to show him what he's been looking at. "Look at all these people discovering more of the world. I'm jealous." he pouted.

Calum suddenly lit up. It was as if the lightbulb above his head suddenly produced light. "You know what? We've been struggling to find something to write about. Why don't we take a trip somewhere?" Calum said, clapping his hands together with excitement.

Luke knew it wasn't a bad idea. He's been dying to travel again. Especially, without worrying about doing a show. "That actually isn't a bad idea." Luke nodded his head at Calum.


The boys have spoken with management and they agreed that travel might be the source of their inspiration. The boys have chosen Italy as their vacation destination. The management did put them on a private tour, but, with Ashton's demand, they'll be along with a few other people. So that they wouldn't still feel like VIPs.

"I'm gonna hit those ladies with a "Ciao bella". Watch. They're all gonna melt for me." Michael stated confidently, already thinking about all the ladies he'll pick up on the trip.

"I'm really excited." Luke bounces up and down, feeling like a little child who just opened a huge Christmas gift. "It's so weird how we've performed there and never really discovered the country at all."

The boys continue to talk about their expectations of the trip, the country, and of course, the girls.

"How long is the trip again?" Ashton asks the boys. Luke, being the most excited, replies, "2 weeks. We leave May 2nd to fly to Italy and arrive May 3rd. The actual touring starts on May 4th."

Calum, Michael, and Ashton all made fun of Luke for being so excited about the trip. But Luke couldn't help it.




so idk why but this has been in my head for so long lol

and btw this is gonna take place in the time before 5sos released youngblood

- v.d.

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