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"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Aden exclaimed before bursting into laughter while Carol couldn't stop her disturbing giggles.

I was sitting at the diner with my two best friends Aden and Carol. Aden was a tall man with a slim body. His natural brunette hair with bangs which he'd always brushed on his left side made him look young and carefree. His eyes were the most captivating part of him it was ocean blue with little green specs on it, sitting below the perfectly trimmed eyebrows. Aden was good looking that was why he had broken a lot of girls' hearts, simply because he was in the other team. Carol on the other hand was stunningly beautiful with her curly long hair which she'd always tied into a messy bun. Her chocolate eyes showed her humor and friendliness it also complemented her mocha skin. She was of average height, neither fat nor thin. But what made every woman envy her and man salivate on her was her natural plump round butt.  I met them both when I started working at the company after we got to know each other we became inseparable.

The diner was just across the street from our office it was lunchtime and we decided to have our meal there. I told them about what happened at the office earlier.

"Shut up it's not funny." I threw at them the crumpled napkins. They were both sitting across from me.

" So you're saying the guy you had made out with almost two years ago and the sexy Italian millionaire Massimo Vitéli are the same?" Aden asked in uttered disbelief and at the same time oozing with mockery like there was something silly about my predicament.

"The guy you've always dreamt about?" Carol implored with her hight pitch tone that made some of the patrons glanced at our table.

I glared at both of them but that just made them laughed more.

"You two shut it or I'll leave you here and will never share anything to you."

"Okay okay, no need to be grumpy our mouth is sealed." Aden said while pretending to zip their lips.  I blew out a breath and leaned back on my seat.

"First I didn't make out with him, he kissed me,  more like stole it from me. Second I wasn't dreaming about him." Aden snorted at the last note evoking a glacial glared from me. He just gave me an innocent look.  I sighed and continued my speech.

"Lastly I am confused how did he found out where am I about, don't you find it a little shady? Like you said it's been a long time all most two years and I have just found out earlier his name and that he's also a businessman."

"Correction millionaire." Carol voiced out. I groaned yes millionaire.

"But don't you think you're just overreacting, that his partnership with our company was just fully coincidental?" Aden explained nonchalantly.

"No! you don't understand, before I met him at the office, I bumped into him in THE STREET and he told me that there is no running away anymore! What do you think he meant about that huh? And was it also a coincidence, I doubt it was."

"Look just don't think too much about it. You've just said that you just found out his true identity earlier and I bet so was he. His partnership with Mr. Barnes will benefit his growing business. I think you working for Mr. Barnes was the coincidence; he doesn't have that power to find a girl with the unknown identity he'd just met once halfway around the world." Aden stated.

"Urghh! I hope you're right, Aden I hope you're right." I murmured staring at my half cold lasagna.

For a moment it became miraculously silent they've both stopped running out their mouth, which rarely happened. With suspicion I looked up at them, they were both staring at me with a knowing look on their faces and with a matching grin.

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