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Once this freaking car stops, you're going to jump out of here, your going to run as fast as you can, like you are being chase by a thousands of dogs and rats and everything your scared of. You are going to run for your life!

"What are you thinking about?" I jerked off a little when the man besides me who did not know the meaning of personal space whispered in my ear. My heart did a stupid flip and goosebumps erupted throughout my body.

Dam this heart and body.

I pretended I didn't hear anything and just ignored him. I focused my attention at the view outside the car, after all I had to know where this infuriating man taking me.

I let out a gasped when the bloody bastard put me on his lap and held me tightly. "Just enjoy this little freedom that you have right now Red, because once we arrived at my estate you won't be able to do that again. I don't tolerate insolence and disobedience, there's a rightful punishment for those who disobeyed me." Massimo whispered in my right ear. I did my very best to act as nonchalantly as possible even every pore in my body was begging to differ.

He gripped the back of my head and kissed me hard like he had every right in this world and as if we were alone in the car.

"I hate you, your evil, your worst than Satan himself." I told him after he released my lips, acid venom in my voice.

Massimo chuckled. "You might hate me now, but you're not going to hate me forever and I' ll make sure you will submit to me Red." he whispered in my ear.

In your dreams asshole.

My actual planned was once we land on the tarmac I'm going to escape from this bloody bastard. I'm going to run to the nearest airport personnel and will ask them for help. But It was ultimately crashed when we landed on the private tarmac of Milan airport and just right outside the jet was a freaking black tinted car waiting for us. It also didn't help that when we were getting out of the jet plane Massimo held my hand like an iron gripped.

"Whatever it is your thinking stopped it, It's not going to work." He whispered in my ear. Which made me more mad but little did he know that I am Sally Cruz and giving up is not in my vocabulary.

We were driving for hours when the car suddenly stopped.

"Uhh! Finally we're here." Massimo said, relieved was visible in his voice.

Turning my head to look at the front, I was aghast and my eyes widened when I saw an enormous gate and behind it standing was a gigantic mansion. It was similar to the large and ornate house built during the Victorian era. In the front yard was an enormous grand fountain that was made of stone.

Minutes later the car stopped again. The chauffeur went out of the vehicle and opened the car door for us, Massimo went out first offering his hand to me. Still staring at the lofty mansion, I shuffled out of the car without taking hold of his hand-he took it anyway. Once my feet were firmly planted on the ground, I discreetly surveyed the surrounding.

"Home sweet home." Massimo stated beside me. When we were about to walk towards the threshold his phone suddenly rang. Without letting go of my hand he procured his phone inside his suit jacket, his hold on my hand loosened.

This is my chance now! I look to my right there was a shrubs of plants and trees and behind it a couple feet away was a forest. Without wasting any second I kicked Massimo hard in his shin and sprinted away from him and ran straight into the forest. I've heard him yelled something in Italian.

Once I was inside the forest, I was surrounded by darkness the thick trees were barely penetrated the light through. But I'd paid no heed to it and just continued running until my feet hurts, legs protested and even some twigs scratching my skin.

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