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"Massimo, can you tell me more about your family?" I queried. We were both lying on the bed and about to sleep, the lamp on his side was still on. Giving a soft glow around us which helped me to see and gauge his face.

He surprised me when he asked back. "What do you want to know?"

Perhaps stunned was evident on my face as Massimo let out a soft chuckled before caressing my cheek with his warm hand. "What's with that reaction? You seem surprised."

"I am," I replied honestly. He raised his eyebrows. " I thought you were going to brush it off and would get mad again."

"I told you I want us to work, and I'm pretty sure getting to know each other more and hiding nothing is one of the principles of a good and healthy relationship." He answered.

A small smile tugged up my lips. "I want to know what happened to you and your family, to have your relationship the way it is. And what do you mean when you say you thought your mother would understand?"

Massimo paused for a moment, his eyebrows were drawn together as if thinking hard on his answer.  "I have a question though, why aren't you wondering why our company named Russo and not Vitéli?"

"I did, but I found out that it's your mother's surname. Therefore, the company is your mother's legacy." I answered.

"It is." He responded.

Now I was more confused? What was behind it?

"Growing up as a boy my parents and Maria were a constant part of my life—"

"Wait, Maria?" I interrupted him.

"Yes, all throughout my life she's there. She used to be madre's best friend." My eyes widened, thank God it didn't fall out of their sockets.  I couldn't imagine those two used to have that kind of bond. Maria was the sweetest and Mina Vitéli was like an ice queen who hated me so damned much!

"Shocked are we?"  Massimo queried with a crooked smile.

"Beyond repair." I replied in uttered disbelief, eliciting a light chuckled from him.

"Then better prepare yourself for more." I nodded my head, hastily, eager to found out more.

"Anyway, we lived a simple and happy life, sure we didn't have all the dime and luxurious in this world yet we were contented. And Padre did all his best to provide whatever we need, he was working as a chef before he built his own restaurant from the scratched, I remember I used to hang around there with him, padre was the person I could always count on and shared my secrets with. Madre, she nurtured me with her love, and also Maria she became like a mother too. Then later on Mara came into this world, another bundle of joy added into our lives."  As Massimo was telling their story he stared into the distance. I bet he was recalling their blissful moments in his mind.

They've had an incredible solid bond as a family, what could be a reason for it to turn the way it was?

"Years had passed, I think I was seventeen by that time and Mara was six. It was one regular family dinner when madre received a mysterious call. Blood drained from her skin and distraught haunted her face. I didn't know what was happening but we left the house hurriedly. After a couple of hours, the car pulled over a homogenous mansion. That was the first time we met her family.

"And that's when we learned the truth about them... We found out that madre was indeed an heiress and she had been disowned and shunned by her family." I sucked in a breath upon hearing his revelation.

"That was awful, why would they do that?!"

"Because she fell in love with padre... He was the son of a diner owner when he met madre, and they started seeing each other secretly, but there was no chance the Russo's wouldn't find out. As you already know they're filthy rich and powerful people, so they wouldn't just accept a mere son of a diner owner to their family." I felt like I wouldn't like where this story was leading to.

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