Chapter one

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Picture of Amber^^
Amber's POV

"Hey, Amber" I heard someone say. "Amber!!" Someone screamed in my ear. I shot up to see who it was, it was my sister. "What Amelia." I glared at her. "Wake up it's time for school" She said annoyed. "Ok, I'm going to get ready, go eat." I said as I got out of bed and walked to my closet.

"Ok but you better not make me late" My sister says as she went down the stairs to the kitchen. I finished getting ready and went downstairs and saw my sister talking to our mom. "Good morning Mom" I say as I kiss her cheek. "Good morning Darling," She says handing me my food. As I finished eating, me and my sister go outside and get in my car and drive to school. On the way there it was quiet other than Amelia playing music. Amelia is in 8th grade so I dropped her off at her school and then drove to mine. I was in my last year of high school. When I arrived at school I parked my car and started looking for my best friends.

When I walk into school someone runs up behind me and hugs me. "Hey, Layla" I say. "How did you know it was me it could've been Jayla , Jade, or Alice or Alicia." She says as she starts to pout. "That's because I've known you longer and I can tell the difference between you and the rest of my friends." She smiles as she sees the rest of our friends walking towards us. "Hey, guys I missed you so much" I say as they get closer so I can hug all of them.

We were all in joying the moment until we hear someone say "Can the loser squad get out of the way it's sickening?" That was no one other than Jessica. Jessica is basically the Queen of this school because she has everyone wrapped around her little fingers. "How about you stop acting like a petty bitch all the time and then we will move" I said to her. She walked up to me and said "look bitch I don't know who you think you are but you and your loser quad need to get the hell out of here or I will make all your life a living hell" she says as she walks dropping my books and making sure the rest of her minions drop my friend's books.

Hey, guys, I don't even know if people are going to read this but this is the first book I wrote ever so I hope y'all like it xoxo. Please vote.

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