Chapter Seven

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Layla above

Jessica's POV

It's Sunday that means Amber is coming over. I'm so happy. I really do hate putting on the bitch act in front of Amber. I heard someone knock on the door so I go open the door. It was Amber and her two friends. "Hey guys all we have to do is wait for Emma and Jennifer, they are on their way. Please come in" They walked in and they followed me to the living room. "So since me and you are here maybe we can start?" Amber asked. "Sure" Then I heard a knock on the door. When I go to the door Emma and Jennifer don't look too happy. "Guys be nice please." "Fine"

They walk in and we all started our work. An hour later we was laughing and having fun. I'm surprised that Emma and Jennifer were actually getting along with Jayla and Alicia. "It's actually fun hanging out with you guys" "yeah thanks for inviting us over here Jessica" Jayla said. "It's fine I'm glad that we're having fun." I say to them mostly looking at Amber. Then she looks at me so I quickly look away trying to hide my blush.

Then I feel someone sit beside me. "Don't stop looking now, babe. I know you want me" I shuddered as I felt her hot breath on my neck and blushed harder. "Please I bet you can't wait to get your hands all over this" I saw her blush and then she looked down. "Give me your arm" she looked up confused. "so I can write my number" I explained. She then gives me her arm and I write my number. "I think we should be going now" she says. I'm kind of disappointed but I know it's getting late and we got school tomorrow. "Yeah it's getting late we'll see you tomorrow Jess" Emma says as she, Jennifer, Jayla and, Alicia go outside. "Thanks for today it was really fun" Amber says. I couldn't control myself anymore. I have wanted to do this since forever.

So I went up to her and kissed her, she responded quickly. Her lips are so soft and fit perfectly with mine. After a couple of minutes, she broke the kiss because we needed air. "wow" She looked at me and smiled. "I have to go I'll see you at school okay?" I nodded my head then she kissed my cheek and left. That night I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

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