Chapter Six

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Alicia above
Amber's POV
"Your what?!" Jade basically yells. "That's what I was going to tell y'all before we got interrupted" "How did this happen" "This is our stupid teacher's fault" Jayla says as she rolls her eyes. "Jayla we all know how you like Jennifer" "yeah but she can be a bitch" I remember I have to pick up Amelia. "Alright, guys I have to go bye" I get in my car and go to my sister's school.

"Where were you?"

"Just get in the car."

Then I drive home. We get in the house and Amelia runs to her room probably to do her homework. So I go to my room and read my book.
"Amber can we watch a movie" "yeah sure did you finish your homework" "yup" "okay put it on" Amelia turned on the movie and jumped next to me on my bed. We finished the movie then mom called us down for dinner.

"So how was school today girls?" Mom asked us. "Well I passed all my tests today" Amelia said. "That's amazing Amelia what about you Amber?" "Well, today was going great until English class" "Well what happened" "My teacher paired me with the popular girl" "But you like the popular girl" Amelia teased "shut up" Amelia and Mom laugh. "So how your day at work mom" "It was great thanks for asking" After dinner was over I took my shower and was getting ready for bed. I turned my light off and went to sleep.

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