The Raid Trip

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The next morning, you were in the Kendo room and was getting your but kicked by Sanageyama. Eventually you were on the ground bruised and sweaty.

(Y/N): *panting* Is this really necessary?

Sanageyama: Since you are now one of us, I wished to test out your skills. I do admit, you lasted longer than most people I faced. Who trained you?

(Y/N): Someone who was given the strength and combat enhancements. He trained me since he needed a sparing partner and because my other teammates used the fact that they were snipers as an excuse.

Inumuta: Sounds like you had quite the team, why did you left?

Inumuta was on the bench, observing the match.

(Y/N): I wanted to experience school and see the world, didn't want all my life to be missions. So kind of like when you leave your family, to go to college. Didn't expect to go to a school like this though. So how did you meet Lady Satsuki?

Sanageyama: Was in a gang, she kicked my butt.

Inumuta: Was a hacker, she brought her security force to find me after I hacked her mothers company.

(Y/N): Then she recruited you two?

Both of them: Yep

Sanageyama: That would be enough for today, you should meet up with your new team and prepare for the raid.

After you leave, you walk by and see Shinjiro talking on a megaphone and Mako passing out newspapers.

Shinjiro: My friends! We could take back this academy together! Read the paper and find out how we can!

Discipline Committee members: Hold it! No unauthorized to soapboxing on campus!

Mako: The Discipline Committee!

Shinjiro: Run away, I'll keep them busy Mankanshoku!

Shinjiro runs into the Discipline Committee members and is getting beaten by them.

Mako: Don't be a hero Nagita! Run! Run!

Shinjiro: Never! I wont be bullied by the system any longer, I'll fight till my last breath!

He then jumps into the waterway and the Discipline Members chased after him.

(Y/N): (...probably should've done something, but don't want to get on Satsuki's bad side) Hey Mako-

Before you finished, both you and Mako was picked up by Gamagoori.

Gamagoori: You two, what do you think your doing?

Mako: N-Nothing just F-Flailing!

(Y/N): Hanging around

He then brought you two with the other students, that was loading cargo to the trucks.

Gamagoori: Under normal circumstances, your actions would earned you a one month stay in the Time Out Chamber. But I'm sentencing you to hard labor with the Commissariat Unit. NOW, LOAD THAT CARGO ONTO THE TRUCKS!

Mako: Yes sir

Mako had to help load baskets full of footballs onto the trucks. 

 Gamagoori: (L/N), you are needed to meet up with your squad and get prepared for the raid! NOW GET TO IT!

Gamagoori then threw you to the building, that you needed to be at.

(Y/N): Is it weird that I'm getting used to getting thrown arouuuuuuuund! *crash*

At Ryuko's room---

Ryuko was starting to calm down, after your talk with her. But she did felt alittle better about it, she was talking with Senketsu to apologize about how her rage hurt him.

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