The Showdown (Part 2)

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Everyone was charging to the school, to destroy the transmitter. When they got to the courtyard, Sanageyama used a tower of students to get higher to the transmitter. When he went to slash at the transmitter, a red bubble surrounded the transmitter and blocked his attack. When he went to go for another go at it, he was sent back flying.

Iori: It's a High Velocity Life Fiber Jammer! The Fibers spin so fast, It's like-

Mako: Woah! It's like an enormous rubber sock!

Sanageyama: Ow

Nonon: That's what you get for jumping head first!

Inumuta: I swear, you never learn!

Aikuro: Unless we shut that jammer off!

Tsumugu: We're stuck with our asses hanging out!


You, Ryuko, and Satsuki were fighting Ragyo and Nui on top of the school's tower.

Satsuki: AAAAAAAH!

Satsuki went in to stab Ragyo with her two Bakuzans. But Ragyo grabbed onto the swords and broke them. Then Ryuko jumped in and slashed at her, sending her sliding aside. You were fighting Nui, who was using blades that came out of her fists.

Nui: Hello again, my cute little teddy bear!

(Y/N): Stop calling me that!

You were trying to slice at her, but she backflipped away.

Ragyo: Enough of these distractions! Now, allow me to show you who the master is!

Ragyo's Kamui then opened up what looked like many eyes, that sent out a bright light!

Ragyo's Kamui then opened up what looked like many eyes, that sent out a bright light!

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Everyone then covered their eyes. Then you and everyone else realized that your Goku uniforms and Kamui, powered down and lost their stars.

Sanageyama: Holy-!

Inumuta: No way!

Nonon: My Stars are gone!

(Y/N): OH NOOO!!

Ryuko: What's wrong Senketsu?!

Senketsu: I-I have no strength! That light is paralyzing me with fear!

Ragyo: Shinra Koketsu was designed to be the master of ALL life fibers! Those who rebel against it, tremble in fear and is rendered powerless! THIS is Absolute Submission!

Then she snapped her fingers and the transmitter brought out many holograms, with images from around the world.

Ragyo: Here is the world. Seen by our satellite. Look at all those people, every single one of them wearing REVOCS clothing. When I unleash the power of Absolute Submission throughout the world, the dormant life fibers in their clothes would awaken. Every human would be swallowed by their clothing and the earth would be covered by a single piece of cloth. New life fibers would be born inside this cocoon sphere and when the planet explodes, it would scatter across the cosmos.

Life Fiber King(Male Reader X Kill la Kill)Where stories live. Discover now