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Two Weeks Later---

Sanageyama and Satsuki was standing in the school's courtyard and was about to have a kendo duel. 

Inumuta: Don't tell me that he's still hung up on beating Lady Satsuki?

Gamagoori: It's his way of getting closure.

Nonon: Geez, you boys and your egos. What a pain.

Sanageyama: Now that we settled things with Ragyo, there are no more distractions. We could find out who is stronger.

Satsuki: Your eyes look good Sanageyama.

Sanageyama: Aw come on, that's a corny strategy. Trying to use a compliment, to blur my vision.

Satsuki: It would take more than a compliment to do that. First strike wins, yes?

Sanageyama: Engarde!

Then Sanageyama charged at Satsuki, slowly forcing her back.

Sanageyama: Men Do Kote! Men Do Kote! Men Do Kote!

Gamagoori: What's she doing?!

Inumuta: Being forced back!

Nonon: Your kidding?!

Ryuko: Bust his shit Satsuki!


Sanageyama: (The hell? It's like she's not into it?)

Satsuki: If your holding back for me, don't bother!

Sanageyama: Not even! I'm in it to win Satsuki Kiryuin!

Then he went for a powerful swing at her, but she broke his kendo stick in half.

Sanageyama: son of a...

Satsuki: Go on, fetch a new one.

Sanageyama: Nah, it's cool. It's win this one.

Satsuki: Fine, that was a good match. You fought well *bows* thank you.

Then Satsuki left to the school's tower. 

Mako: That's Lady Satsuki for you! She could dodge EVERYTHING!

Gamagoori: Why didn't she pushed back?

Nonon: Ok monkey, spill it! What was THAT about?

Sanageyama:*looks at the tower* I don't know...It was like she wasn't there.

Inumuta: Like what, she disappeared?

Sanageyama: No man. It's like that iron will she once had was gone. She's like heat waves on the sand now. If her heart is not in it, then there is no use sparing.

(Y/N): Her life goal, was to stop Ragyo and life fibers. Now that she's gone, there isn't much purpose in her life. She's probably having her head in the clouds, wondering what to do now?

Satsuki then passed by Ryuko.

Ryuko: What's wrong? It isn't like you at all.

Satsuki: Now that Ragyo has been defeated, there is no reason for Honnouji Academy to exist. In thirty days, I'll shut it down as planned. Elites, please proceed with the clean up for the graduation.

You and Mako braced yourself for bright lights, but they never came.

(Y/N): Huh?

Mako: Lady Satsuki didn't have a backlight AND didn't clack her heel either!

Ryuko: Satsuki...

Nonon: Come on moron, lets clean this place up for graduation!

(Y/N): On it! See you later!

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