Episode 5

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"Your not thinking about?" Cheng Yu asked looking at Feng Jiu, stopping her in her tracks as Feng Jiu turned to her friend.

"I am, I will cut my tail off and make it into a powerful magic object to scratch his name back into the rock" Feng Jiu said.

"I think you should keep going, you don't know, you may eventually break his ice cold heart and get him to fall in love" Cheng Yu, sitting her friend at a chair as Feng Jiu started thinking.

"I need to return to Qing Qiu, to buy a present for my aunt's birthday" Feng Jiu said, patting her friends hands and got up, vanishing with a smile and appearing in front of her fox den.

There stood for the second time was Dijun, whom turned on her arrival. Bowing her head, she spoke the Qing Qiu greeting to him before allowing him inside her fox den.

"This is the second time you have come here" Feng Jiu said as Mi Gu entered the room and greeted them both.

"Please fetch some peach wine, the one that I like" Feng Jiu said as he left to grab the jug of peach wine, Feng Jiu and Dijun chatted.

"Your aunt told me that she told you about my desire back then to erase my name from the rock" Dijun said as Feng Jiu held her cup to her mouth without saying anything.

'Will he tell me not to do anything rash?' Feng Jiu thought to herself as she glanced in Dijun's direction, seeing him looking back at her.

"I can't change my decision, once it is done, it is done" he said and her cup fell from her hands and splashed onto her dress. As Dijun started to get up, she held a hand out to him before she stood up herself.

"What if I disagree? What if I don't like what you did? Maybe if I had of been born before you made this decision, would you have still done it?" Feng Jiu said angrily at him.

"If I had of met you before that decision, I would not have made it" Dijun said as Feng Jiu turned on her heel and vanished from sight.

'You don't know how badly I want to put my name back on there, to have it beside yours' Dijun thought to himself staring after her.

Feng Jiu appeared at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the rock of Incarnations. She ran up the stairs, tripping and crawling the rest of the way up as tears streamed her face.

'There is a way, I will put your name back on there' she said to herself as she kept climbing.

As the rock came into view, she fell to her knees before the rock, her fox tails appearing from behind her as she used her magic to cut her tail off.

She knew cutting one of her tails off would have been life threatening to me as she spat out blood from her mouth as she willed her tails away and held the tail in her hands as she transformed her tail into a magical object.

Moving closer to the rock, her tears still spilling from her eyes, blood dripping from her mouth, she shakily held the sharp tip of her object to the rock and started to put his name back on the rock.

Seeing as the letters of Dong Hua Dijun's name faded away into the wind, she kept going, each time fading away.

'This can't be happening, why won't it take his name back?' Feng Jiu thought to herself as she lost the strength to keep going as she leaned her head down on her arms and wished that she could bring his name back to the rock, even if it wasn't paired with hers.

"Please, I beg of you, let Lord Dijun have his name back on the rock" she whispered before she fainted, her eyes closing as her phoenix birth mark started to glow.

When Feng Jiu was able to gain consciousness, she looked around the dark area, like she was in a black hole. Then a white ghostly figure appeared before her and she asked him who he was and where she was.

"I am the rock of Three Incarnations, I heard your plea, Your Majesty Queen Bai Feng Jiu of Qing Qiu, your wish to bring Lord Dijun's name back to the rock" the figure said in a manly voice.

"I will do anything, I'll even sacrifice myself for him to have his happy ending" Feng Jiu said, going to her knees in front of the figure.

"Then you must sacrifice your place by his side, I will place you in a trial to ascend to High Goddess, your trial will be a love hardship" the figure said and Feng Jiu nodded her head.

"I will do as you say, I will leave my love behind, let him find someone to spend his life with" Feng Jiu said and bowed her head as the figure disappeared and she blanked out.

Back in Taichen Palace, Dijun returned home, wondering if Feng Jiu had come here. A maid entered his Palace and bowed before him, followed by Empress Bai Qian.

Dijun nodded to Bai Qian who walked up to him.

"Mi Gu has come to me from Qing Qiu, he told me of what happened to you both, but he also told me of Feng Jiu's plan to bring your name back to the rock" she said as Dijun looked at her.

'You have better not do what I think you are doing' Dijun thought to himself as he walked past Bai Qian and disappeared in purple magic before appearing at the steps to the rock of Three Incarnations.

Walking up the stairs as Bai Qian had followed him, he found a magical object just in front of the rock as he picked it up to inspect it.

He found that is was the same colour as Feng Jiu's fox fur as Bai Qian stood behind him before taking the object.

"Feng Jiu" she said and looked at him, telling him this came from her niece, he then looked to the rock and found his name beside a woman's name.

"Ji Heng" Dijun said as Bai Qian walked closer to the rock.

"She put your name back" Bai Qian said, dropping the magical object and covered her mouth with her hands.

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