03 : 𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘶𝘦𝘳𝘴

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   "It's fine! Think of it as a game of tag!"

Amidst the dense forest, the atmosphere was thick with tension as the children's hurried footsteps reverberated, each thud punctuating their desperation. The wild demon, a nightmarish amalgamation of disheveled teeth and hundreds of eyes, bore down on them with relentless pursuit. Ancient trees loomed overhead, their gnarled roots creating uneven terrain that the children navigated with leaps and bounds, narrowly evading obstacles as they dashed forward.

Jemima's misstep threatened to derail their escape, but Emma's swift reflexes spared her from disaster. Clutching the frightened child, Emma's heart pounded as she raced to catch up with the group. Wide-eyed and trembling, Jemima caught a harrowing glimpse of the demon's grotesque features, its maw agape in a nightmarish display of pursuit.

In the midst of this chaos, Don's unwavering composure stood out. He matched his pace to Gilda's and, with a tap on her shoulder, wordlessly conveyed their strategy. Gilda turned, her eyes meeting Don's with understanding as they executed their practiced maneuver from their days at the House. Don surged ahead, leading the group of resilient children who showcased exceptional endurance and athleticism.

With a hand raised, Don signaled for the group to split away from Gilda's faction. Realization dawned in Emma and Ray's eyes as they comprehended his intentions. The two sprang into action, navigating a narrow gap between two colossal trees, causing the pursuing demon to collide with the dense foliage.

Momentarily disoriented, the demon thrashed about, searching frantically for its elusive prey. "Yeah, hesitate—and then, come after us!" Don's triumphant grin was met with a menacing shriek from the demon, its enraged cry reverberating through the woods, a cacophonous symphony of dread.

   "Just run and don't look back!" Don's voice pierced through the chaos, urging the group forward as they surged ahead, leaving the demon's confusion in their wake.

Meanwhile, Ray, Emma, and Jemima took a different path, deftly avoiding the demon's line of sight. Emma's voice trembled as she whispered," See that? Gilda took the lead of the slower ones."

   "Don was the one who signaled." Ray's observant gaze didn't miss a beat, "They must have trained to escape in groups."

Determination ignited in Emma's eyes, "Everyone will be fine. The two of us should try to take care of that demon."

As Emma ventured forward, each step seemed to draw her deeper into the earth's embrace, her foot sinking into the gnarled roots that carpeted the ground like twisted serpents. Just as she teetered on the edge of imbalance, Ray's firm grip clamped onto her arm, yanking her back from the precipice of the vegetative abyss.

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