Chapter 3. Operation Fox

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Recap: You have convinced Nagato and Mutsu to join the Dragon Empire's navy.

Back to present

3rd person

It has been a week since the attack and betrayal of Nagato and Mutsu by the Sakura Empire. Everyone is currently sailing towards the Sakura Empire to launch a surprise attack on them.

Emperor Hirohito: Please prepare for any cautions okay?

Everyone: Hai!

Emperor Hirohito: Nagato, Mutsu, what do you say we give them another rude awakening? 

Nagato: Hmm, I like the sound of it.

Mutsu: Yes, we can get our revenge on Akagi, Kaga, and everyone else inside the Sakura Empire.

Nagato: I wish to retrieve my foxes.

Emperor Hirohito: You have fox friends Nagato-san?

Nagato: Yes, one is very large and the others are smaller but very playful ones.

Ping Hai: Then we should request some support if we plan to retrieve her missing friends your majesty.

Emperor Hirohito: There isn't a need to do so, because the Royal's have caught their attention again, this time they have the cube with them. While they are distracted, we will sneak into their empire to retrieve your foxes Nagato and any other valuables left behind.

Nagato: U-understood your majesty.

Mutsu: Nagato-nee, we are coming up on the mainland right now.

Emperor Hirohito: Everyone, please prepare to open fire when we receive the signal to do so.

Everyone: Hai!

Emperor Hirohito: Nagato and Mutsu, sneak into the empire and retrieve your valuables and foxes quickly. The Royal's can't hold them off forever. Our allies are supporting them.

Nagato and Mutsu: Understood your majesty.

The two sisters sneak back into the empire and begin the search for Nagato's foxes and their valuables.

Mean while and still in third person

The Royal's and the Azur Lane alliance are currently fighting the Sakura Empire in their home waters. They have stolen something that is considered very important to the empire.

**aircraft engine noises x two**

**aircraft engine noises x two in the distance**

Zuikaku: It's a ruin that's practically built for hiding in. Finding them won't be easy.

Fosou: We can't get impatient. Let's wait for the scout planes to find them.

Furutaka: But Fosou, I'm worried about Akashi, who got kidnapped. We can't just wait around.

**foot steps**

Kaku: **running** Fosou, we got a report from the Iron Blood fleet.

Z-23: Azur Lane!

Z-1: What do we do? Do we take them out first?

Prinz Eugen: Our job is to watch the island. Let the Sakura Empire deal with them.

Nagato's view and still third person

Nagato and Mutsu are still searching for the foxes. They have recovered most of their valuables that have yet to have been destroyed.

Nagato: I'm worried about my foxes Mutsu-nee. What if they executed them or tortured them?

Mutsu: Don't worry Nagato-nee, we will find them. We just need a hint to where we can find them.

Betrayed and Depressed Nagato and Mutsu X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now