Chapter 4. Testing

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Recap: Operation Fox was a success. Nagato and Mutsu successfully recovered their lost valuables and Nagato's foxes.

Back to present

3rd person Dragon Empire

It has been a week since the Operation and the Emperor has requested that Nagato and Mutsu are tested for their states while fighting.

Nagato: I wonder why the Emperor has requested for us to see him at the testing grounds?

Mutsu: Maybe he wants to see how we fair in combat.

Nagato: **sighs** I guess we will find out when we reach the range.

They continue to walk to the range together and finally arrive and see the Emperor waiting for them.

Emperor Hirohito: Good, you are finally here.

Nagato and Mutsu: **bow**

Nagato: May I ask why you have called us to the range your majesty?

Emperor Hirohito: I would like to see how well you two fair in combat.

Nagato: Understood your majesty.

They follow the Emperor into the range and he walks up to the controls. An Shan is in charge of the controls.

An Shan: Nagato-san, you will be up first understood?

Nagato: **gulp** Y-yes.

An Shan: Good, the first test will be accuracy and range.

Nagato: Okay.

An Shan sets up the first target at about 11,000 yards away.

Emperor Hirohito: You may fire when ready Nagato. **smiles**

Nagato: R-right. **aims at the target**

She inhales and then exhales and fires her first shot. The round hits the target in the middle.


**gun sound echoing**

**shell hitting wood**

An Shan: Good, the next target will be at 13,000 yards.

She pulls the lever and the next target comes up at 13,000 yards. This time it's moving.

Nagato: You can do this me. **aims at the target**

She aims at the target and studies it's movement speed, calculating its speed to be seven knots. She waits for the target to come back around and fires a shot.


**gun sound echoing**

**shell hitting wood**

Emperor Hirohito: Good job, your next target will be at 21,600 yards and moving. You will multiple targets, I want you to use your secondary batteries okay?

Nagato: **gulp** Yes your majesty.

An Shan pulls up thirty targets at 21,600 yards that are moving and two that are stationary.

Emperor Hirohito: You may fire when you are ready.

Nagato: Understood your majesty. Secondaries, engage those targets!

Her secondary batteries come to life and aim and then open fire at the targets.


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