Chapter 9. An agreement with the Northern Union

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Recap: The Emperor showed Nagato and Mutsu how to do the role as secretaries of the Dragon Empire.

Back to present

You have called for a private and secret meeting with the Northern Union. You are on your flagship as your fleet sails for the mainland of the North Union.

Nagato: Why have you arranged for a secret meeting with the Northern Union?

Emperor Hirohito: I want to strike down the Sakura Empire as much as possible. We are allies with them, so I think they will accept my request.

Mutsu: Understood your majesty.

An Shan: Your majesty, we are coming up on the harbor now!

Emperor Hirohito: Understood An Shan. Everyone, get ready to dock please!

Everyone: Hai!

Mean while

Sovetskaya Rossiya: **sighs** Another boring day in the Northern Union.

Grozny: Nothing ever happens but the usual mass produced ships every now and then.

Sovetskaya Rossiya: Huh? **notices an unknown identified fleet** Possible enemy fleet!

Grozny: Alright, maybe now we can see some action!

Gangut: I heard something about action!

Sovetsky Soyuz: Have we positively identified that this fleet is hostile? They would've opened fire by now.

Avrora: Soyuz is right. Hey look at the flag! It's the Dragon Empire!

Gangut: And I was excited about some action. **sighs** It's boring here.

Grozny: Cheer up Gangut, maybe they want to have a word with us about attacking.

Gangut: Hmm, say, you do have a point Grozny.

The Dragon Empire's fleet docks in the Northern Union's harbor and the Emperor walks off his flagship. But then they see two faces that send signs of hatred towards the Dragon Empire.

Grozny: Is that Nagato and Mutsu of the Sakura Empire?

Gangut: Executions?

Your view

Gangut: Executions?

Emperor Hirohito: Of course not!

Avrora: Then why don't we go inside to speech with everyone?

Emperor Hirohito: Of course.

You follow Avrora into the command center and see that everyone is there.

Minsk: Why are they here Hirohito?

Emperor Hirohito: They were betrayed by their own empire and left to rust in open waters. I couldn't just leave them there.

Avrora: Back to the point. What brings your fleet to our boring lands?

Emperor Hirohito: Well, I was wondering if you girls are interested in doing some unfinished business with us.

Avrora: I'm listening.

Emperor Hirohito: I am aware that you girls are bored to death so I thought that you would like to join us and launch a surprise attack on the Sakura Empire?

Gangut: **whispers** Yes!

Kirov: Of course we are. Anything for our allies.

Emperor Hirohito: Great, we will attack next week. If that is okay with you girls?

Grozny: Of course, we hunger for revenge when we get the chance to get it.

Emperor Hirohito: Is that a yes?

Gangut: It is.

You and Gangut shake hands. Then you discuss about how the surprise attack will be cared out.

Emperor Hirohito: I was thinking that the dreadnoughts could shell them from afar and then the others move in to shell and destroy the harbor. The main targets being the carriers, mainly Akagi and Kaga of course.

Gangut: If we can have fun fighting then we don't have a problem with it. Say, why don't you two introduce yourselves?

Nagato: I am Nagato, lead ship of the Nagato-class dreadnought, and the Shrine Maiden.

Mutsu: I am Mutsu, second ship of the Nagato-class dreadnought, Nee-san to Nagato, and next in line for the Shrine Maiden.

Avrora: It seems that you have acquired some serious fire power Hirohito.

Emperor Hirohito: Oh they have guns, they also bombed Mikasa's task force with their float planes and sank a ship doing so.

Gangut: How lucky.

Nagato and Mutsu: Thank you.

Avrora: **giggles** It seems that they are a bit nervous.

Emperor Hirohito: Well they haven't met you girls before.

Grozny: Reasonable.

Emperor Hirohito: We will be on our way then. See you girls next week at our harbor. Oh yeah, and watch out for our mine field we laid down a few months ago.

Avrora: You have placed a mine field?

Emperor Hirohito: Around a 200 miles area of ocean off our coast yes. We even lured Mikasa's task force into it. It didn't go well at all for them.

Chapayev: They are still repairing their task force.

Emperor Hirohito: They are? Well then, it won't be a good day for them next week.

Pamiat Merkuria: You can bet that all you want, but it won't be their day a week from now.

Emperor Hirohito: Agreed, now let us prepare for the attack.

Everyone: Agreed.

You and your fleet leave the Northern Union base and sail back to your harbor.

Fu Shun: They seemed really excited about your request your majesty!

Emperor Hirohito: They don't have anything to do, so I knew that they would accept it no matter what.

Nagato: Then let us prepare for a full out assault on the Sakura mainland!

Everyone: Hai!

Your fleet sails to the mainland of the Dragon Empire and prepare for a long next week. Because next week will see every single day the shelling on the Sakura mainland.


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