Chapter 7. A request for Nagato and Mutsu

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Recap: The Dragon Empire's fleet were victories after the Battle of The Dragon Empire Sea.

Back to present

3rd person

It has been a moth since the battle and the Emperor is currently busy with paper work.

Emperor Hirohito: **signing papers**

Ning Hai enters the Emperor's office as he is working on the papers.

**knock knocks knocks**

Emperor Hirohito: Come in please.

Ning Hai: **enters the office and bows** Your majesty?

Emperor Hirohito: How can I help you Ning Hai?

She is your secretary for the navy of the Dragon Empire.

Ning Hai: Well, I would like to a suggestion for the future about those two dreadnoughts that joined us your majesty.

Emperor Hirohito: **drops his pencil and looks up** May I ask what your suggestion is Ning Hai?

Ning Hai Of course your majesty. I was wondering if you could let Nagato and Mutsu be your new secretaries from now. I think it is a good way to let them become closer to you, your majesty.

Emperor Hirohito: **thinking** Hmm, that is a good idea Ning Hai, it would allow me to help in a better way from their betrayal. But are you sure you are willing to step down Ning Hai?

Ning Hai: Yes your majesty.

Emperor Hirohito: Very well then, can you please call them to my office Ning Hai?

Ning Hai: Of course your majesty. **bows and leaves**

Mean while

Nagato: The Dragon Empire is......beautiful.

Mutsu: **smiles** You're right Nagato-nee, it is a very beautiful place. I wonder what we will do today Nee-san?

Nagato: I'm not to sure Mutsu-nee. **sighs** Lets just hope it's nothing bad or worse.

Mutsu: Agreed.

Fox: **fox yelp**

Nagato: Alright fine, I'll give you belly rube. **rubs the Fox's belly** Happy?

Fox: **fox yelp**

Mutsu: What is Fluffy The Great up to Nagato-nee?

Nagato: Hmm, I'm not to sure Mutsu-nee. Lets go see shall we?

Mutsu: **giggles** Of course Nagato-nee.

The two sisters get up and to a separate room. When they enter the room, they see Fluffy and the other foxes playing.

Nagato: Awe, how cute.

Mutsu: **giggles** I think they like it here Nagato-nee.

Nagato: I think you're right Mutsu-nee.

Ning Hai: Nagato? Mutsu? Where are you? I have to say something very important to you two!

Nagato: Coming!

They exit the room and walk outside and see that Ning Hai is looking for them.

Mutsu: We're over here Ning-san!

Ning Hai: There you're. The Emperor has request for me to found you two and bring you to his office.

Nagato: Oh, okay. Leas the way please.

Betrayed and Depressed Nagato and Mutsu X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now