X-Factor Hug

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Hello, all you beautiful people of the world!!!! As you can tell by the title, this chapter is going to be about one of the most iconic Larry moments, THE X-FACTOR HUG!!!!! Before I start I would like to say that if you haven't read the past two chapters, this might be a little confusing. Anyways, lets get to it!!! So, five boys came to the X-factor auditions with high hopes. 

First, there was Niall Horan, Nialler. He was 16 and from Mullingar in the Midlands world. He came to the X-Factor hoping to be like the big names in the world. His two examples? Beyonce and Justin Bieber. In fact, our Nialler had been compared to Justin a few times, and he doesn't believe it's a bad comparison. The Nialler had dreams to sell out arenas, make an album, and work with some of the best artists in the world. In his words on the day of his audition, "Today is the start of it all. If I get through today, it's game on." (Don't forget about his adorable Irish accent!!!!) He was at the X-Factor to be the best artist he could be!! Before Niall started singing, Louis Walsh, one of the judges, asked if he was an Irish Justin Bieber. Interesting, right? He said that he reckons so. Katy Perry then proceeded to ask, "Is this going to make you really popular in school?" Of course our sweet, sweet Nialler replied, "Yeah, I suppose Katy Yea." Then, on with Nialler singing, So Sick by Ne-Yo. After his incredible performance, Katy Perry called Niall what we already knew, adorable and has great charisma. However, she told him that maybe he should work on it and that he's only 16. Well I got news for you Katy, you are wrong!! Yeah, for once Katy Perry you are wrong about that part. He was perfect then, and he is still perfect!!! Then, she tells everyone she started when she was at 15, but she didn't make it until she was 23. Guess what Katy? That's just tough. Because let me tell you something, not everyone is the same. I don't care what age you made it at!!! Our Nialler was phenomeniall. Then, here comes Simon. Of course Simon's response doesn't surprise me!! He's a monster!! That monster said Niall was unprepared. He said he came with the wrong song, and he's not as good as he thought he was. Well guess what Simon?! Ever think that maybe, just maybe you're wrong?! Also, Simon, the only reason anyone cares about what you have to say is because you're a judge! The only thing you did right was put five amazayn, fabulouis, extraordinharry, phenomeniall, brilliam, and TALENTED boys together. Even then, you managed to screw up. Stop fighting with James, and let James Corden host the boys' reunion. Then, he managed to turn it around by saying that he still likes him. Good job Simon!! If only you weren't such a monster!! Then in comes Cheryl Cole. She pulled a Katy and also stated out the obvious calling him adorable and that he's got a lot of charm for a 16 year old. Then, she says the songs too big. Ugh!! Now, Louis Walsh. He thinks that people would absolutely like Niall if he's like-able. What do you mean if, Louis? Who couldn't LOVE Niall?? Then, says that people will like him just because he's like-able not because he's Irish. You betcha he's like-able!! Then, Simon makes a comment about what Louis is saying, and Louis does what every person dreams of. He tells Simon to shut up!! Thank you Louis!! Now, to the moment everyone's waiting for. The yes and nos. Simon says yes!! (Smart move Simon Cowell.) Then, Cheryl. Cheryl, Cheryl, Cheryl. The girl says no! How outrageous!! Then, Louis, of course, says yes!!! Now, Katy. She doesn't seem to stop talking. We just want the third yes Katy. Instead, she agrees with Cheryl that Niall needs more strength. Sweetie. How wrong can one person be? Then says that like-able is not going to sell records. Hmm... Apparently, he only has a seed of talent. Then, she gives the third yes!!! Anyway, that was a recap of Niall's audition if you didn't feel like watching the video. Then, tells him not to let them down. Oh, Katy!! He won't!!!

Now, on to Liam Payne!!!! Leeyum!!!!! He first auditioned for the X-Factor in 2008, at 14, singing Fly Me to the Moon. Although he only made it to Simon's house in Barbados, he was still brilliam. Here ya go! Leeyum's audition 2008 edition:

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