Chapter Eleven

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Arriving to the Lovegood resident was a trek, avoiding snatchers and other's. When we arrived Mr. Lovegood was a bit, paranoid it seemed, but allowed us in. Now we all sit around, cups of tea made for all of us.

"How can I help you, Mr. Potter?" Mr. Lovegood asks Harry, who was sat next to him, the rest of us across from the two.

"Well, sir, it's about something you were wearing around your neck at the wedding. A symbol..." Harry tries to describe.

"You mean this?" Lovegood questions, as he pulls out a chain from his shirt, revealing the symbol Harry has been wondering over.

"Yes! Exactly. What we wondered, sir, is, well, what is it?" Harry asks, looking at the necklace.

"What is it? Well, it's the sign of the Deathly Hallows, of course." He explains to us as if it was obvious.

"The what?" we all question, not knowing what that was.

"The Deathly Hallows. I assume you're all familiar with 'The Tale of the Three Brothers?'" Lovegood asks us.

"Yes." Ron, Hermione, and I all respond, while Harry says "No." confused.

Hermione pulls out her copy that Dumbledore had left her, Lovegood has her read the story, thinking it would explain all our mysteries. Which it didn't really. "Sorry... I still don't really understand..." Harry says after the whole story.

Mr. Lovegood gets up and looks for something. We stand and follow him. He grabs a piece of parchment and pen and we watch him start to draw a vertical line, then looks over to us, "The elder wand, the most powerful wand ever made." He explains.

He looks back down to the paper, drawing a circle at the bottom of the line, "The Resurrection Stone..." he says, then draws a triangle, connecting the three, creating the symbol. "The Cloak of Invisibility. Together... they make the Deathly Hallows. Together... they make one master of Death." he tells us.

"That mark was on a grave in Godrics hollow." Hermione brings up, then looks towards Mr. Lovegood, "Mr. Lovegood, does the Peverell family have anything to do with the Deathly Hallows?" she asks him.

"Ignotus, excuse me," Mr. Lovegood starts, walking past Ron and I, "and his brothers Cadmus and Antioch are thought to be the original owners of the Hallows and therefore the inspiration for the story." he explains, looking into the tea kettle. "Ah, but your tea's grown cold. Excuse me, I'll be right back." he says to us, going downstairs leaving the room, seeming a bit antsy.

"Let's get out of here once he's back. I'm not touching this stuff, hot or cold." Ron says, grabbing his bag.

We make our way downstairs with all our stuff ready to go, "Thank you sir.." I say once we reach him, but seemed to have startled him.

"You forgot the water." Ron comments as Mr. Lovegood looks around at all four of us.

"The water?" he questions.

"For the tea.." Ron explains.

"Did, didn't I?" he questions, laughing a bit. He goes around us, to the sink, "How silly of me." he says, still laughing.

"No matter, sir. We really ought to be going anyways." Hermione tells him.

But Mr. Lovegood throws the kettle of water down into the sink, "No You Can't!" he shouts causing me to jump. He rushes past us, mumbling something before blocking the door, shaking, not facing us.

"Sir?" Harry questions calmly. Mr. Lovegood turns to face us, but still blocks the door.

"You're my only hope. They were angry, you see, about what I'd been writing, so they took her. They took my Luna..." he explains, sadness in his eyes and tone. I place a hand over my mouth to keep myself from gasping. They have Luna. He walks away from the door, towards Harry, "But it's really you they want..." he tells him, a tear going down his face.

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