Chapter Twenty Two

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"You have fought valiantly... but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Treat your injured." His voice enters my head. Anger replaces my sadness. I look to at my hand, coated with blood. I look at the water of the lake and rinse the blood off, before leaving, making my way back to the castle. 

Everything outside was quiet. The fighting had stopped, for now. I could feel myself still crying, but no longer sobbing. I enter the empty, rubble filled courtyard, continuing my way to the door. Then entering the corridor, then the Great Hall where everyone was.

I can see Harry and the others further in. I look around, and see people being tended to for their wounds. Others, layed on the ground dead. I walk in, unsure of who to go to.

But then I stop. Seeing George, crying and hugging Ron. Ginny looking sad. Bill holding Fleur. Mr. Weasley and Percy looking grim. I look down, and see Mrs. Weasley, sobbing, holding on to Fred. I quicken my pace, rushing past Harry and Hermione who try to grab me but I push through not hearing a word they said. Stopping once I reach the group.

There he was. Dead. Ron falls to his brothers side, sobbing like his mother. I fall next to him. No. He can't die to. George falls next to me, pulling me into a hug. As I begin to sob, heartbroken into his chest.

He wasn't meant to die. He was suppose to live, make jokes, have a life. I turn to look at him, not believing he's really gone. "He's not suppose to die." I whisper, sniffling back a sob.

George's grip tightens around me. "You're right. Freddie deserved to live." George whispers back.

I turn my head that was on George's chest and reach grabbing Fred's hand, it wasn't cold, but it doesn't respond like he use to. "He asked me to marry him." I whimper, more tears falling knowing now it won't happen.

"Oh sweetheart." Mrs. Weasley says to me between sobs.

"He finally asked you? When?" George asks, sniffling as he softly grabs my other had, seeing the ring on my finger.

I let out a sad laugh, "At the wedding. We wanted it to be a surprise. Something to look forward to after everything." I tell all of them, my voice cracking at the end, but no more tears flow so I slowly lean off of George. Ron stands, walking back to Hermione, I move over to where he was, George moving as well. I brush a bit of Fred's hair, he looks like he's only sleeping. God, I wish he was just sleeping.

Someone's hand goes on my shoulder, and I look up to see Mr. Weasley, looking at me sadly. "Rose... I'm sorry, but Remus and Tonks didn't make it." he tells me.

A deeper sadness fills me, but I was all cried out. The tears sting my eyes but didn't fall. I place my hand over his, before he lets go. I look back to George. I'm going to make things right. I have to. For Fred, George. Everyone. I look to Mrs. Weasley and see her crying into Ginny's shoulder now. My eyes drift back to Fred. My lovely Fred. I'll get back to you. Somehow we'll be together. I love you too much. This can't be how it ends for us. I've lost far to much for this to be the end.

I feel something hit me. Not physically. No, almost like in my soul. Harry. I look to the window, out to the forest. Harry what did you do? The sky was slowly fading from night to morning. The sun was rising. Tears begin to fall again. I cover my face with my hands trying to contain myself. I feel someone hug me again,I glance up and see George. "I can't do this. I can't. I'm sorry." I sob into his chest.

"Shh. It's okay, Rose. You don't always have to be strong." he tells me, sniffling still as he cries. I've lost to many people this day.

I seperate from him when I hear people leaving the room. Many Weasley's follow, George looks to me conflicted, "Go... they'll need you." I tell him, and he nods, and quickly joins the large group exiting the castle.

I stay next to Fred, alone. I lean down, placing my head over his heart. But I hear no heartbeat. He still smells of pine, and vanilla. I close my eyes. "Come back to me Freddie. Please. I can't do this without you." I whisper to the air, a tear falling from my face. I place a hand to his chest as I lay next to him.


Unknowingly to Rose, as she laid there. Crying over her love, she began to glow with the magic she possessed. She's always had more magic then she knew what to do with. That's why others end up using her as a pawn for her magic.

'A child will gain power beyond that of which they can understand. Their power can be used to enhanced others magic, but a darkness will loom over them. And both a selfish and selfless act will truly free them.' her prophecy whispers through the air.

As she glowed, her magic flows from her, to Fred, to everyone on her side of the battle. She had a reason to use it now, even if she didn't know it. A selfish act. Her brother may be the 'master of death' having all the deathly hallows, accepting the death that came to him. Rose was gifted with this magic, allowing the death of others around her to consume her soul and conform into this magic, into some sort of life. Enhanced magic, a selfish act.


A noise was heard. She thought it was in her head. A sad delusion.

Thump Thump

There it was again. She ignored it as she cried. Not noticing the movement around her until a hand was placed on her cheek, stroking it in an all to familiar fashion.

"Why are you crying love?" A hoarse whisper comes from the ginger boy, who was dead not all but two minutes ago.

Rose sits up in shock, gasping as she stared at Fred. Who was now very much alive. "Fred?" she questions, not believing what was happening in front of her.

Fred sits up, feeling sore, as he stares at her. She still had a faint glow to her. Her green eyes much more vibrate with the magic behind them. He gives her a loving smile, "No, I'm George." he jokes, hoping to cheer her up. Not ever questioning her glowing figure.

She launches herself at him, hugging him tightly, afraid to close her eyes, afraid that this wasn't real. "You can't fool me." she whispers as he hugs her back just as tightly.

He takes in her scent, of honey and amber, as he looks around, realizing he was in the Great Hall, and not in the corridor he was just in with Percy. "Rose, what happened?" he asks confused now.

She slowly lets go of the hug, leaving her hands on his arms as she stares at into his eyes. Her eyes full of love and heart ache all at once. "You... You died, Fred. But, you're back. I don't know how but..." she tries to explain to him, but even she doesn't know what she did.

"I'm back... that's all that matters." Fred tells her, trying to not think too much about him being 'dead', all he cared about was the girl he loved who was across from him who had her eyes full of saddness but full of love.

A Selfish Act.


1302 Words

I reworte this many times to fit the image in my head.

I hope you enjoy, and I am hope that you enjoy the little fake out.

I love Fred way to much to do that to him.

I hope you enjoy!




Lots of Luv~ snowflake

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