Chapter Thirteen

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Wormtail opens the door and enters slowly, not noticing us. Then he's hit with a spell, wand no longer in his hand, as he fell to the floor with an 'Oh'. We all look through the doorway to see Dobby, in fact at the top of the stairs.

"Who gets his wand?" he asks us, holding up Wormtail's wand.

We make our way up, Ron taking the wand and we slowly make our way up the main stair entrance. Looking up around where we just were. Hermione was on the ground, looking dazed. Bellatrix seemed to be questioning rather threateningly Griphook, a knife in hand. The Malfoy's seemed to be sitting around, ignoring what was happening.

"Liar!" Bellatrix shouts, causing me to hold my breath. "Consider yourself lucky, Goblin." she says to him, standing and going over to Hermione. "The same won't be said for this one." she says menacingly. 

"Like hell!" Ron says, getting up from our hidden position. Running into the room, "Expelliarmus!" he disarms Bellatrix, her wand flying into Harry's hand.

"Studefy!" Harry hits Lucious sending him flying.

Narcissa and Draco begin to fight Ron and Harry. I look around for my wand, spotting it on one of the tables. I duck down avoiding the spells being thrown, I hide behind one of the loveseats as I reach the table, grabbing my wand. 

"Stop!" Bellatrix shouts, causing me to freeze. I peek around the seat and see she has a knife the Hermione's throat. Everyone had stopped fighting. "Drop your wands." she tells the boys, only looking at them. "I said drop them!" she shouts.

The boys do as they are told. I don't move. "Pick them up, Draco. Now!" she instructs Draco, and he does so, picking up the wands from the ground. "Well, well, look what we have here. Harry Potter. All bright, shiny and new again. Just in time for the Dark Lord." Bellatrix whispers as she moves Hermione and herself forward.

I glance to Harry and see that the jinx had worn off. "Call him." Bellatrix says, I need to think of something to stop her. They all had their backs to me, but Bellatrix was the only one disarmed from a wand yet had a knife. If I hit her, Lucius would surely spell me. But if I hit him, Bellatrix could kill Hermione. "Call Him!" Bellatrix shouts.

Lucius steps forward, rolling up his sleeve, revealing his dark mark. I need to do something. Slowly I stand, raising my wand at Lucius, if I hit him hard enough he could hit Bellatrix seperating her from Hermione buying us time.

I see Ron and Harry glance at me worryingly. Then a squeking grinding noise echos through the room from above. We all look up to see Dobby unscrewing the chandlier that was above Bellatrix and Hermione. Oh, thats clever.

It falls, causing Bellatrix to scream and push Hermione to get herself out of the way. Ron was able to catch Hermione as it crashes. "Stupefy!" I cast, hitting Lucius. Then rushing past Draco who Harry was taking the wands back from.

We all regroup with Dobby, including Griphook. "Stupid Elf! You could have killed me!" Bellatrix shouts Dobby.

"Dobby meant only to maim or seriously injure, not kill." Dobby tells her.

"For God's sake, Cissy, you've got a wand! Use it!" Bellatrix yells at her sister.

Narcissa looks at me and hesitates. She raises her wand but Dobby snaps and disarms her, now holding her wand. "How dare you take a witch's wand. How dare you defy your masters." Bellatrix shouts at Dobby.

"Dobby has no master! Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!" Dobby tells her rather confidently.

We all grab on to Dobby, and before we disappear I see Bellatrix throw her knife at us. But my vision changes before I can see it get to us.


I land on wet sand. I quickly get up, seeing I'm next to Ron and Hermione. I make my way to their side and hug her alongside Ron. I can't even begin to imagine what she went through.

Harry who was a few feet from us, makes his way over to us, "It's all right, Hermione. You're safe. We're all safe." Harry says reassuringly.

"Harry Potter."  the weak voice of Dobby grabs our attention. There he stood, a meter away from us, with the knife that Bellatrix had thrown in his chest.

"Dobby... no..." Harry says, rushing his way towards Dobby. As he reaches him, Dobby falls into Harry's arms. "It's okay... Here... Just hold on," Harry tells the elf, removing the knife, "Dobby... I'll fix you, Hermione your bag...  you must have something, Essence of Dittany, something... Hermione! Help me!" Harry shouts desperately. 

But Hermione only shakes her head sadly. She couldn't help, the potion can only help so much, but not a wound like that. Harry hugs Dobby, as Dobby whispers to him. Luna walks past us towards Harry. When Harry looks up, I knew, Dobby had died.

I didn't know Dobby as well as Harry. But I could tell that he considered him a friend. He didn't deserve to die, another tragic casualty in the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange all for what? Some weird loyalty to her dark lord.

"I want to bury him. Properly. Without Magic." Harry says to us, sounding choked up.

And that's what we did. Harry got a shovel. Climbed up a hill, and made a hole to bury Dobby in. Hermione and I wraped Dobby up in a cloth and the three of us climbed a hill rejoining Harry. Hermione passes him the body, and he gently places him in the whole. We all assist in filling in the grave.

Dobby was a free elf. 


969 words

A bit shorter but the plot must move.

Hope you enjoy, the schedule has chenged for uploads but nothing drastic just for me to organize things properly.




Lots of Luv~ snowflake

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