Chapter Seventeen

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Landing in the water wasn't as gentle as I thought it would be. I was completely submerged, I push myself to try and go to the top.  Then the thing the worse thing happens, causing my anxiety to rise. The splitting headache forces its way into my head, worse than any I've had before. I scream, but it goes unheard underwater. I've lost my breath. I begin to panic.

Flashes of images appear to me. The locket. A ring. The Goblet. The Diary. The snake. Him. I try pushing past it, to focus on trying to reach the air. 

Anger fills me, yet it wasn't my own emotion. But it was to much. Then, the banner of Ravenclaw comes to mind. My house. The burning for air in my lungs. Everything hurts.

I reach my hand up, hoping that I was somewhat close to the surface. But I wasn't and only grasp the water. My vision focused back on what was around me, no long the images in my head as the pain slowly subsiding. I see someone grab my hand and begin to pull me up to the surface.

Breaking the surface I cough to catch my breath, holding on to Harry who had a hold on me. "Rose! Rose, are you okay?" he asks me a sounding panic'd.

Still trying to get my breathing back to normal, I just nod as he swims us to shore. Walking on the shore with the others, I don't let go of Harry. "He knows. You-Know-Who. He knows we broke into Gringotts. He knows what we took. He knows we're hunting Horcruxes." Harry tells the others.

"How is it you-" Hermione tries to question.

"I saw him."  Harry tells her.

"You let him in! Harry, you can't do that!" Hermione scolds.

"I saw him too." I admit so that the blame wasn't all on Harry.

"We can't always help it, Hermione!" Harry tell her. "Well, maybe we can. I don't know." Harry says frustrated.

"Never mind! What did you see?" Ron  asks us.

"He's angry." I say, sitting on the ground once we stopped.

"But he's scared too. He knows that if we find and destroy all the horcruxes that we'll be able to kill him." Harry rushes out, as Hermione opens her bag, grabbing the potion to help with our scratches. "I reckon he'll do anything to stop us from finding the rest." Harry says as he takes off his jacket.

"There's more... One of them is at Hogwarts." I tell them taking off my soaking sweater leaving me in a plain shirt, also wet.

"What?! You saw it?" Hermione questions as she grabs clothes from her bag.

"I saw.. something to do with Ravenclaw." I say, grabbing the shirt she was handing to me.

"I saw the castle. And Rowena Ravenclaw. I think it must have something to do with her. We have to go there, now." Harry backs me up, taking off his shirt, and putting on the one Hermione was handing to him.

"What? We can't do that! We have to plan. We have to figure it out." Hermione tries to argue.

"Hermione, when have any of our plans actually worked? We plan, we get there and all hell breaks loose." Harry retorts as we all change into dry clothes.

"'Fraid he's right. One problem: Snape's Headmaster now. We can't just walk in the front door." Ron reminds us.

"I could." I tell them.

Harry shakes his head, "No, you aren't going alone." Harry denies.

I sigh, "I can get in. He won't hurt me. I'm a Ravenclaw. It's perfect." I try to argue, but he still shakes his head.

"No. We'll go to Hogsmeade. To Honeydukes. Take the secret passage in the cellar. Together." Harry tells us, as everyone besides Hermione because she was in a dress, finish changing.

"There's something wrong with him. In the past, I could always follow his thoughts. Now everything feels disconnected." Harry explains.

"Maybe it's because of the Horcruxes. Maybe he's growing weaker. Maybe he's dying." Ron suggests.

"No. It's more like he's wounded. If anything, he feels more dangerous." Harry denies.


The second we apparated into Hogsmeade a shrill like alarm blares into the fog covered town. Figures exit the Three Broomsticks and we dash quickly into an alleyway to try and avoid being scene.

We see an abandoned area with cloth covering all the furniture, and dash there to hid in there. Not much later after we ducked down. Do I hear footsteps approach this area. Then the sound of cloth's being moved, one by one.

Then the alarm goes off again, somewhere else in the town, and the people who were near us, run off. Away from us. Allowing us to escape.

We run down another alley way trying to reach Honeydukes, but at stopped by a gate. "In here Potter." Says a voice from a doorway.

Reluctantly we all enter to avoid the death eaters.


We follow the old man, who looks similar, maybe even related, to Dumbledore.  We walk down a flight of stares, before it opens to a doorway to a living room. "Did you get a look at him! For a second I thought it was.." Ron whispers to us as Harry walks in.

Hermione and I nod, "I know." she replies just as quietly.

We look around the room, an enchanted painting of a young girl was hung on the wall. Near it was a slightly damaged mirror with a piece missing hung on the wall. But the Mirror wasn't showing our reflection, it was showing Harry, who wasn't next to us.

"Harry, I can see you in this." Hermione brings up. We look over to Harry and see him looking into the shard of mirror that he's had for so long.

Harry walks over to us, and holds up his shard to see if it fits the missing piece. "You bloody fools! What were you thinking coming here? Do you have any idea how dangerous it is?" The man tells us, as he re-enters the room.

"You're Aberforth. Dumbledore's brother. It's you who I've been seeing in here. You're the one who sent Dobby." Harry realizes as we watch as Aberforth checks the windows.

"Where have you left him?" Aberforth asks, looking back towards us.

"He's Dead." Harry tells him.

"Sorry to hear it. I liked that elf." Aberforth says, looking back out the window.

"Who gave that to you? The mirror?" Harry asks, pointing to the mirror behind us.

"Mundungus Fletcher, 'bout a year ago." Aberforth explains.

"Dung had no right selling you that. It belonged to-" Harry was quick to get defensive.

"Sirius. Albus told me. He also told me that you'd likely be hacked off if you ever found out I had it. But ask yourself where you'd be if I didn't." Aberforth explains, walking up to Harry. "Right then. Reckon you're hungry. Let's get you fed, then think of the best way to get you out of here." he says, walking away to get us food.


1180 words

Tensions getting high, but Hogwarts so much closer then before!

Hope you enjoy, Let me know your thoughts!




Lots of Luv~ snowflake

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