chapter 1: forgiveness

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Katara's POV

I hate Zuko for what he did in the past and when he betrayed me in Ba Sing Se. I trusted him and he turned around and stabbed me in the back. I would never forgive him. Why did the whole gang trust him so fast, I'm so confused. 

A week ago Zuko joined team avatar. On the second morning for him being in this group he saved me from rocks falling of the roof. i'm still not forgiving him. 

"hey Kat, what are you thinking about?" my brother Sokka asked me. 

"oh. nothing, when are we leaving for Embers island?" I asked Sokka.

Before he said anything Toph said "we're leaving now sugar queen." I hate the nick-names that she gives us at least i'm not twinkle toes which is Aang's nick-name.

Once she said that we packed up the camp and we all jumped up on Appa and left for Embers island.

 I was sitting next to Zuko...... I wanted to say something but I didn't. I was thinking of forgiving him but i don't know if he wants my forgiveness. I'm just confused. And then Zuko said something.

Zuko's POV

Once we got on Appa I sat down and Katara was sitting next to me. We sat there for about 15 minutes before I said something "so i'm really sorry about what I did in the past and I was hoping that you could forgive me?" 

"sure I will forgive you but never do that again!" she answered. I was so happy that I hugged her and I thought that she would push me away but instead she hugged me back. I looked over to see Toph laughing and I could see Sokka and Suki asleep. Then I saw Aang with a anger look on his face then I realised that Aang has a crush on Katara. Then I realised that I had a crush on Katara. 

After a few days after she forgave me I wanted to ask her if she wanted to go on a date with me. But I was worried what Aang would do. When we stopped at the Jang Hui I decided to ask Katara on a date but the thing was when I was going to do it she a talking to Aang. I just had to man up and ask her. "hey Katara can i talk to you for a second?" I asked her.

"yeah sure Zuko talk later Aang." she said.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" I said her.

"sure Zuko I would love to but do you ask my brother if it was okay?" i was so excited that she said yes.

"yeah I did and he liked the idea" i said. 

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