Dinner's Aftermath

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Marshall was stuffed. He and Dre had walked to the fish cafe since it had been only a few blocks from their hotel, but now he felt like he could barely move. The food had been killer, and he and Dre got to spend nearly 2 hours just hanging out together. Marshall smiled at the waitress as she brought out their check.

"Here, I got it." Dre said while taking it from her hand

"No." Marshall said "You always try to pay. Let me pay."

"Tough. I'm paying" Dre said as he handed his card to the waitress.

"Don't accept his card, he's actually broke" Marshall joked "take mine."

Dre stared Marshall down with a smirk as if to say 'fine. You wanna play that game. I'll play that game'
"Alright." Dre said to Marshall "You get the bill and I'll handle the tip, deal?"
"Deal" Marsh said while handing the waitress his card.

They continued to joke back and forth before the waitress brought back Marshall's card. He signed the receipt as they began to get up from the table. Dre then pulled out his wallet and placed a $100 bill on the table

"What the hell are you doing?" Marsh asked "I already paid."
"And I get to handle the tip, remember?" Dre joked while leading Marshall away from the table.
"That's not fair"
"It's what we agreed on" Dre said "therefore it's fair"

The two of them made their way down the sea wall and back to the luxery hotel.
"So what do you wanna do now?" Marsh asked
"I dunno. We could just hang out. We have all week to do stuff"
"That's true" Marsh replied
They made their way back up to Marshall's suite and decided that Dre would occupy the suite next door.

Marshall watched as Dre went to open the door to his suite, disappointed that the night was ending so soon.
"Did you just wanna call it a night or?.." Dre asked as he walked into his suite. "Because I'm down for whatever, I just wanted to check my room out"
Marshall grinned "well theres not much we can do tonight but I'd rather do nothing with you than do nothing by myself."
"That's fair" Dre chuckled

They walked out of Dre's suite and into Marshall's, shutting the door behind them. Dre walked into the kitchenette and grabbed himself a bottle of water while Marshall stood in the living room and scrolled through the channels on the TV. Dre sipped on his water and grabbed a room service menu off the counter top. He flipped through the pages until he reached the drink menu.
"Do you want to share a bottle of something with me or are you not feeling drinking tonight?" Dre asked cautiously.
Marshall had been sober for nearly 12 years but he had gotten back into drinking every once in a while just a few years prior.

"Actually..." Marshall said while still messing with the TV "I'm down to drink something. But not something too hard."

"So...Champagne?" Dre asked while reaching for the hotel phone

Marshall smiled at him and nodded "now if I could just find something to watch"

"Why don't we just play some music instead, this room as a speaker set up right ?" Dre asked while walking closer to Marshall "We could sip on some champagne... Turn on some music... And just... see what happens" Dre said while slowly leaning in like he was going to kiss Marshall's cheek

"WhatEVER!" Marshall joked while pushing Dre off of him.

The two of them laughed together. Marshall knew Dre was being sarcastic but thought to himself that he wouldn't have minded it if Dre hadn't been joking. They were close, they had always been. Since the day they met they just clicked, and they've gotten closer and closer ever since.
 'It's not uncommon for friends to fall for each other right?' Marshall thought to himself 'it happens all the time.'
It definitely didn't help that the two friends had gotten slightly intimate before back in the days of the Up In Smoke Tour. A night of drinking and a game of truth or dare had turned into something else entirely, but Marshall tried not to think about it. Dre was married, there was no chance he felt anything for Marshall regardless of what had happened that night.

*From Dre's perspective*

Dre finished ordering the bottle of champagne and watched as Marshall switched from messing with the TV to attempting to turn on the speaker system. He laughed as Marshall struggled to figure out how to turn on the bluetooth and connect it to his phone. Neither one of them were very technologically inclined, but Marshall really struggled when it came to technology. His lack of understanding technology always amused Dre, Marshall had an old soul and Dre loved that about him. Eventually Marshall managed to get the music playing and they listened while waiting for the champagne. The time was spent with Marshall turning on an old hip hop song by Wu Tang or Redman and Dre sneaking in a Nirvana song or two. Regardless of what was playing, the two just vibed together until there was a knock at the door

"Room service!"

Dre grabbed his wallet off of the kitchenette counter and went to answer the door. He quickly handed the man a $50 and brought 2 bottles of sparkling champagne back into the living room.

"So." Dre started "do we actually want glasses or were you hoping to just drink out of the bottle?" Dre asked while placing the bottles in the kitchen.

Marshall got up from the couch and sat at the bar stools in front of the counter, across from Dre "Let's start with glasses and see how the night goes"

Dre searched through the cabinets until he found two champagne glasses. He then found a bottle opener in one of the drawers and popped the top off of one of the bottles. Dre poured them each a glass a champagne. The two clinked their glasses together before taking a drink. Dre stopped and looked down at his drink.
"You know what I've always wanted to try?" Dre asked
"That thing where you cross arms while drinking."
Marshall stared at Dre, confused for a minute, before realizing what he was talking about.
"Ooooohhh" Marshall exclaimed "you mean this thing?!"
Marshall placed his arm on the table, still holding his drink, in a position like he was going to challenge Dre to arm wrestle. Dre smiled and wrapped his arm around Marshall's in a similar position. Once their arms were linked, they both leaned in for a drink. They sat there for a second, just looking at each other and smiling after pulling away from their drinks.
Dre couldn't help but look into Marsh's blue eyes while they were so close together. He felt his face getting hot from blushing and quickly pulled away before it became obvious.
"Do you wanna keep listening to music or..." Dre asked
Marshall seemed puzzled by Dre pulling back so quickly "yeah sure"

The two continued drinking and hanging out until the two bottles of champagne were empty. Dre was feeling a bit buzzed, so he knew Marshall had to have been feeling it too. They had gone through two bottles in less than two hours. Dre started flipping through the room service menu again.
"Hey." Dre said "do you want me to get more champagne?"
"You know what. Fuck it. Get two more bottles" Marshall said with a laugh.
Dre called room service and ordered two more bottles, as Marshall requested.

Dre could feel himself getting dizzy and walked to the bathroom to splash his face with water. On his way back from the bathroom he noticed the jacuzzi tub.
"Yo, we should totally use this!" Dre yelled into the living room
"Use what?" Marshall asked
"The jacuzzi tub!"
"Oh shit" Marshall exclaimed "I had forgotten about that. Hell yeah let's do it!

Marshall walked into the bedroom and started trying to figure out how it works. Dre found the instructions in the bedside table and started drunkenly reading them while Marshall filled the tub with water. A knock at the door interrupted Dre's reading. He again tipped the man $50 and walked back into the room with the champagne.
While Marshall set the tub up, Dre switched the music system so that it would play in the bedroom rather than the living room.
Marshall turned the water off and switched on the bubbles, bringing the tub to life.
Marshall stared at the tub "hey, did you bring a bathing suit?"
"Nope" Dre replied, now wondering what they were going to do
"Fuck it." Marshall said while beginning to strip
Dre watched him, trying hard not to get turned on "you're just going to get in naked?"
"I mean, yeah" Marshall replied "doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you"
"Nah, I mean" Dre stuttered while trying not to sound nervous "it doesnt bother me"

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