Another Night Another Morning

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*knock knock*

Dre groaned. He looked at the clock: 4:22 a.m. who the hell was knocking on his door right now? No fire alarms going off. So what's the deal? He got up to answer it and found a 5 ft 8 in white boy in pajama pants and no shirt standing at his door.

"Marsh? What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I just can't sleep.. you were already sleeping huh?
"I mean yeah it's like 4:30 in the morning or some shit."

Without another word Dre walked back into the hotel room, Marshall following behind him. He crawled back into bed and his best friend crawled in beside him. He laid there and tried to go back to sleep. It had to have only been a few minutes before he heard Marshall snoring softly beside him.
"Hard time sleeping huh?" Dre chuckled
He rolled over facing the opposite side as Marshall and fell back asleep.

He was slowly pulled out of sleep by Marshall gently kissing and sucking on his neck. 'feeling bold?' he thought. He lightly grabbed Marshall's chin and pulled it towards him before indulging the white boy in a deep kiss. The kiss got deeper and deeper until lips led to tongue. Tongue led to hands grabbing at each others waists. He licked his hand before slipping it into Marshall's boxers and playing with whatever he could get his hand on. He did this for a while before pulling Marshall up so that he was sitting on top of him. While still laying on his back, he helped pull Marshall's pants and boxers off. Marshall was sitting bare on Dre's torso. He pulled at Marshall's legs and motioned for him to sit on his face. Marshall obliged. He sat his head up a bit and pulled Marshall's waist closer to him. Close enough that he could slip his cock into his mouth. Marshall was average size, maybe 7 inches at most so it wasn't hard for Dre to fit the whole thing in his mouth. Dre lightly sucked as Marshall rocked his hips back and forth. It tasted like heaven. It was the only thing Dre was craving. He started to suck harder as Marshall moaned in pleasure. He could feel Marshall getting close to the edge but he wasn't going to let him get off yet. He wanted to do that a different way. He felt Marshall start grabbing at his dick while riding his face so he moved his hands from Marshall's waist and pulled his pants down. Marshall pulled away from his mouth and started stroking him.  He closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure.

He suddenly opened his eyes, confused. He looked around the hotel room. It was morning? Dre sighed as he realized it had been a dream. A good dream at that. He was hard, and it definitely wasn't helping that he was spooning Marshall. He couldn't help but lightly rub up against him. It felt so good. He had to be careful though because he didn't want Marshall to wake up and feel that he was hard.
He tried not to think about the dream in the hopes that his hard-on would quickly go away. He thought about other things like music, the show last night, and what they were going to do that day. They had the next 2 days to do whatever they wanted, he looked forward to it.
He tried to move his now dead arm out from underneath Marshall's head, resulting in Marsh turning around and snuggling into his chest with his leg wrapped around Dre's waist.

He was hard?

Dre moved around a bit to feel if he was mistaken but no, he was right. Marshall was hard too. He doubted it was from a similar dream but he still liked to think that it was. He wrapped his arms around Marsh and pulled him closer while rubbing his hand along Marsh's back.
Not long after, Marshall woke up.
"Hi..." Marsh said quietly into Dre's chest
He didn't know if Marsh noticed anything but he really hoped he didn't. Well... kinda.
He had been trying to get his erection to go down but once he noticed Marshall's there was no chance. He didn't know what to do about it.

(Marshall's POV)

He had woken up almost a half hour before Dre did but he continued to lay there. He always liked being the little spoon, it was comfortable. Plus he had Dre's strong arms wrapped around him to keep him warm. He tried to fall back asleep but couldn't. After spending a while trying to sleep, he felt Dre start to pull away from him. He didn't want cuddles to be over so he turned around and wrapped himself around him. Dre was hard. He had noticed this a little while after he had woken up. He could feel it rubbing against him while Dre was asleep, it was enough to get him hard. He didn't even think about his own hard on when he rolled over to snuggle. Maybe Dre wouldn't notice. Or maybe he wouldn't care since the both of them were hard. He didn't care, but he worried a bit that Dre did. What was he dreaming about? He tried to think of what kinds of different things might get to Dre like that. He wished he knew what Dre was dreaming of. It was probably about Nicole. He probably just misses her and is dreaming about her.
Whatever. It didn't matter.
He couldn't sleep so he figured he might as well get up.
"Hi..." he said quietly into Dre's chest to see if he was awake
"Hey" guess he was awake
Wait how long had he been up?
Dre looked at him and smiled before pulling him closer to him. Dre's arms constricted tighter around him. He'd never felt more safe.
"Damn, 7a.m." Dre said "Did you want to get up already?
Suddenly, he realized he really didn't want to get up yet. He was still tired and enjoyed having Dre's arms around him.
"No, I just wanted to know if you were awake."
He felt Dre's hand move it's way down from his back to his upper leg. Dre grabbed at it to hold him closer. It felt good. Dre continued to squeeze his thigh and eventually made his way up to squeezing his ass.
He wanted it. He thought maybe Dre wanted it too but he had no idea how to actually instigate it. What if they got interrupted again?
Fuck it. It was a risk, but what is a risk if you don't take it?
Without warning, he rolled over onto his other side. Now Dre's hand that was once grabbing at his ass, was grabbing at his dick. Dre sat up and looked at him with raised eyebrows. Marshall sat up with him, hoped he had read Dre's face right, and pulled his pants off. He kept his boxers on just incase. Immediately after, Dre pulled his off too. Marshall got a bit closer and started to rub Dre's chest, he could feel Dre's chest rising and falling a bit more dramatically than usual. He was nervous. Dre raised a hand up and started stroking his face and playing with his beard. Dre pulled his face closer and started to kiss him on the cheek. Dre worked his way down Marshall's neck. Dre kept going until he was kissing his chest. He moaned as Dre started to play with his nipples. Dre licked and sucked until Marshall couldn't handle it anymore. He pulled at Dre's boxers until he was able to get them off. Dre kissed down his torso, he put his hand on the back of Dre's head and lightly pushed Dre down further. Dre pulled Marshalls boxers down and kissed and lightly bit at his thighs. Next thing he knew, Dre was kissing his shaft. Working his way up to the tip like he had done to Dre 2 nights before.
It had been a while since he had slept with anyone. At least a year. He could already feel himself getting close.
He moved his hips a bit while Dre sucked and stroked him. He watched Dre, he looked like he was actually into it. It felt like he was into it too.
Dre went from licking and sucking on his shaft to working on his balls. He licked and sucked slowly. Eventually Dre started to pull away. He told Marshall to turn around. He wasn't ready to go all the way with Dre yet. He wanted to but it just wasn't time.
"Wait. Andre..."
"Marshall, just... just... trust me. And if you don't like it just tell me and I'll stop okay? I just think you'll like it."
"Andre we don't have any lube or anything..."
Dre looked at him puzzled
"Marsh that's not... just trust me. Turn around."
He did as Dre said and rolled over so that he was laying on his stomach. Dre moved Marshall's legs to open up his hips and started to kiss his ass.
Marshall laughed a bit at the thought of Dre literally kissing his ass. It felt good though. Dre continued to kiss, and even lightly bite. He winced as Dre bit a little too hard.
Dre kept kissing but changed from biting to leaving hickeys. Marshall looked back and watched him. It felt almost like a pattern.

"Are you drawing on my ass with hickeys!?"
"... maybe ..."
"What are you drawing?"
"My initials"

That's was a very Dre move. He was territorial, Marshall knew that. If something belonged to him, he made it known.

"Is this seriously what you had me turn around for?"
"No. Sit your hips up."

Again Marshall did as Dre requested and sat his hips up until he was in a slight doggy position. Dre started to grab and squeeze his ass while kissing. He could feel where Dre was going with this. He didn't know if he was into it but he'll try anything once so he let him continue.
Dre lightly pulled his cheeks apart and kissing turned to licking.

Before he realized it, Marshall started to play with himself while Dre tasted him. It felt better than he thought it would and he wanted more. Dre must have sensed this. After a while Dre stopped licking and started rubbing his index finger against him like he was asking for entry. He winced slightly as Dre slipped his finger inside.

"Are you okay?"

Marshall arched his back further as Dre fingered him. He was so close to cumming.
He let Dre continue for a few minutes before motioning for him to stop.
He turned back around and sat up, he pulled Dre up too. He sat so that he was almost on Dre's lap, but gave himself enough room so that he could still stroke him. Dre moaned in pleasure as he played with the very tip of Dre's head. He was dripping pre-cum. He wanted Dre to play with him too but he was too lost in being playing with.
He got an idea
He positioned himself a bit closer on Dre so that both of their shafts were pressed together and he could wrap his hands around both at the same time. Marshall wrapped his hands around both of them and started to play. He struggled a bit since his hands were kinda small and Dre was so thick.
Dre caught light of what he was doing and wrapped his hands around the two of them instead. It was much easier for him. Marshall watched Dre stroke both of them. His gaze trailed up to Dre's face. Dre was so focused on what he was doing, he didn't even notice Marshall watching him.
Marshall started to move his hips along with Dre pulling. He was so close.
The room filled with noises of pure pleasure. Hard breathing. Moaning.
Dre started to breath harder.
Marshall put his hands on top of Dre's, pressing so that the grip was tighter for both of them.
He leaned in and kissed Dre.
Marshall started to cum with Dre following not long after. Dre continued to stroke them as they came until neither of them could handle it.
They sat there, hands covered in cum. There was no way to tell where Marshall's started and Dre's ended.

Dre leaned in for another kiss before getting up to wash off his hands. Marshall did the same. It had gotten everywhere. Their legs, their hands, their torsos.
"Do you want to just shower?" Dre asked
"Yeah that's probably best"

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