What now?

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(Dre's POV)

'I fucked up. I really really fucked up' he thought to himself. He had tried to help Marshall out of the tub at least but he wouldn't even accept the help. He had to have fucked up. He knew Marshall was sensitive to stuff like this since his relationships always ended up like shit. He felt like he had taken almost taken advantage of him. He had started it, hadn't he? Or did Marshall? He couldn't even remember and it honestly didn't matter now.

He watched as Marshall wrapped himself in the towel he had given him and sat on the bed. At least he accepted the towel. Dre didn't know whether sitting next to Marshall was a good idea so he stood instead.


He wanted to say something so badly but... what do you even say after this? He had already said he was sorry but the truth is he really wasn't sorry at all. If anything he was sorry that it had gotten interrupted and now seemed awkward. He had really been looking forward to spending the week with Marsh but he had just fucked that up. He doubted he even wanted to be in the same room as him right now. So he decided to leave. Without even putting his clothes back on, Dre simply wrapped the towel tighter around his waist, grabbed his clothes and headed for the door.

"What are you doing?" Marshall asked softly, now suddenly looking at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you leaving?" Marshall asked

He wanted him to stay??? After that he still wanted him to stay.
He slowly turned back to face Marshall "I just kinda figured that you..."

"No." Marshall said. He sounded hurt. "No. I've waited so long to see you. Maybe we just... kinda missed each other so much that we let it go further than it needed to. Plus we've been drinking"

There's an excuse. The alcohol. Dre realized upon hearing Marshall say that that the alcohol had worn off by now but yet, he still felt the same way about him.

"Dre, please stay."
"Okay... well what now?"
"We should probably get dressed"
"Yeah okay"

Dre got up and started to dig through his bag for his sleep pants and some fresh boxers. He hadn't packed a shirt to sleep in since he never sleeps in one. He didn't even know if Marshall wanted him to stay the night or not but he figured he might as well get into something comfortable.
He went into the bathroom to get changed and left Marshall to change in the bedroom. He turned on the sink and splashed his face with water before looking up at himself in the mirror.  It was fine. Everything was fine. It's not a big deal. It was just a then thing. Everything is fine now. Dre desperately tried to convince himself of this but his anxiety wouldn't let him get past that feeling of panic. He took a few breaths and figured he could fake it until that panic went away. So he took one more breath and headed back into the bedroom.

He walked in and saw Marshall sitting on the bed. God that bed was huge, it made him look so small. He looked so small and sweet with his little pouty face and his sniffling nose.

Oh no.

"Marshall what's wrong?" Dre quickly moved to sit beside him before even thinking about whether or not he should.

"I'm fine."

He wasn't fine. He always tried to act tough and put up a wall when he felt vulnerable. Dre knew that.

"Marshall." Dre said with a concerned tone. He could see that his eyes were red from crying. Dre

"Andre. Really. I'm fine." Marshall said through short breathes

Dre just looked at him concerned, he could hear that he was stuffy. He could hear it in the way he spoke along with a slight wheezing sound in his breath.


Dre panicked. He knew Marshall had asthma, and he had helped him through attacks before. He just wasn't expecting it to act up now. He got up and started going through Marshall's duffel bag, he knew where he always kept his inhaler. He had a case for it that he always kept in one of the hidden inner pockets. Bingo. Dre grabbed the inhaler from the case and handed it to Marshall. He watched carefully to make sure Marshall was alright. After a few deep breaths, Marsh sat the inhaler down.
"I feel light headed." Marshall said softly.
"You should lie down"
"Yeah I think so too" Marshall said as he laid back onto the pillow.

Marshall looked at him and raised a brow.
Hoping he read the look right, he crawled into the stop next to Marshall and laid beside him. Surprisingly, Marsh scooted a little closer and laid, still on his back, with his head on Dre's shoulder. Dre's heart began to race but only for a minute before he felt a sense of peace fall over him. He sighed.
"Marshall I don't care how many times it happens. I'm still scared every time."
"They're not a big deal Dre. If it does ever get major, I'll let you know."
"Okay... I'll do whatever you need me to. I'd gladly give you mouth to mouth if I had to."
"Oh I know you would."

Dre saw a small smirk come across Marshall's face, he just chuckled in return.
They laid there for a while in that same position until Marshall flipped over so that he was laying with his chest on Dre's. Dre wrapped his arms around Marshall and lightly glided his fingers across his back.
He could feel Marshall's soft skin start to get goosebumps as he moved his hand from one area to the next. He slowly started to stop rubbing Marshall's back and instead made his way to playing with his hair. Marsh's was getting long. It felt healthy since he hadn't bleached it in a while. Dre loved how soft it felt. He laid there with Marshall's head on his chest and listened to his breathing for signs that he had fallen asleep.
He felt so bad about what had happened earlier even though he desperately had wanted for it to happen. He cared a lot about Marshall, in what way he didn't know, but he know that he cared.

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