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By about 5:30 the boys decided to pack their stuff up for the day and head back to the hotel. Luckily their hotel was just across the street. Marshall hadn't realized how tired he was until they started walking back. Being out in the sun for a long time always made him tired but it was a good kind of tired. They made it back up to Marshall's suite and decided to shower and get all of the sand off of them. Marshall stripped as Dre started the shower. He walked over to feel the water before getting in. Dre came up behind him and started to squeeze his butt lightly while kissing his shoulder. He had almost forgotten that they were alone now. That meant he could do what he's been wanting to do all day. Marsh turned his head with his back still against Dre. He grabbed Dre's face and pulled it towards his. His lips were so soft. He kissed Dre one more time before hopping into the shower. They washed each other and rinsed off. Before Marshall could turn the shower off, Dre pulled him close to him. He laid his head on Dre's chest and closed his eyes as Dre wrapped his arms tighter around him. He could fall asleep right there in Dre's arms with the water running over them. They stayed there for a while before deciding to get out. He wanted to be playful with Dre but he was just too tired. He dried off and laid down on the hotel bed.
"You're not gonna put any clothes on?" Dre asked while still drying off
"Too tired."
Dre stopped drying off and laid down next to Marsh. He pulled the covers over them and pulled Marsh close to him. Marshall laid there close to Dre and started gently running his fingers along Dre's chest. He tangled his legs with Dre's and hugged onto him. He was fully embraced in softness. The softness of the bed, the sheets. The softness of Dre's body, Dre's touch. He let himself get lost in the softness. He took it all in. He missed this. It had been years since the last time he and Dre laid together like this. It had been the only time. They were so much younger then. Everything was so different. They'd grown up so much.
He was pulled back into the moment by Dre tilting his head up for a kiss. Dre played with his beard while their lips were locked. Dre pulled him in deeper until he was drowning in the kiss. They kissed continuously, only stopping for air. Marshall lightly licked Dre's bottom lip before gently biting it. Dre moaned in return. He slipped his tongue into Dre's mouth, Dre replied by positioning himself on top of Marshall in a missionary position. Marshall slowly moved his hips, rubbing against Dre's. Dre did the same. Dre moved his lips from kissing Marshall's lips to his jawline. Dre worked his way down Marshall's neck to chest. Marshall made a small whimpering noise as Dre started to lick, suck, and play with his nipples. Marshall gripped onto the back of Dre's neck with one hand and touched himself with the other.
Dre stopped playing with Marshall's nipples and kissed him again before telling him to sit up. Marshall sat up, Dre lifted him up so that his hips were right in line with Dre's mouth. Dre held him there against the wall, and started to leave hickeys on his inner thighs. Dre kissed his thighs and worked his way in towards his balls. Marsh sat there, hoisted against the wall and watched as his best friend took his balls into his mouth. His penis flinched in response. Dre sucked before coming off of them and wrapping his mouth instead around Marshall's tip. Marsh started to drip pre-cum as Dre fit the whole thing in his mouth. He could feel the back of Dre's throat with his tip. Dre managed to suck while still keeping it in his throat. Marshall looked down at Dre and for a few seconds their eyes locked. There was this look in Dre's eye that was undeniable. The way Dre looked at him, that specific mix of emotion. It was a mix of passion, lust, caring, and playfulness.

He loved him.

It just suddenly hit him until he could feel it in his chest. He looked closely at Dre who was still wrapped around his shaft. That look was still there. He motioned for Dre to stop and put him down. Dre complied. Marsh wrapped his arms around him and kissed him harder than he ever had. Dre held Marshall's face with both hands and kissed him deeper. He felt it too. He had too. Marshall laid back, with his lips still stuck on Dre's and opened his legs. Without ever breaking the kiss, he felt the head of Dre's penis move inside him. Dre was slow and gentle, careful not to hurt him. It stung at first but Marshall bit through the pain. The pain didn't matter to him. He pulled Dre closer and in unison Dre slipped a little further inside. Dre gently started to move in and out, going a bit deeper inside each time until he was fully inside.
Marshall gasped.
His eyes rolled into the back of his head. He lifted his hips up to give Dre access to go any deeper if possible. Dre wrapped both arms around him, one holding his back and the other, the back of his neck. Marshall wrapped his arms around Dre and lightly clawed at Dre's back as he filled him up. Dre kissed Marshall hard and slipped his tongue into his mouth. Dre lifted off of him enough to give himself room go play with Marshall. Dre started to stroke him while also giving him strokes. Dre's hand moved in unison with his hips. Marshall continued to grab at Dre's back as he felt himself getting close. He felt Dre deep inside him and had to let go. He felt a rush of pleasure move over him as his cum dripped down Dre's hand. Dre was still inside, slowly pounding him as he came. This just made him cum harder. He dug his nails into Dre's back. He had came already but Dre wasn't letting go. Dre continued to stroke him, all while still inside, until he could feel it building again. This time harder than before. He moaned loudly as he came again. This time Dre let go of him and again positioned himself directly on top of Marshall. Marsh could feel Dre going a bit harder with each stroke. He got as deep as he could. Dre fell onto him, moaning and clenching his teeth. Marshall felt Dre's penis pulsating, filling him up with his cum.

They stayed there together in that same position and attempted to catch their breaths. Dre eventually pulled out and got up. Dre cams back with a wet wash cloth and cleaned himself up before cleaning Marshall too. Dre got rid of the dirty wash cloth and climbed back into bed with Marshall. Marshall cuddled closer to Dre just took a second to breathe.
That actually happened.
He looked over at Dre who was staring at the ceiling, still trying to catch his breath. Dre looked back at him and smiled.
That look was still there.
That look of pure love.
Marshall wanted to say it but he didn't really know how. It was always easier to say in a song. In a song he could always excuse it and say it fit with the rhyme scheme. But there was no excuse for this. He rolled over, facing away from Dre and found the notepad on pen that was on the bedside table.
'I love you'
He laid back into Dre's arms and handed him the note. Dre looked at it for a second before placing it down on his nightstand. Dre pulled him close and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too."

They laid there in each other's arms, already tired from the days events, and fell asleep.

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